NVIDIA Technology Powers New Home Gaming System, Nintendo Switch

The first thing to know about the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system: it’s really fun to play. With great graphics, loads of game titles and incredible performance, the Nintendo Switch will provide people with many hours of engaging and interactive gaming entertainment.

But creating a device so fun required some serious engineering. The development encompassed 500 man-years of effort across every facet of creating a new gaming platform: algorithms, computer architecture, system design, system software, APIs, game engines and peripherals. They all had to be rethought and redesigned for Nintendo to deliver the best experience for gamers, whether they’re in the living room or on the move.

A Console Architecture for the Living Room and Beyond

Nintendo Switch is powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor. The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards.

Nintendo SwitchThe Nintendo Switch’s gaming experience is also supported by fully custom software, including a revamped physics engine, new libraries, advanced game tools and libraries. NVIDIA additionally created new gaming APIs to fully harness this performance. The newest API, NVN, was built specifically to bring lightweight, fast gaming to the masses.

Gameplay is further enhanced by hardware-accelerated video playback and custom software for audio effects and rendering.

We’ve optimized the full suite of hardware and software for gaming and mobile use cases. This includes custom operating system integration with the GPU to increase both performance and efficiency.

NVIDIA gaming technology is integrated into all aspects of the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system, which promises to deliver a great experience to gamers.

The Nintendo Switch will be available in March 2017. More information is available at https://www.nintendo.com/switch.

Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.

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  • http://www.eddiegivens.com/ Eddie E. Givens, Jr.

    very interesting indeed.

  • DMF Savior Senpai!

    Oh my gawd. I want! 😀

  • xboxmaster

    but i though that consoles are a thing of the past, and dead? that’s what you told me nVidia… so how is it?

  • diego

    oh gays, They put a 9800GT inside the switch lololol

  • Alex Lee

    tegra x1 or x2? Please be the x2!

  • riccy

    they were just mad they didn’t have anything to offer Sony or Microsoft

  • http://Bap.bap Bap

    Wow neat source on that bro.

  • Ventilator

    Its most likely the unreleased Parker NVIDIA GPU or similar.

  • A Practiced Observer

    Looks interesting enough. I hope it gets good software support.

  • GeDDeN

    None Disclosure Agreement.. NDA

  • PhazeDelta


  • Ahmed AbuBakr

    This is Awesome 😀

  • Nami

    So this is why nVidia decided to cancel the Shield Tablet 2. Any info on what processor you guys put in it? The new Pascal TX1?

  • GeDDeN

    looking REALLY good AND the Switch ALREADY has more 3rd party than the Wii U… I’m hyped.

  • Adam Wells

    So my guess is a custom android OS.

  • orion

    Meh .

  • Seanchan

    This is pure and crystal clear awesomeNess..

  • Adam Wells

    X2 is my guess. Too soon for Xavier.

  • Alex Landy

    Or Ios. Apple and Nintendo have some kind of releationship.

  • Victor Pacheco

    omg!!!!!!!!!!! perfect

  • MagliettaUmida

    More specs, please

  • Cameron Standring

    So it’s a custom Pascal chip. Beautiful.

  • PhazeDelta

    what is perfect tegra is BS

  • noahwayne0

    it looks neat in theory, whether it works or not in the wild remains to be seen.

  • Wonderkarp

    So whats the battery life going to be?

  • Adam Wells

    Apple will never let anyone put there OS on a non apple device.

  • Peter Strabow

    How fast it is compared to a Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M?

  • Jan

    Yeah, this is actually really good. from living room, move onto bed, clearing up inventories before next day hunts/quests.

    Thank you Nintendo, and please less Mario and Zelda please. :D, they are good, but they need a little bit of time-off lol.

  • kron123456789

    That’s why Shield Tablet 2 is cancelled and there is zero info about future of Shield Portable an Android TV. Buisness is buisness, I guess. Anyway, we need more specs of this.

  • Illuminatico

    is that better than tegra x1?

  • https://google.com/+RenaudLepage Renaud Lepage

    HOLY CRAP. Yeah, um, getting this.

  • Shankovich

    Amazing work guys! Sounds like Pascal is under the hood then (“…world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards”?). Not a fan of nVidia’s practices but this is great for competition. Can’t wait for March, congrats to everyone in the engineering teams!

