How to adjust Arduino PWM frequenciesby macegr in this forum post Pins 5 and 6: controlled by Timer 0Setting Divisor Frequency 0x01 1 62500 0x02 8 7812.5 0x03 64 976.5625 0x04 256 244.140625 0x05 1024 61.03515625 TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111000 | <setting>; ICR1 = 10,000 gives f = 100Hz ICR1 = 5000 gives f = 200Hz ICR1 = 2500 gives f = 500Hz ICR1 = 1000 gives f = 1kHz ICR1 = 500 gives f = 2kHz ICR1 = 333 gives f = 3kHz ICR1 = 250 gives f = 4kHz ICR1 = 100 gives f = 10kHz Turns out that this script does the trick. unsigned long duty1,duty2; // Duty Cycle in terms of a percentage. unsigned long plus; // Value read from A1, in case plus mode is activated float xxx; // Float numbers to calculate duty for PWM 1 and PWM 2 float yyy; unsigned long pwm1; // Value read from A0 and A2 to give PWM duty cycle output in terms // of 0-5V unsigned long pwm2; void setup(){ pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1) ; // phase and frequency correct mode. NON-inverted mode // TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(COM1B1) | _BV(COM1A0) | _BV(COM1B0) ; //phase/frequency correct mode. SELECT THIS FOR INVERTED OUTPUTS. TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS11); // Select mode 8 and select divide by 8 on main clock. } void loop(){ // Program that lets different values on A3 choose different values of frequency, e.g. 100,200,400,500,1k,2k,3k,4k,10k, //etc in relation with a free input. if (analogRead(A3) <100) ICR1 = 10000; // 100Hz - Default value to 100Hz for A3 = 0V if (analogRead(A3) <200 && analogRead(A3) > 100) ICR1 = 5000; // 200Hz if (analogRead(A3) <300 && analogRead(A3) > 200) ICR1 = 2500; // 400Hz if (analogRead(A3) <400 && analogRead(A3) > 300) ICR1 = 1000; // 1000Hz if (analogRead(A3) <500 && analogRead(A3) > 400) ICR1 = 500; // 2000Hz if (analogRead(A3) <600 && analogRead(A3) > 500) ICR1 = 333; // 3000Hz if (analogRead(A3) <700 && analogRead(A3) > 600) ICR1 = 250; // 4000Hz if (analogRead(A3) <800 && analogRead(A3) > 700) ICR1 = 100; // 10000Hz if (analogRead(A3) > 800) ICR1 = 1000; // Default value to 1kHz for A3 = 5V //ICR1 = 1000; // for ICR1 = 1000, frequency = 1kHz. pwm1 = analogRead(A2); // read duty from A2 for PWM 2 pwm2 = analogRead(A0); // read duty from A0 for PWM 1 xxx = float(pwm2); // Turn read values from the POTs to float for mathematical // adjustment. yyy = float(pwm1); xxx = xxx * ICR1; // Multiply with ICR1 and divide by 1023 to give required percentage yyy = yyy * ICR1; xxx = xxx / 1023; yyy = yyy / 1023; //Assign values to OCR Registers, which output the PWM duty cycle. OCR1B = int(xxx); OCR1A = int(yyy); } |
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