Hey guys, i hope you all are having good day.
Long story short.
I work in grey-collar job which, requires me to have official journey once a month or sometimes twice. Salary is great and i have enough money for living and investing, so no problems with that. Im living alone so im pretty minimalist with my money. Anyways, when im on the duty assignments, i spend the night at my female friends place. She is pretty boring and demanding but i don't give a damn. As for now ive just slept there and fucked here and thats all, no emotional investment on my point of view.
But until recently she has started asking me personal questions which i don't feel like answering. And sending messages like ,i miss you'' ,,you should come over'' ect.
At this point i got really afraid, my head started generating stories how she would steal my cum from used condom and how i would rise unwanted kids which would be like horror story for me if it would come to reality. Im not willing to take the risk to meet up with her for like forever.
After i received those type of message today, i just kindly told her that im not looking for any type of relationship and without giving her the time to reply , i deleted and blocked her number.