Not to belabor the constant "frame" concepts propounded by The Red Pill, but I've made some observations today as these concepts apply to MGTOW.
People of all walks of life are going to throw shit in our direction. Each of us has to dodge the petty, shitty bullets that others wish to fling. Male, female, it really doesn't matter. Fling they will.
There's the bitch or shit head tailgating our asses, pushing us to go faster or move over as we make out way to work. there's the snide comments made by a co-worker, male or female, to restate the obvious, and get a good rib in on how "un-smart" we are for not noticing obvious things which we did not notice earlier, nor did we give a flying fuck about in the first place.
There are the people, male and female, feeding off of our every word, every action, to find weakness, and to then use it to our advantage. I myself plead guilty to this as well. We're all a little bit guilty in this regard.
So, what's to be done about this? What's to be done about "holding frame" in these small, little, daily shit storm situations that can either ruin the day, or make it worse than it should be?
I submit to you: "Internalize it." Don't react. Don't come back with that snide quip you just know will insult and destroy their mood. Internalize it, process it in silence, and thought. Then file it away, push back from that situation, and walk away. In fact, flow away like water. Respond with lack of any response. See yourself as like a coating of resilience; stoic, accepting, and more than willing to just step back, and walk away.
So, this morning, I experienced several triggers. Any one of them was bait. Bait to treble hook my ass and make my life worse. And though I wanted to lash out, I consciously chose to hold my frame, and to not react. And everyone of those little shit storms evaporated, and ceased to exist.
And that was just this morning. Yep, more shit storms to come. And more stopping, internalizing, and stepping back, and walking away. Smiling into the morning and afternoon sun.
Be well, brothers.
Edited for my continuous grammar failings.
[–]BruceJennerTesticles 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Benny757[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)