@HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump Hillary! More like Hilarity! Am I right?
@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump burrrrrrrrn - その他の返信を表示
- さらに表示
@HillaryClinton@hunterhockey And Dewey defeats Truman! Didn't you hear? -
@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump berantem melulu -
@HillaryClinton No comedy! No comedy! You're the comedy! No, you're the comedy!!pic.twitter.com/L1MNaKkFcZ - その他の返信を表示
@realDenaldTrump@HillaryClinton Good one Denald!! ;-)
@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump#PodestaEmails14 im reading YOUR EMAILS right now!! - その他の返信を表示
@USAneedsTRUMP@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump you do know she isn't Podesta, right? -
@orvis2010@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump her emails are in there, you should read them too!! - その他の返信を表示
@USAneedsTRUMP@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump I'll read them right after I read Trump's tax returns -
@orvis2010@USAneedsTRUMP@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump HRC forced to be transparent while Trump is still as opaque as ever - さらに表示
@HillaryClinton@realDonaldTrump http://citizensfortrump.com/2016/10/19/press-conference-danney-williams-abandoned-son-president-bill-clinton-ask-dna-sample-ex-prez/ … After the DNA test proves Bill is Danney's father will you finally accept him? - その他の返信を表示
@USAneedsTRUMP@HillaryClinton He's already had DNA testing when he was 13. He didn't come close to a match with Clinton. - その他の返信を表示
@JeannieSee@HillaryClinton theres different types of testing, rookie - その他の返信を表示
@USAneedsTRUMP@JeannieSee@HillaryClinton DNA tests cannot prove that someone is definitely related only that they definitely aren't -
@El_Squeegio@USAneedsTRUMP@HillaryClinton Exactly. He isn't related to Clinton.