  • Nathan Ostroski

    Can’t wait! Day One purchase for sure. RIP Wii U

  • Shankovich

    It was le contract losing salt

  • disqus_uqr3Boh0Wp

    I’m glad it’s Nvidia, I have always preferred their cards.

  • Bluegrass Ky

    Thnak God Nintendo made the right choice. They now have access to everything possible from Shield.

  • Ventilator

    Yes. Tegra X1 is 2 years old.

    The old Tegra X1 supports 1080p/60 in games.
    X1 also supports 4K/60 on video.

    Switch is using “X2” which is alot better.

  • Darrell Markie

    that’s because they are using a mobile chipset ..so this would be considered more of a mobile device.

  • Gilbertify

    Wow, all the rumors about this thing were true! Glad they were. So excited.

  • Shimaran

    Ok, so there is a GPU into the console itself, but is there something more in the dock ? Does the dock offer more power ?

  • komrath

    Nice 🙂 It’s all about the games after all, but knowing NVidia is inside makes me less worried about graphical fidelity 🙂

  • Jonas Lavarini

    ok, but how many teraflops? How is it going to compare with the basic ps4 and the ps4 pro?

  • Gilbertify

    Definitely more powerful than a PS3 and Xbox 360 combined if it’s able to run Skyrim remastered on it. I’d say the screen is 720p and the games will be native 720p, some 1080p of course. 720p will allow for better performance over 1080p.

  • komrath

    I wouldn’t held hopes for PS4 Pro, but maybe it will be around PS4

  • Dave_c

    and RIP 3ds

  • Gilbertify

    lol, this is probably a 940 or 950m.

  • komrath

    3DS is pretty safe as long as the screen is so big

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    Are the tegra chips powerful? Making a comparison with Ps4 and Xone, how far behind will be the Switch?

  • Hank Hill

    That doesnt look like Skyrim Remastered it looks like Vanilla and with terrible frame-rate

  • sfried

    So, I guess we should nickname this device the “Ninvidia”

    “The way it’s meant to be played, because there’s no play like it!”

  • DRIG

    POWAH!? IT GOT POWAH!!!???

  • Roger Britto

    Wow! It will be more powerful than a console release in 2005… This should be at least on par with the x86 twins.

  • riccy

    Not really considering it’s primarily a handheld device..


    Basically WiiU Portable

  • riccy

    GPU would be faster but not sure about CPU

  • Roger Britto


  • riccy

    Quite a ways behind, it’s a handheld device.

  • Bluegrass Ky

    extremely powerful. The Shield ANDROID tv can do ps3/xbox360 easily and that’s april 2015 tech. If Nvidia used an updated version in a sli type configuration they could do ps4…guaranteed. PS4 is midrange graphics anyway.
    Shield tv does 4k output with android games. A updated version could do 4k Nintendo games.

  • Roger Britto

    Does it say that?

  • YoshiAngemon

    Who wants to throw their Wii U’s out the window? Anyone? I won’t.

  • riccy

    Android TV can’t do PS3

  • Daniel Masterson

    It is Skyrim remastered.

  • Gilbert Nicks


    Looks like a decent line up… lets hope they don’t drop like everyone did on wiiu

  • Pecisk

    Tigra X1 under the hood.

  • TheGrandadParadox

    Yes can we get a screen resolution and a comparable processor power please? Really nice product. Need to know more. Thanks

  • riccy

    720p for handheld, not sure on processing power

  • 59fps

    How can you tell?

  • TheGrandadParadox

    You got any sources for this buddy?

  • Aron Lee

    Nice Nintendo caught up to ps3 graphical power finally.

  • Fierce_Deity_link

    wii u already did that

  • Cap87

    It’s a portable, forget about any sort of sli integration. Until more details are announced you’re probably looking at a tegra x1 with some custom updates.

  • http://metaunicorn.com jota

    I think it’s based on Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 series. It says: ” same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce”

  • kontis


    Some people may feel offended but… Ouya was ahead of its time with the concept of microconsole (and using a mobile GPU for home gaming) and clearly inspired Nintendo. I was a big fan of its concept, but it failed for other reasons. People wre mocking it for lack of power but they should have been mocking it for content and the ecosystem, not the chip.

