I was just thinking about this sub compared to the_dolan, and it really makes me appreciate the kind of people (for the most part) that are here.
Specifically, last night, during the memorial dinner, this sub was laughing with the audience and applauding Trump's funny lines. We know and appreciate a good joke when we see it and don't need to cut down everything from "the other side" just to make a point. Of course, when his speech went south, the story changed a little bit, but that's a different matter. I was over at the_donuts to see what they were saying about the dinner and it was just awful.
Secondly, some guy wants to get to the top of the sub for making a video of Trump lying because he feels bad doing the same to Hillary earlier in the campaign. Some of the top comments were say that if he is just going to make a video of out of context Trump quotes just to make the guy look bad, it would be better if he didn't at all (credit to u/janiceNaccounting for making that point). Really shows the class of this sub.
So, long story short, I appreciate a place that can sling shitposts with the best of them (and that has the best automods out there), but that still has the presence of mind to be reasonable people.
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