No good news yet.
Hey Backers,
This project is long overdue for an update. Thank-you to those who asked for one kindly!
Unfortunately there isn’t much in the form of good news…
The Police have yet to press charges. Although David admitted to everything on camera, he is not talking to or cooperating with the police. Kickstarter is being responsive to the Police and has advised that they obtain a warrant through MLAT (mutual legal assistance treaty) so that Kickstarter can give the police information without breaking their privacy policy. This is the best kickstarter can do, and I find it very respectable that Kickstarter sticks to their privacy policy. After all, the world would be a scarier place if companies volunteered such sensitive information to any police force on earth without due diligence. I dont think its Kickstarter’s place to do any more... Can you Imagine how much more of a cut they would have to take if they started fighting legal battles every time a campaign went sour? In this case I believe a crime has been committed, and therefore it is the police that have the budget and the authority to do something about it.
Since the last update we’ve had to shut down operations almost entirely. Shortly after I broke the news I was working on multiple investment deals, none of which panned out. The company was no longer able to afford rent at the headquarters, so everything has been moved to storage. All of the employees have been let go, and my brother and I have both had to find other work to make ends meet. That being said, I am still working on Peachy Printer in my spare time. I have tried all kinds of things to get this company back on its feet. I’m not going to quit. I still want to bring this project to a better end than this, although right now I’m not sure how I will do that.
Until next time,
Rylan Grayston.
Yourtime about 6 hours ago
dear rylan, thank you for still keeping us up to date, I am happy to read something new, I understand that there will be maybe no fast change. I hope it will work out soon for you guys. If I am able to help you somehow aside of the things you said, please let us know.
Are you able maybe to set up your printer for more showcases? like let people submit some models and make a voting and then print the first 3 models with video and also some pictures.
I am sure other backers would be also pleased to see this, but only if you are able by your current time and with the current resources, you have
EvErywhErE about 10 hours ago
Thank you for not giving up Rylan!!
Mary Rebecca Bradbury about 12 hours ago
Thank you for doing what you can.
Kassandra Kapan about 15 hours ago
How do you fell about developing this into a more self source DIY project. Right now it's open source, but if you developed scrap-build instructions for kickstarters it could build some good will and confidence that you have a product but inside and outside this community. My guess is that many would not make it.
For me, I don't really care about the scam or the past, other the how it affects trust going forward. I happen to have worked in effects, it's why I got into 3D printing. Also dieing dreams and hard work ending in "nothing" is kinda par for the course, but it doesn't always reflect on the idea.
In a way, you are trying to compete with ffd and more developped resin printers in a small company. In 2005, riprap was announced and in 2008 Darwin was made. In 2009, years later, Darwin's creation of a first child. It was a worked on by 100s of after that iterating from Mendel to prusa or Huxley. Away, from self replication to other goals. Abandoning D.C. Motor extruders to stepstruders. Abs and hdpe to PLA.
All the changes that FFD repap did from 2009 to 2013 is analogous to what I have seen in peachy, but attempted under a single roof. It a limited analogy, but when you look at man hours an number of tweaks, number of verification test, materials tested and myth busted. Working to get others to make your machine, aside being a good thing via options other then FFD for consumer at the low end, could be low cost research and development gain.
Is something like this even possible now?
George S VanWinkle about 17 hours ago
This was a scam from day 1.
Brett about 22 hours ago
It doesn't appear as though a crime has been committed. It appears that David had authorization to access and transfer the money, so, without details of his employment or partner contract, it looks to me like a simple case of financial mismanagement. Which means, unless David is remorseful enough to sell his house and return our money, we're all out of luck.
Brian Boudreau 1 day ago
Thank you for the update. If I lived closer I would be more than willing to volunteer to assist you. Have you reached out to any local backers for support? Are you able to proceed with anything while there is a potential legal battle going on? Thanks again.
veritanuda 1 day ago
Thanks for the update. What I take away from this situation is not one of despair because it came to naught but rather hope that you still have Peachy Printer ideas and that they are good ones.
So much effort has been put into developing it, it would be a tragedy if all that effort was lost due to abandonment.
Maybe you can yet convince people to invest in making it a finished product else perhaps it is better to let the development count for something and turn it into a github project or something. For sure the data you have collected about what does and does not work would benefit any amateur hackerspace.
I just don't want the idea of Peachy Printer to die. It is so innovative and different and it works that it would be crime for it to be forgotten.
Anyway, once again thanks for the update and hope you and your brother keep everything else afloat for yourselves and your families.
Take care.
Circa 24 1 day ago
I am sorry for your troubles as well as our own. The sense of betrayal must be overwhelming, and the damage to your reputation may haunt you for a long time. I thank you for being so honest and upfront with us about the problem. It takes guts.
Alan Claver 1 day ago
Where is the money we gave to purchase supplies you didn't need to manufacture? You can refund that at least.