    Smart marketing and good form factor ideas can make a giant difference and Nintendo just proved it. If you had told people a few years ago that the next nintendo console will be a microconsole with newer Ouya’s chip they would have called you crazy or trolling.

  • Sonicx9

    Tegra X1 or Tegra X2?

  • Rogerio de Andrade

    I don´t care about specs, really. If it´s similar to the PS4 (probably is) then it´s more than enough.
    What really matter are the game library. If it gets lots of Jrpgs and action games, then count me in at the line on the launch day

  • 59fps

    That’s the key. I think they’ll have missed a trick, especially with PS4 and XBO doing scalable modes for games, if they don’t include additional power in the base station

  • Aron Lee

    Perfect console for the casuals again.

  • riccy

    For some reason I can’t comment the link without “waiting to be approved” so just look up nintendo nx 720p on google

  • Maury MT

    sweeeeeeeettttttttttttttt!!!!!. but we need more spec, please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rogerio de Andrade

    Me neither. It will be a collector´s piece worthy a good money in the future

  • Busted

    New tech is always exciting, even when it doesn’t involve MIND MELTING VISUALS! at least for me, so im quite interested; Always mindblowing to notice how much actual time and effort goes into these things :O

  • Rafael Mendoza

    the footage is almost certainly simulated, so any framrate issues are a result of the video’s framerate/rendering

  • nav1

    You can tell all that from a short trailer, which probably doesn’t even show the real video on the screen?

  • Justin Farley

    that moment when you don’t realize that screens are simulated for maximum ability to see, if they were playing the game on that console we’d still see glare/other visual defects from lighting. They did not show the console running a single game yet just simulated imagery.

  • pat

    From what i heard its in par with the pro, the guys from gameblog were saying that. Its 900p on the portable screen an 1080 60 frames on the console. thats why they went with Nvidia chipset. they believe it out puts at 4k with playback but not games thats locked at 1080 60 frames.

  • TheGrandadParadox

    That’s old rumours confirmed by devs I suppose. But not official. Thanks tho.

  • Gilbert Nicks

    I don’t care if it does 4k but it has to do 1080p… but that is still video… I’m more concerned with CPU power and RAM… if its lacking in either let alone GPU… its going to hinder any real game development to be done with it… If the Base was a bit bigger that would tell me it has a 2ndary APU that is more powerful and can be air cooled… that would have been awesome… think of it like having a Laptop with a low/mid range APU… and you can plug a HIGH end APU via USB C… I was hoping that was the direction they were going to go… but I guess now 🙁

  • njevans

    if they are showing of Skyrim Remaster HD then does it really matter? Obviously it’s powerful enough to run that game.

  • Henry518

    They’re selling it as a home console

  • Deplorable Matt_C

    I would still like to see Nintendo come out with a standard console and go head to head with Sony and MS as far as hardware specs. With their exclusives combined with western and Japanese 3rd party support they’d be THE console to buy IMO. Since the Wii, Nintendo has been too clever by half.

  • Aron Lee

    It’s 720p. Upscaled 1080p when docked probably.

  • zidanelucis

    So it’s weaker than X1. Not surprised. So it won’t get any games like FFXV or Witcher. But as a handheld with Wii U level specs? That’s great.

  • Daniel Gump

    It will probably run in a low-power mode for 720P portable gaming and a high-power mode for 1080P console gaming. There’s no need to go beyond the NS screen’s probable resolution when on-the-go.

  • Aron Lee

    You will get super scaled down witcher in 720p 25 to 30fps on average.
    The video showed some kind of watered down Witcher game with terrible fps.

  • Henry518

    Someone else said it was the X2

  • riccy

    learn the difference between primarily and secondarily

  • zidanelucis

    That wasn’t Witcher. It was Skyrim. A last gen game. Of course it can run on it. Just based on the trailer I could tell this thing wouldn’t be powerful considering Zelda looked exactly the same and all the games they showed, including 3D Mario didn’t wow me in anyway.

    Buit again, Wii U level specs on a handheld? That’s great.

  • riccy

    I seriously doubt that

  • Max Leo

    It’s not primarily anything, that’s the selling point. You can play it however you want.

