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Can someone help me figure out why PC gamers are hostile to console players?

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  3. Can someone help me figure out why PC gamers are hostile to console players?

User Info: Cephditoren

6 days ago#1
I've got a friend who when someone brings up buying a game he flys off the handle about getting it on PC and not for Xbox or PS4. I see a lot of hostility on different forums (here and elsewhere) from PC people against console people and vise versa at times.

Here's how I see it:
If the game is on several systems players are going to have roughly the same experience. Example: Both players see the exact same cut scene. The little extra puffs of smoke or slightly deeper shadow isn't going to change the experience of the game. Both players fight the same boss, see the same story twist, and use the same abilities.

Some people can't afford a $1000 gaming PC to play all the newest titles. Sometimes the $300 Xbox or PS4 is the best choice. Yes, exclusives change things up, but honestly most of the big titles out are on PC. Especially now with the Microsoft play anywhere digital thing.

Can't we all just get along and enjoy the experience that is crafted for us?
~XboxLive GT: DrSpanklez~
~Sex has better replay value.~
(edited 6 days ago)

User Info: ssringo

6 days ago#2
Same reason peasants, haha, I mean console players are hostile to PC players. People are s***bags on the internet and you might need a friend who isn't an idiot.
(edited 6 days ago)

User Info: RunFromThisGun

6 days ago#3
Because they are snobby. I've witnessed it firsthand over the years. I'm on of the rarer gamers who grew up on NES-Dreamcast but always did PC gaming on the side and once I started my career I've been a dual GTX x80 guy.

Console gamers in my experience are a bit ignorant when it comes to things but they are also the more casual and social gamers. PC is great for sitting alone at a desk and gaming to the max. Consoles are great for having company over.

That said, I only bought the PS4 this year and aside from EA UFC and Uncharted, it just collects dust.

User Info: CommonGrackle

6 days ago#4
I tend to side with the PC crowd simply because PCs can do more things, but then again, some of their claims are pretty ridiculous, like "console gamers who like multiplatform titles are holding us back from achieving true photo-realism". You're never going to get graphics that are that good except with modders working on things piecemeal.
Say your friend has a microwave and they cook a lot of food in it. They saved money on the food cooker, get a lower quality tasting, usually less healthy meal, and spend a bit more on food per year.

You have an oven. You spend a good amount more, but your meals come out delicious and tend to be more healthy since you buy mostly natural ingredients, which also saves you a little money over the year.

You tell your friend to buy a damn oven oven so they can eat better, enjoy their food more and save on food costs year over year. You know the benefits but your friend had only ever owned a microwave and can't understand what you're talking about with ingredients and making food yourself. He just knows he saved money on the part that cooks the food and is blissfully unaware of how good his food could taste and is sick of you s***ting all over the way he cooks and eats because it works for him.

Personally, I don't care. I use the microwave when it's convenient and the oven when I want a full cuisine experience.
Do what now?
(edited 6 days ago)

User Info: desert_santa

6 days ago#6
No idea. I own everything and enjoy all the games. Well, nearly everything :p

Bring on the nx.
It's not about the hardware in your hands, it's the software in your hearts.

User Info: CommonGrackle

6 days ago#7
I also like the idea of throwing a console and some games in a backpack and going anywhere, something you can never do with a PC. That's what we used to do as kids.
(edited 6 days ago)

User Info: Cephditoren

6 days ago#8
ssringo posted...
People are s***bags on the internet and you might need a friend who isn't an idiot.

The most accurate statement I've heard today.

RunFromThisGun posted...
Because they are snobby. I've witnessed it firsthand over the years. I'm on of the rarer gamers who grew up on NES-Dreamcast but always did PC gaming on the side and once I started my career I've been a dual GTX x80 guy.

Console gamers in my experience are a bit ignorant when it comes to things but they are also the more casual and social gamers. PC is great for sitting alone at a desk and gaming to the max. Consoles are great for having company over.

That said, I only bought the PS4 this year and aside from EA UFC and Uncharted, it just collects dust.

That's fine. People play what people play but ragging on someone because you there are is better resuolution on a wall and refusing to acknowledge that the game is the same. I'm mostly talking just same titles.

I grew up with NES through to the current gen with 2-3 old gaming PCs along the process.
~XboxLive GT: DrSpanklez~
~Sex has better replay value.~

User Info: Cephditoren

6 days ago#9
CommonGrackle posted...
I also like the idea of throwing a console and some games in a backpack and going anywhere, something you can never do with a PC. That's what we used to do as kids.

Oh man Halo: CE LAN parties where the best.
~XboxLive GT: DrSpanklez~
~Sex has better replay value.~
CommonGrackle posted...
I tend to side with the PC crowd simply because PCs can do more things, but then again, some of their claims are pretty ridiculous, like "console gamers who like multiplatform titles are holding us back from achieving true photo-realism". You're never going to get graphics that are that good except with modders working on things piecemeal.

Ah, yes. I love that statement. 2x 1080's can run at best 90% of the games released in the last 3 years at 4K and these guys think they are going to be running photorealistic graphics on their single GTX 970. lol
  1. Boards
  2. PC
  3. Can someone help me figure out why PC gamers are hostile to console players?

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