It's important to remember that the changes Western society has seen over the last half century - dividing and conquering, alienating the genders, economic impingements on the human lifestyle, both individually and to undermine the optimal social unit - the Nuclear family - affects both genders. Together and separately.
Men are being isolated, shamed, shunned, blamed for all the evils of the world despite our having literally created 99% of everything good in human society. We are being marginalized, raised and educated by women, feminized and domesticated, all with the end goal of reducing our potential and ultimately, eradicating western males as a people.
What has happened - and is happening - to women, is just the flipside of that coin. They have been subject to their own - perhaps even more intensive - indoctrination. Saturated in popular media depicting an attractive but wholly artificial and unsustainable way for women to live. This in turn has changed what it means to be a women, as much as what it means to be a man has been perverted.
And yet, despite the pervasiveness of this indoctrination, despite it's obviousness to any who would see it - especially when they have a rude awakening of cognitive dissonance when their perceptions butt up against the unyielding truth of reality - there will never be an WGTOW movement.
Why? First lets look at why MGTOW and similar 'redpilled' movements among men exist.
We are here because, for the most part, we have woken up. We had our own rude awakenings, our own harrowing experiences that tore away the blinders we had forced on us, and revealed reality. Facing the horrifying truth, we here made the choice to move forward. To shoulder the burdens of knowledge, put aside childish or artificial perceptions, and move on. To build and rebuild, knowing we at least now build on the firm foundation of Truth. We each have our scars, we are each damaged goods in some way, but we have the opportunity to heal. And like a broken bone set and mended, to be stronger than before, despite the damage.
Men can stand alone. Go their own way. We have the strength, the intelligence, the will, and most importantly the endurance to take hardship and continue on. Whether that hardship be physical, psychological, social or otherwise. We endure.
Women cannot. When faced with the reality that tears down all their Disney Princess(c) ideas, sundering every scrap of worldview that told them they were perfect, valuable, priceless, worthwhile, unique, etc - they cannot stand it.
A lone man can at least have confidence in himself and his strength as he goes his own way. But a woman defines her value only as it relates to others. They cannot be alone without losing everything that makes them who and what they are. They cannot be truly independent. And so they will always, always subscribe to the indoctrination, at least on some level.
They will never break with the herd, never think independently. They are in a constant battle to adhere or exceed the set social standard. And when that social standard become corrupted, or co-opted into serving an (((agenda))), they simply follow along. They literally have no choice.
This world was made by men, and women have always wanted to live in it - to benefit from its comforts, luxuries and resources. They will do whatever they can to keep that - even adhering to an agenda which seeks to undermine and destroy it - so short sighted are they. Women cannot be relied upon to be independent thinkers, much less independent actors. You will be waiting a long time before any such woman - much less a group - separates itself from its source of dependency (the State) to stand against it's wrongdoings.
It must - as it always has - fall to Men.
[–]Benny757 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Charles_Offdensen 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]JStheHammer 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)