  • DroidFreud

    Not more powerful respect PS4 or One (that have already problems on framerate and graphics details). Then for me it’s a big NO!

  • flyguy860

    Seriously… Framerate on a video that was revealed on youtube… sit down somewhere man hahahaha

  • Aron Lee

    If its running downscaled skyrim in 720p and getting what it looks like 20ish fps just standing around… this is not a console for core gamers.

  • Alex Landy

    And still we have car company that use Ios system as entertainment device.
    We have computer company that mod apple computer with apple approve, do not confuse with hackintosh.
    I think there was a reason Nintendo was on Apple presentation last month.
    One of advantage for using swift and apple Ios is security and the ease of programming in swift.

  • Ajsan Aje

    Misinformation. It’s weaker than the Xbox One.

  • riccy

    not really, TLOU is beyond what Wii U can do

  • Daniel Masterson

    well considering skyrim remastered releases in a week its a very safe bet that its that version. plus other sites have been saying it is the remastered version.

  • Daniel Gump

    It will probably switch between low-power and high-power modes.

  • Gabe Hoffman


  • Max Leo

    The official website literally says “The new home gaming system”
    Still the whole point is, it can be whatever you want.

  • riccy

    you’re seriously trying to judge framerate from a video taken with a camera…

  • riccy

    PS4 has no framerate issues when the games are coded properly

  • Noremacam

    It doesn’t have to be as powerful as the xbone or the PS4. It just has to be close. If it’s close, the extra features should make it better overall.

  • Aron Lee

    yep, the video was recorded in 60 fps.
    It’s not hard to see a game running in 20 fps.

  • riccy

    doubt that it’s close for the handheld

  • AnonFlow

    Nvidia + Nintendo? Wow Awsome!

    Killing Floor 2 Online on the go and I will sell you my kidney.

  • Gabe Hoffman

    Kinda surreal seeing companies like Epic Games and Take Two up there

  • http://www.kemat1an.it Kemat1an

    Let me save some money prior March! Very impressive Nintendo!

  • riccy

    i’m 99% sure it wasn’t 20fps

  • Aron Lee

    It’s a new gameboy designed to play Super Mario and Pokemons it’s fine.

  • Henry518

    If it was primarily a handheld device they wouldn’t be selling home-console games on it and, I repeat, they wouldn’t be saying it was a home console. Maybe try thinking a little before labeling things on your own?

  • DroidFreud

    This console not reach anyway the same power, and with 840gflops in less you will see surely the difference.

  • Mark Burley

    I already have it shield tv and k1

  • riccy

    Uh yes they would, as mobile technology has advanced quite far

  • Adam Wells

    I don’t think CarPlay counts. Apple is infamous for keeping things in house. They even develop their own SOCs. I do agree with the use of swift/metal and the security as an advantage.

  • TheGrandadParadox

    Custom tegra would mean better than x1. Which would put it around xbox 1probably. Although maybe not quite as powerful. If there is additional processing in the dock then we’re absolutely laughing all the way to 3rd party support across the board. Remember the portable will need to render only at 720p possibly so less work. Nice work team!!

  • Adri

    The say that because Pascal, but even the poor GTX1050 is Pascal.

  • TheGambleGamers

    3rd party games won’t be anymore on the game after 1 year or so. Probably a weak system. Just like the Wii U.

  • Aender

    The Haters gonna hate and cry from now on hahahahahaha.

  • PC Keepsie

    A must buy for me even if i just play zelda at work

  • http://www.edoardomaster.deviantart.com Edoardo Cruz

    1 minute e.e

  • xboxmaster

    come on, NX wasn’t a thing when microsoft/sony were prototyping for ps4/xb1

  • Sebastian Cuenca

    If controls of my wii U are compatible with this console, nintendo will have my soul! 😀

  • xboxmaster

    yeah but same is with ps4/xb1, they use a notebook cpu so it’s still in the mobile area, i mean the weakest current gen pc gpu destroys ps4/xb1’s gpus

  • maroon1

    As if teraflops is somehow a good comparison between different GPU

    If you go by Tflops. fury X should be almost on par with GTX 1080 and much faster than 980 Ti

  • riccy

    “weakest current gen PC GPU destroys PS4 GPU” BS

  • Joseph Oliveira

    If the GPU is fast, than the CPU has to always be fast too. Or it will bottle neck. Look it up.

