Another repost from /u/Angryman411 and his beautiful vision of the future. If this came to be the world would be heaven for incels.
Women are captured by the truck fulls lured in by male model chads, Then they are put into solitary confinement where they starve for touch and attention. The only form of contact they should get are beatings with a whip, belt and bat until she agrees to have sex, with incels. The women must refer to the incel male as master, she must smile, hug and kiss the incel, along with commit any dirty deeds the incel asks of her including rimjobs. If she shows any reservation she is punished. Essentially this is a brothel called incels paradise, an incel can do anything to the women including murder her, and a new women will be brought, the incel only pays, $10 per woman, the whole establishment is funded by tax payers, as part of the incel Rights movement, created by the beta uprising. Of course the general public does not know about this, and there are no safety precautions preventing women from being abducted by the trucks.
[–]classraptor 5ポイント6ポイント7ポイント (0子コメント)