“Wait I’m sorry, who’s here? Mistresses! Bill how could you? How will I go on with the debate? I’ll never be able to remember my facts and figures now, oh Donald how could you?
Get real, I’m made of steel. This is nothing. Hi, girls.”
‘Hillary Clinton’
It’s probably titanium steel, although she can put it away now. At this stage, Hillary Clinton only has to show up and be the adult in the room to win the final debate.
Trump has already destroyed himself: even if Kellyanne Conway had spent the last eight days re-enacting the aversion therapy scene from A Clockwork Orange and forced Trump to watch images of falling polls in a repeating loop with his eyes held open, it wouldn’t make any difference. The point at which the Ludovico Technique or, more modestly, a solid debate performance from Donald Trump, could make a difference has come and gone.
In fact, the only unknown in advance of tonight’s debate is how high the crazy meter jumps. It oscillated so hard at the last debate, the glass nearly broke.