  • Sbobon

    The screen looks like in 900p, and 1080p on tv

  • Joseph Oliveira

    No RIP to 3DS. Nintendo said multiple times that this will NOT replace the Handheld market.

  • Si2k78

    This says it all: “The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards”

    It’ll run in lower power mode for mobile gaming at 720p, and scaled up for home use on a 1080p screen. The base may act as a active cooling station as well to allow for higher clocks speeds.

  • Eric Lavallee

    SOURCE and most likely extremely wrong I’ve heard it’s a custom Tegra New chip

  • Antipika

    The website says what will enable them to set the price point they want. They’re not going to market it as a portable system if they expect to sell it $300+…

  • Joseph Oliveira

    Don’t worry about 1080p Resolution. Most Wii U games did 1080px60.

  • Silex

    Shut up and take my money.

  • riccy

    The PS3’s processor (CELL) was INSANELY fast, technically faster than PS4 CPU. It was both a CPU and GPU — practically a CPCPU. I know very well about what CPUs and GPUs must be. You are comparing it to PS3. PS3’s CELL far outstripped the RSX component

  • Joseph Oliveira

    Dislike your comment cause you said, ” It was Skyrim. A last gen game.”


  • garbagedick

    Happy Birthday Nick!

  • Joseph Oliveira

    You’re an idiot if you think that. Most of the Wii U games was 1080×30. A lot of there games was 1080×60. If it gets downscaled, it be 1080×30.

    When was there a console running 20fps?

    Do you even know what you’re talking about?

  • DroidFreud

    PS4 = 1.84tflops

    One = 1.31tflops

    Switch = At least 2tflops if not want to fall behind.

  • Fabrizio Silveri

    I want to know how powerful it is.
    If it’s as much as an XBO, GET MY F*****G MONEY NINTENDO!

  • Rehv

    That lighting simply isn’t present on vanilla skyrim.

  • Joseph Oliveira

    Sure it can. Doesn’t mean it would run well.

  • chibiwings

    Nailed the Vita Coffin. just kidding. Oh wait! Sony Nailed it

  • Gilbert Nicks

    im less worried about RES and more worried about if it can RUN advanced games that have Multiple objects and effects rendering on screen… and will it supports MODs… IMO that isn’t Skyrim remastered unless it supports MODS

  • riccy

    Remaster, not remake. The Last of Us: Remastered is on PS4 and Pro. Doesn’t stop it being a PS3 game. Uncharted Collection is on PS4. Doesn’t stop it being a PS3 game. etc.

  • Joseph Oliveira

    You sure about that? XOne and PS4 had 5,400rpm drives when the Wii U had Flash Storage.

    If they’re saving battery consumption, this would be Flash Storage as well.

  • paraagent

    why does nvagina have to always steal the show….

  • riccy

    it won’t be 2 teraflops lol

  • Si2k78

    It’s going to be powering a 720p screen, -‘d overclocked for home use. A PS4 equivalent processor and gpu would be more than adequate.

  • riccy

    i’m talking about doing it and running well. Android TV’s processor is far inferior to the PS3’s CELL

  • http://vg247.com/ Mike W

    Is it the same specs as the shield?

  • DroidFreud

    And so it will be a fail!

  • Joseph Oliveira

    Like your grammar?

  • riccy

    Storage has nothing to do with GPU/CPU power

  • riccy

    No. No it won’t.

  • jerome

    Bravo Nvidia :). This is by far the most ambitious console I’ve never seen and seeing Nvidia working on it is GOOD NEWS.

  • http://vg247.com/ Mike W


  • Joseph Oliveira

    uh, what? NX been in prototype since Wii U came out. Nintendo says, every time they release a new console.. they’re already on the drawing board for a new one.

  • YoshiAngemon

    So will the Wii U Edition of Breath of the Wild.

  • riccy

    technically PS3 was their most ambitious

  • DroidFreud

    It would be good anyway, but you don’t believe that will be like this.

