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Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Calls Bernie Fans and Millennials “Bucket of Losers” in Goldman Sachs Speech

Jim Hoft Oct 8th, 2016 9:31 am 57 Comments
She sure likes to put people into buckets and baskets.
goldman sachs hillary
Hillary Clinton called Bernie supporters and millennials a “bucket of losers” in her speech to Goldman Sachs.
“This coalition, a collection of generally under-represented, low social capital individuals has become increasingly networked and increasingly motivated. This group that our analysts are calling the ((Makes air quotes)) bucket of losers could not only be a significant force in the next election but could, on an outside percentile, even win.”
Goldman Sachs Transcripts: Hillary Calls Left "Bucket of Losers" – – Thank you Wikileaks!
— The Impious Digest (@impiousdigest) October 7, 2016
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Gateway Pundit

Amal Clooney Fears for her Life Taking ISIS to Court

Amal Clooney fights back tears this morning speaking about her new trial taking on ISIS. The attorney and her husband George Clooney fear for her ...
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