Hey guys and girls, just commented this to someone over at r/soccer in reply to the negative effects of hair loss medication. I thought you might like to give it a read too. The unfortunate decline of Wayne Rooney really began just after his hair transplant in 2011 and i really believe taking hair loss drugs played a large role in that. Worth reading if you're thinking about getting the procedure too. Forgive me for my terrible writing and one or two things may be off as my memory can be unreliable.
On its own, free testosterone is like the decaf tea of androgen's. There are a number of enzymes in the body that
are responsible for converting testosterone into varying products. 2 of these enzymes 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase convert it to DHT and estrogen respectively. DHT is a very active form of testosterone. It is the pint of coffee and slap in the face of androgen's. It made your chest hairy, your voice deep, your muscles strong, your member stand tall most mornings and most importantly, all things else considered will make you feel vigorous, competitive and full of life. Unfortunately it probably also made your face into pus filled bubble wrap in your teen years and later on if your follicles are genetically sensitive to it will make your hair file for divorce and leave.
Now, around the time you are set to get a hair transplant the doctor will put you on drugs that block the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of DHT, 5-alpha-reductase. This is too prevent any further falling and also to make sure that they aren't moving happy, healthy arse hair into a massacre in which they will not last long.
The problem with this is that not only is DHT a wonderful hormone for the many reasons posted above but it will also push the equilibrium that your body works so hard to maintain away from DHT towards free testosterone. This allows a greater production of estrogen(the hormone that made your wife so tidy) and other side products.
For athletes, active testosterone is crucial thing (there is a reason so many shoot it or its precursors into their veins daily) and estrogen is not so good. Essentially taking the drug mentioned above is like the negative doping of drug taking. I didn't write this post to bash on our captain at all, just to share an idea that could partly explain why he is where he is today.
Tl;dr DHT the hormone responsible for hairloss does many good things to your body. Stopping it from being synthesised as with hair loss medications has opposite effect.
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