  • Joseph Oliveira

    I suspect 720p as well. 480p is the Wii U GamePad Resolution. If it’s anymore than 720p.. battery consumption be an issue.

  • DroidFreud

    I have heard the same things before the release of WiiU.

  • TheGambleGamers

    Yes it wil. Take the failed Wii U as an example, third party game devs didn’t care about it anymore after 1 year or so. Weak system. So will be the this system. Weak asf console.

  • riccy

    you don’t need insanely high res on handheld anyway. 1080p is near indistinguishable from 4K on a tablet/phone

  • Joseph Oliveira

    I’m actually more interested to see the new Pro Controller. Not this Sega Saturn type.

  • Dank MAngoes

    Holy crap this thing is beautiful!! GIVE IT TO ME NOW! TAKE MY CREDIT CARD <3

  • CogInTheWheel


  • WES


  • WES

    please say two

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    Actually matter because Skyrim is an old game, and allowing a higher resolution in an old game doesn’t proves the device is powerful, even if a HD Skyrim will be a good game to have on the list. I’m really looking to compare the specs, I’m curious about that, not interested in discuss subjective idea of “beautiful graphics x art style” and personal vision about what is good or don’t, I’m interested in raw numbers and horsepower.

  • TheGambleGamers

    Time to buy glasses riccy!

  • Si2k78

    Nah, Nintendo has never muddled into the hardware arms race. The nvidia chip will be more than adequate considering the needs of the system, 720p – 1080p. All this talk about 4K and HDR need not apply.

  • Dank MAngoes

    Probably won’t be THAT powerful, but it might even hit 1080p60 if the GPU is truly polaris based

  • TheGambleGamers


  • paraagent

    ya’ll MotherF@#$%^& calling it weak are amd fan boys for real. yah think nvidia is WEAK? gtfoh !

  • Enverex

    There’s no way of knowing (from this) if it’s a cut-down version of the game designed to run better on the hardware though, e.g. lower resolution textures, no AA or AF, etc.

  • paraagent

    a 3rd..

  • Cameron Standring

    Well, it says ‘based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards’, aka the 10-series that uses Pascal. Them not just saying Pascal is a little odd though.

  • riccy


  • Américo Santos

    Rumors from 3 moths ago said 2 hours, recent rumors say 4 hours.

  • lasttimelord12

    That’s actually really cool! I’ve avoided Nintendo in the past due to lack of graphics performance even though the games are cool, but with the small form factor of this new console, plus the higher graphics options, I am looking forward to plugging it into my monitor.

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    Actually, 60frames is relative, because, if the developer overpopulate the game with complex geometry and a whole lot of effects, depending on how much they “stuff their turkey”, the console will not hold 60fps. 6ofps it’s not a pre-determined spec.

  • DroidFreud

    For a console of 2017, at least a rock solid 1080p/60fps on TV.

  • Dank MAngoes

    no need for a “cooling station” actually. The tablet portion itself has a fan (probably to prevent thermal throttling) which might be disabled when it’s not necessary for mobile 720p gaming, but could spin up when “overclocking” for 1080p in it’s dock. Just speculation.

  • Enverex

    You think a hand-held, battery powered device is going to be more powerful than full-size, mains powered consoles? Really?

  • Américo Santos

    The tablet does have venting holes.

  • DamZe

    Yeah because Skyrim Remastered is such a technological wonder which Means its twice the power of last gen… Seriously?

  • Logan Hollis

    “The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards.”

    Does this mean they have managed to create an X86 based mobile device?! If so, then that is huge.

  • Joseph Oliveira

    It’s not “primarily” a handheld device, since they still have the 3DS still growing strong.

    And they already said that they’re not killing it or replacing it.

  • thelanceleader

    Skyrim Remastered has the same PC requirements as Fallout 4. We all know how Fallout 4 brings PS4 and Xbox to their knees, so if the Switch can run it, especially on the handheld, then it’s headed in a good direction.

  • Dank MAngoes

    yeah no. It’s definitely not going to hit 2tflops. ALTHOUGH, if that polaris GPU is truly custom it’s possible that they may have made it very beefy. Still not going to be 2tflops though lol

  • Dank MAngoes

    Not really. Tons of developers are already on board. GTFO hater

  • Joseph Oliveira

    Gameboy died. :

  • riccy

    60fps is impossible on consumer hardware if you’re trying to render The Avengers. 60fps is possible on any hardware. Just depends what you’re trying to render

  • DroidFreud

    I think that it’s possible with a well-made custom SoC.

