Key points- Extreme attacking of Donald trump
-Obsessive need to include girls, show their intelligence, to display the boys have girlfriends now, to push...womyn empowerment and political propaganda.
Lets start off with the attacks of Trump and once you read these quotes, then tell me they aren't endorsing Hilary and showing extreme political propaganda.
First, before you read the quotes, let me establish that mr garrsion is character being portrayed as donald trump;idiotic, racist , narcissist and an asshole..
and in this new season of south park, donald trump DOES NOT want to become president, he curses at his voters and his main objective is to LOOSE THE ELECTION.
When I refer to donald trump, I refer to mr garrison, or the person portraying donald trump in the episode.
Quote 1-‘When I started this campaign I was saying allot of shit because I was angry and then I turned that anger into pushing buttons by being more and more outrageous. Slowly people started paying attention to me and I guess it made me feel powerful. Well now the chickens have come home to roost. Sooner or later we all get exposed. Were all held accountable for what we say, what we do. There is only one thing that matters now. On November 8 you must vote against me and show the world that you didn’t think the new star wars was all that good. When your in that voting booth remember that every vote for hilary Clinton is a vote that shows the world that we agree that the force awakens was more like a happy days reunion special then a movie.the choice is yours America. Please make the right one.'
In south park, Donald trump tells his voters that 'he has no idea what he’s doing and his mission is 'to not get elected president’. Donald trump also says ‘I tried being dirty. I tried being vulgar and nothing happened. These people will vote for anyone. Their idiots'
Stan’s dad says to Donald trump ‘your going to have to speak from the heart and not make it about you, So that Donald trump would not achieve presidency, Donald trump response ‘well that’s just impossible’
The way they portray Hilary Clinton is they insult her intelligence ONCE. South park does not insult hilary clinton much at all. The way south park portrays Hilary clinton, she may as well be perfect..The mary sue display is highly consistent in this new season of south park.
Part 2: The womyns empowerment and it being in your face
Cartman has a new girlfriend, along with butters. Cartman's girlfriend has become very significant to him and Cartman really cares for this girl but Cartman will belittle himself because whenever he go's anywhere with his girlfriend, he wears a shirt that says 'I'm with smart and funny'. His girlfriend on the other hand, wears a shirt that says 'I'm with stupid'.
That is minuscule compared to the way Cartman seems to be addicted to making sure that people know his girlfriend is smart and funny. Cartman frequently tells his friend kyle, that his girlfriend is smart and funny and he continues over and over again. Cartman is so obsessed with this that one time kyle didn't acknowledge his girlfriend being 'smart and funny' , so cartman go's to kyles house and tells kyle ' Why didn't you call my girlfriend smart and funny? Kyle says 'she said nothing funny'. Cartman responds 'You need to acknowledge women more and stop hating them'. This new season of south park blatantly establishes that every single girl is brilliant and Cartman is a large(literally) mangina. Cartman showers his girlfriend in compliments, like I said, obsessively . Cartman puts his girlfriend, very highly on the pedestal.
You think I'm making this up? Go watch the new episodes.
Something sinister is happening with South Park. If you don't believe me, go watch the episodes for yourself. South park has never pushed such extreme political 'opinions'(propaganda) and its all very much in your face.
This is all too convenient, especially with the presidential campaign and all the womyns empowerment in hollywood movies.
PLEASE WATCH THE NEW SEASON of south park and really analyze what's going on.
Now let me leave you off on one last thing. The people who think my thread is bullshit are the people who are going to stand out a mile a way as sjw's.
Read these quotes, especially the ones about donald trump and cartman's obsessive need to make sure people realize 'she is smart and funny' and even how they follow up and establish the girls in the episode are consistently brilliant