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International : Development and Relief Services

The Clinton Foundation

Strengthening the capacity of people to meet the challenges of global interdependence


1271 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10020
tel: (212) 348-8882   Web Site
EIN: 31-1580204

Board Leadership
Bruce Lindsey

Donna Shalala

(out of 100)
Overall Score & Rating 94.74
  Financial 97.50
  Accountability & Transparency 93.00
This rating was published 09/01/2016 using data provided by the charity on a consolidated pro forma 990 which was verified against 990s received from the IRS.

Learn more about how we calculate the overall score and rating.



Accountability & Transparency


This rating was published 09/01/2016 and includes data from FY2014, the most recent 990 received at that time.
Overall Rating Chart
  Program Expenses
(Percent of the charity’s total expenses spent on the programs
and services it delivers)
  Administrative Expenses 8.7%
  Fundraising Expenses 4.2%
  Fundraising Efficiency $0.03
  Working Capital Ratio (years) 1.17
  Program Expenses Growth 17.3%
  Liabilities to Assets 15.3%
All data for Financial Performance Metrics calculations was provided by The Clinton Foundation on recent 990s filed with the IRS.
All data for Financial Performance Metrics calculations was provided by The Clinton Foundation on recent 990s filed with the IRS.

Highly Rated

Charity Name & State Overall Score Overall Rating
The Clinton Foundation (NY) 94.74
One Heart World-Wide (CA) 92.04
Los Cabos Children's Foundation (MN) 91.86
The Armenian EyeCare Project (CA) 94.44
International Crisis Aid (MO) 98.23

Compare These Charities (Highly Rated)

The Clinton Foundation convenes businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for women and girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.

   Contributions, Gifts & Grants $190,192,538
   Federated Campaigns $115,910
   Membership Dues $43,281
   Fundraising Events $14,828,409
   Related Organizations $6,874,010
   Government Grants $102,059,161
Total Contributions $314,113,309
   Program Service Revenue $2,897,690
Total Primary Revenue $317,010,999
   Other Revenue $2,490,569
TOTAL REVENUE $319,501,568
   Program Expenses $201,397,304
   Administrative Expenses $20,619,878
   Fundraising Expenses $7,610,237
Payments to Affiliates $0
Excess (or Deficit) for the year $89,874,149
Net Assets $371,958,668

Program names and associated costs are listed for the top programs as reported on the charity's most recently filed Form 990. The top programs displayed will include the largest three programs, or those programs covering at least 60% of the charity's total expenses, whichever comes first.

Program Name Amount Spent % of Program Expenses
Clinton Health Access Initiative $128,845,117 64.0%
Clinton Global Initiative $23,176,059 11.5%
Clinton Presidential Center $12,308,704 6.1%
Clinton Climate Initiative $8,293,416 4.1%
Form 990 FYE Date Published Overall Score Overall Rating
CN 2.1
2014-12 09/01/2016 94.74

Prior to 9/1/2016, Charity Navigator issued Advisories under the name CN Watchlist and Donor Advisory. For more information on the CN Advisory system click here. This charity appeared on the CN Watchlist.

Date Listed Date Removed  
03/13/2015 12/21/2015 View details

The data displayed on this tab is provided by the IRS in the form of Publication 78 and the Business Master File (BMF).

EIN 31-1580204
NTEE Code E70
NTEE Classification Public Health Program (Includes General Health and Wellness Promotion
NTEE Type Health - General and Rehabilitative
Classification Charitable Organization
Subsection 501(c)(3)  (View the list of codes)
Activities (994) Described in section 170(b)1)(a)(vi) of the Code
(61) Library
Foundation Status Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public   170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
Deductibility Contributions are deductible
Affiliation Independent - the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations).
Group Name [Not Applicable]
Ruling Date January, 1998
Filing Requirement 990 (all other) or 990EZ return
Fiscal Year End December
IRS Forms 990
(provided courtesy of Foundation Center)
(Log In or Register Now to View Forms 990!)
  • December, 2014
  • December, 2013
  • December, 2012
  • December, 2011
  • December, 2010

The data displayed in this profile is provided by the IRS for free in the form of Publication 78 and the Business Master File (BMF).

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This tool is not for questions about Charity Navigator, such as how we derived this charity’s rating. We will happily answer those questions if you contact us directly. Likewise, if you have questions for this charity, then we encourage you to contact the charity directly (we include the charity’s contact information in the upper left-hand corner of this page) since few charities regularly monitor this commenting tool.

Compensation % of Expenses Paid to Title
$498,847 0.21% Eric Braverman Chief Executive Officer
Other Salaries of Note
$361,407 0.15% Bruce Lindsey Chairman of the Board

The Clinton Foundation convenes businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for women and girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.

Highly Rated

Charity Name & State Overall Score Overall Rating
The Clinton Foundation (NY) 94.74
The Armenian EyeCare Project (CA) 94.44
VillageReach (WA) 98.23
International Orthodox Christian Charities (MD) 92.92
Stop Hunger Now (NC) 92.38

Compare These Charities (Highly Rated)

Are you the representative for this organization? If so, click here to access the application form. As an official representative you will have the ability to update some of the information on this page.

Note: This rating represents consolidated financial data for these organizations:

  • Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton Health Access Initiative (27-1414646)

Charity Contact Info

The Clinton Foundation
1271 Avenue of the Americas
42nd Floor
New York, NY 10020
tel: (212) 348-8882
EIN: 31-1580204

Visit Web Site

Board Leadership

Bruce Lindsey


Donna Shalala

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