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    I had both, for now I have an AMD, and man, how I want to switch back to Nvidia! AMD is terrible. From incompatibilities and unsolvable bugs, to every type of problem you can imagine. It cost less, at least, but for a reason.

  • DroidFreud

    Like WiiU LOL

  • Américo Santos

    X2 will likely support similar resolutions with better performance and efficiency. Also this press release says that it uses the top nvidia technology, meaning Pascal so X2 semi-confirmed.

  • TheGambleGamers

    Waste of money.

  • Mariano Santos

    Is this the real life or it’s just fantasy?

  • riccy

    Uhm, Nintendo Switch uses Nvidia GPU

  • Dank MAngoes

    that’s very easily doable with the Polaris architecture.

  • GeXXy

    still need to see the specs before i’m sold. and also a good games launch lineup.

  • Raymond Sawyer

    This troll is everywhere! You mad or Naww!

  • TheGambleGamers

    It’s not even more powerfull then the Standard Xbone…

  • riccy

    Nintendo uses Nvidia!!

  • DroidFreud

    Good, so double fail.

  • GeXXy

    no 4k? 😛

  • averagesally

    Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    That’s what I’m saying, If you try to render a very complex image, the hardware will probably stress and the speed of render it will be under the 60fps. To run at 60 and above, you have to balance what you will be rendering. There’s 60fps games in n64, for example, in games where the developer didn’t tried to push the hardware too much.

  • Jack Milton Russell

    Not true, technically. The GCN was a powerhouse.

  • Rogerio de Andrade

    Loved your screen name and avatar. Yep, Palmeiras first world champion ever

  • mobilegamerbr

    Is this Tegra X1 tablet revamp?

  • riccy

    Nintendo. Uses. NVIDIA

  • riccy

    No, 720p

  • japananimenews


  • Dank MAngoes


  • riccy

    who are you talking to?

  • Paul Ponce

    You’ve been on this comment section quite a lot. Commenting the same bs. We get it. You don’t like it. Move on.

  • primeiro_campeão_mundial_51

    That’s good to hear, but the Switch version will be exactly the same of PC? It can be HD (1080), but running on low specs of PC.

  • riccy

    there’s tons of 60fps PS1/2/3/4/Pro, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Wii, whatever games. As we both said, just depends on what’s rendering.

  • AKDragonPC

    Nintendo will aim for 4k when 8k has been out for 5 years or more. Nintendo is not about the graphics.

  • TheGambleGamers

    Less powerfull then Xbone Triple fail!

  • Dank MAngoes

    Yeah, it only needs to be able to handle 1080p60 which based on this article it will be able to. If that’s a native render, then it already beats the current (not “Pro”) consoles.

  • Emperor.Hadrian


  • DN

    Give us game stream to Nintendo Switch please!

  • Daniel Gump

    In portable mode, no. The question is console mode, when it’s not running on the battery.

  • Dank MAngoes

    Based on this post, it seems there’s lots of low level optimization to help with rendering (something like Vulcan, etc.)

  • Fabrizio Silveri

    1080p60 doesn’t mean anything. If you’re running an NES game even a smartwatch can play it 1080p60 -.-”
    What’s important is GAMES, so what’s important is that Nintendo is not left alone again, but to do that the Tegra chip must be at least close in power to an XBO, so the porting is easy and any multiplatform game gets the Switch version we deserve.
    Mind you, the dock could easily have a fan for heat dissipation, which could increase the top performances by a factor of 2 without any need for additional hardware, so getting the same games at 1080p60 when docked and 720p30 when playing mobile is likely, but the real question is will those games be the same a PS4 can play?

  • shikamaru86

    That’s actually pretty clever. I chuckled =)

  • DroidFreud

    It’s also not necessary in portable mode with that low resolution, but how have you said, the most important thing it’s the console mode.

  • Dank MAngoes

    yeah, true it is a little odd. However, Pascal would be necessary i think to truly unleash powerful 1080p performance worthy of TV play.