@Reuters ?????
@Reuters wow, hard hitting news. Cover the shit that actually matters. Unfollowed.. - その他の返信を表示
@Realseahawkfan@Reuters Reuters has become worse than cnn... unfollowing -
@Joh_Nish@Realseahawkfan@Reuters how dare they report on a issue of national interest... - その他の返信を表示
@ihearshefloats@Joh_Nish@Realseahawkfan@Reuters its not dumb@realDonaldTrump fault his mic was broken ..along with his brain -
@theandrewkorn@ihearshefloats@Realseahawkfan@Reuters@realDonaldTrump such amazing tweets... can i follow you?
@Reuters All you need to know about this man and his campaign: does't want his campaign lies used as evidence in court of law. -
@Reuters Hey Donald - I thought you were the law and order candidate? Somehow you are now above the law like the elitists you rail against? -
@Reuters .Absolutely not it shows his character! -
@Reuters <-- ESTABLISHMENT HACKS SAME as USA MSM NOTHING on Democrat CORRUPTION EXPOSED by@WikiLeaks@NickRiccardi - その他の返信を表示
@UnitedCitizen01@Reuters@WikiLeaks@NickRiccardi "Your honor, It wasn't me."pic.twitter.com/bazdtpHyUs
@Reuters "Your Honor, you and I both know he didn't mean it-@realDonaldTrump will tell you himself he didn't ACTUALLY want to be POTUS" -
@Reuters .@realDonaldTrump Hilarious. -
@Reuters LOLWUT? -
@Reuters So it wasn't "courtroom" talk? -
@Reuters The jokes, they write themselves