The way I read the current situation with manbaby Trump doing advertising for TrumpTV is that the more support from the GOP that he lost, the more he decided that he truly didn't GAF about the election and simply thought to himself to use running for President as megatastic exposure to launch TV.
IOW, he wasn't serious. I don't know when the big shift in his little mind occurred but that's how I read it. You gotta figure that all that whining he was throwing at Ryan was really Trump deciding to say fuck it. Trump was not in this for the American people. He was in it for himself.
He knew what the GOP was and he knew how to play them like a violin. Now, I do think that Trump is a racist and he's most definitely a woman hater, but I think the Evangelical crap he simply threw in there to get votes. I also think Trump isn't serious about the abortion issue either but he knew he had to dogwhistle.
I bet that if TrumpTV gets up and running, we're going to hear every single fart sound of Trump's brain. He'll take us through the 2016 race and we'll hear in his own words the moment he decided to abandon all hope of the presidency and focus his efforts on his own TV empire.
Trump trolled the GOP BIGTIME and because the GOP is filled with gullible idiots like himself, he got away with it. The only thing that we libs must do now is make the Republicans own him. Trump wasn't a weed that grew in the nice GOP garden. Trump was just waiting to grow in the racist, misogynist, xenophobic sewer that IS the GOP.
This is why even Mike Pence was adamant about going on Natl TV saying 'I haven't known him for that long.' You're gonna see all the GOP rats scurrying after this election. I mean, you had Kelly Ayotte disavow Trump but in the same breath say that she loved Pence because she has daughters and wants them to have a good future. Does she even know that Pence wanted to force females to have funerals for fetuses they either miscarried or aborted?
I think some ppl in the GOP knew that Trump was playing them for fools and simply using them for his own ends. However, because the GOP has no spine and thought they could control him, they let the train keep a rollin. Well, the train is in mid air. it went flying off a cliff.
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