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[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
I've been saying this since the primaries. They did the same thing to Bernie and are now doing it with trump. We the people need to come together and unite to prevent this shit. Our lives are literally depending on it
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Thank you centipede it's nice to know we are appreciated in this upside down world of ours. I guess it helps that growing up I loved patton and MacArthur and trump reminds me of them. I've lost a couple friends over here so seeing shit like Crapernick taking a knee makes me sick what's worse is people defending that shit. I know my friends died defending what they believed in and as long as people like you exist they'd do it all over again.
Again were relying on you guys just as you are relying on us. I have a feeling something big is going to happen soon so just ready yourselves for when the shit hits the fan.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Don't dismiss this guy centipedes he has a point let me explain. He's outlining a problem alot of people on the fence have.
The #1 issue in the military through my experiences, I estimate that 30% which is stupid high in the military aren't on the trump train. Talking to my peers out of the 30%, the #1 issue with roughly 25% of them is they believe that trump is a democratic plant to ensure Hillary gets the Whitehouse.
I've been converting alot of my peers (over 50 now) to vote trump. Just show them the facts we've been redpilling people on here the last 18 months or so and some of them (those who critically think) will be red pilled. Some are lost causes but look at it this way if everyone on The_donald converted just 4 people we'd have another million votes.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Nothing wrong with a good ol Walden. Hell I'd like to live that life myself one day. I'm just afraid under another clinton administration it will be impossible to live that life. Best of luck to you centipede
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
I'll put it this way. I swore TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE US against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I know alot of other people who feel the same way, although I must admit there are alot more cucks in here than I would like to admit but I think 70-30% is an accurate non-cuck to cuck ratio atleast through my experience. Trump was smart to get the police and military on his side bc if shit hits the fan the fate of the country may indeed be on our hands and we know who has our best interest in mind. If shit hits the fan I'm confident we wouldn't turn on the people atleast I know I wouldn't. I'd rather be a dead man free in my grave than to ever live as a slave under tyranny. Keep fighting the good fight back home pedes were counting just as much on you guys as your counting on us.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
Looking at the race in 2012 coupled with registration numbers and crowd attendance,etc there's no way in hell without fraud she's even close.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Bc here your not alone. You'll have atleast 35-40 million other people with the same feelings as you. We would need to unite and literally fight back the swamp and if we came together as people we could really do something like our forefathers did with Britain. If we scatter across the world we would be to dispersed to really do anything and eventually it will catch up with you in the future bc they are globalist in other words no borders. They will hunt our dispersed assess like the Nazis did the Jews back in the day.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
The thing with globalist winning is where you going to go? Eventually they will form a 1 world govt and there won't be any borders anywhere which is why we need to fight now. I'm talking more than voting of course you do that but if she wins we literally need to fight for our lives. Arm yourself and learn to shoot a weapon in the coming weeks. Well be at war with ourselves or Russia soon enough.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 206 points207 points208 points  (0 children)
It's like those long ass runs in the Olympics. You pace yourself the first 9.5K then ramp it up and give it everything you got the final .5K. We are currently in the final .5K so let the enthusiasm hit an all time high
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 22 points23 points24 points  (0 children)
I'm currently overseas fighting for everyone's freedom from abroad but tbh I'm more afraid of our own govt than the radical basterds over here. I got everyone's back here but I hope you guys have our backs back home. If I was home though I would so go to the 10 million pepe march in DC if we organized one
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
Who knows what's fucking real anymore. Could be media trying to turn the voting fraud message that's resonating with the people into their own weapon by pushing the don't bother voting if it's rigged narrative.
Regardless it should serve to strengthen the resolve of trump supporters which is why I don't believe the media. We need to burn it all down as a society and rebuild it. It's to corrupt an only we can fix it whether it's by force or peace.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 73 points74 points75 points  (0 children)
Fuck 1 million let's get 10 million and if they don't oblige we fucking storm the capital and take our country back. We drain the goddamn swamp ourselves before they kill us off bc that's what they're trying to do ultimately
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 80 points81 points82 points  (0 children)
Fuck this shit guys arm yourselves. This is so egregious we need to demand they look into it or we March 10 million strong onto DC and take out the govt ourselves. They won't stop until we are purged from the US. It's now or never we need to act and soon
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Guys it's time, with clinton not even campaigning she is comfortable with the rigging and that is what's going to happen. Votes being changed, polls being skewed the media reporting bullshit it's all coordinated to ensure her victory. Still go out and vote but prepare yourselves.
Take the next 2 weeks and arm yourselves and learn the fundementals of shooting. There's going to be war coming soon whether it's civil or with Russia maybe both. It's time to quit fucking around and 1776 needs to commence once again so we can be free.
[–]Buttsex_and_Skittlez 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
Guys it's time, with clinton not even campaigning she is comfortable with the rigging and that is what's going to happen. Votes being changed, polls being skewed the media reporting bullshit it's all coordinated to ensure her victory. Still go out and vote but prepare yourselves.
Take the next 2 weeks and arm yourselves and learn the fundementals of shooting. There's going to be war coming soon whether it's civil or with Russia maybe both. It's time to quit fucking around and 1776 needs to commence once again so we can be free.
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