This isn't about just a ban, but it starts out with a ban, but goes on to reveal that r/progressive is being taken over by neolib centrists. Names will be named! Facts will be facted! And the word will be gotten out about what's happening on r/progressive, which is the object of this post.
I was banned from r/progressive and had no idea why, and was given no reason why. So I started looking for reasons. Most of my posts in r/progressive were very much in keeping with r/progressive values, because I am a progressive.
So I started looking for other reasons why I might have gotten banned. And I noted that I got the ban shortly after I had been posting in various threads that I was voting for Jill Stein and urging other progressives to vote for Jill Stein if they were not in swing states. I still think progressives in swing states should vote Hillary to ensure that Trump does not become President.
This is a fairly innocuous position to take, overall, since Jill Stein is a progressive candidate, but what was different was that I argued that progressives had a DUTY to vote for Stein (or other progressive candidates) and not for Hillary in non-swing states, because that would build up momentum for progressive candidates down the road.
But why would that get me banned from r/progressive? The only people that might not like it are centrist neolibs who want to spike the progressive movement. And surely no such types would be in a mod in r/progressive.
Having had that thought, I took a hard look at the posting history of mods on r/progressive. And sure enough, I found two mods who were clearly Hillary Clinton advocates, the two new mods, u/progress18 and u/michaelconfoy, both brought in a month ago.
And Hillary Clinton is the leader of the neolib centrists in the Democratic Party. She is not a progressive, and neither are her fans.
u/progress18 is also a mod for r/hillaryclinton. Enough said. u/michaelconfoy has a long posting history of rabid support for Hillary Clinton.
Having Clinton supporters as mods for r/progressive is like having Trump supporters for a Bernie Sanders subreddit, or vice versa. It is not going to work out well.
That there are two Hillary supporters on r/progressive is alarming enough, but they had to have been invited in by the other mods on r/progressive, and that's even more alarming. Because progress18 and michaelconfoy are not stealth Hillary supporters, their posting history makes their support very clear. So at least some of the other progressive mods are either Hillary fans or are not aware that you can't be a Hillary supporter AND be a progressive. And I'm not sure which of these is more alarming, but they're both alarming.
Therefore I have to conclude that the progressive subreddit has been taken over by, or is being taken over by neolib centrists, just like they took over the Democratic Party establishment in Washington, quietly and without announcing their true goals.
I would advise looking at the progressive subreddit with extreme skepticism if you are a progressive. It is in the process of becoming another DNC, if you know what I mean. And I think you do.