Widespread STD's are turning “dating” and sex into a very dangerous matter…

Topic by Gargamel

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    Widespread STD’s are turning “dating” and sex into a very dangerous matter…

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases were always around. Over thousands of years, hundreds of viruses, bacteria, germs and parasites have been transferred from person to person via sexual contact.

    Sometimes millions of people were infected like in a chain reaction.

    While developments and advancements in medicine brought a steady decline of these illnesses, the ever increasing promiscuity of people now brought this problem back.

    While we had AIDS since the mid-1980’s, the widespread use of condoms held back the disease.

    And with it, other diseases were held back as well.

    Now many of these STD’s are on the rise again.

    A very good overview can be found here:


    Here are the resources from the CDC:

    2014 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance:


    Here is the book in PDF-format:


    Just by taking a short look at these documents it is clear to see that my personal observations are identical:

    The place in which I had my company, I was always hit on by women that I fortunately refused. Because being wanted “only for the money” wasn’t what I had in mind.

    But sometimes I was pursued, only to see some time later that she was covered in Herpes.

    And I said to myself “Oh, my God, that was close” The last thing I need as a public person is a visible STD in my face. And that it is hard to get rid of, comes “on top”.

    Then I found out that one of them that stuck to me almost like glue had some form of Hepatitis, that she passed on to the guy that she “landed on” instead of me.

    Never has any or them ever said a word about that she has any disease.
    You can only protect yourself if you know about it.

    It seems they all wanted to pass it on like the “misery loves company” rule.

    I consider it another form of trapping. They trap you with a baby or with an STD, that doesn’t go away.

    Saying “that she is sorry, and that she didn’t know it” after ruining your health and even your life.

    I was always disgusted by this type of selfish behavior. I hate it when someone keeps something like this secret.

    It can be considered a criminal offense:

    “With the intend or gross negligence to inflict injury on another person”

    All in all, almost 30 % of the gold diggers in this place had some form of illness that I should have known about. Especially, if they wanted to go to bed with me.

    They didn’t care, if they would ruin my health. It was only my “high level of selection” and built in rejection for gold-digging women that saved me from this pain.

    Since I read this MGTOW forum, I come to the conclusion that the risk of contracting any STD has become gigantic.

    The high promiscuity of today’s women is just a health catastrophe waiting to happen.

    Taking into account how many sexual partners each one of these women had before she hits on you, then it doesn’t take a genius epidemiologist to figure out how many people have some kind of “secret” that they are willingly hiding from you in order to keep up their SMV.

    To me, dating of these women would have been Russian Roulette with 30 % of all bullets in the drum…

    Here are some U.S. statistics that support my observations:

    (I think that the numbers for Germany will be similar)

    The American Sexual Health Organization:


    Seeing these numbers makes me lose interest in dating altogether.

    It is a clear risk that everyone takes for a “little fun” of having casual sex. Condoms only go “so far”, protecting you from AIDS, but kissing and any other skin contact can transmit “things that nobody needs”. And they sometimes stay for life…

    It is a deal breaker: Worrying about secrets that a partner might have will surely take the ease and the joy out of sex and turn it into a losing game.

    How can a man hold an erection while thinking about doctors and hospitals awaiting him because of the possible dishonesty of a woman.

    Some STD’s can be worse than divorce rape or losing half of your net worth.

    To me, this is one of the main reasons to stay out of this dating game completely.

    That is one more reason to be or to become a MGTOW with full “academic” pride.

    It is not “that we can’t get laid” – no, we have to protect our health. Period.
    All this comes on top of the intolerable female behavior. And this in an argument that no feminist will be able to play down with shaming language. It’s an indisputable fact.

    What is your view on this?

    What are your observations, experiences or horror stories?

    What are your statistics or knowledge sources?

    :::::: Living with a woman is like a dead GPS in the desert – and you have no map, clock, compass and no water on you ::::::


    How can a man hold an erection while thinking about doctors and hospitals awaiting him because of the possible dishonesty of a woman.

    How can a man hold any hope for a caring, affectionate relationship while thinking about the near universal dishonesty of whimyn?

    I guess you could go rescue a dog….



    It is a deal breaker: Worrying about secrets that a partner might have will surely take the ease and the joy out of sex and turn it into a losing game.

    How can a man hold an erection while thinking about doctors and hospitals awaiting him because of the possible dishonesty of a woman.

    Some STD’s can be worse than divorce rape or losing half of your net worth.

    To me, this is one of the main reasons to stay out of this dating game completely.

    That is one more reason to be or to become a MGTOW with full “academic” pride.

    It is not “that we can’t get laid” – no, we have to protect our health. Period.
    All this comes on top of the intolerable female behavior. And this in an argument that no feminist will be able to play down with shaming language. It’s an indisputable fact.

    STDS, unwanted pregnancy, divorce rape, psychological warfare, domestic abuse, loss of my hobbies, waste of my time.

    And what do you gain from dating and marriage?
    I truly honestly don’t know and don’t care anymore

    Great post Gargamel



    STDS, unwanted pregnancy, divorce rape, psychological warfare, domestic abuse, loss of my hobbies, waste of my time.

    And what do you gain from dating and marriage?
    I truly honestly don’t know and don’t care anymore

    Of course, marriage is for men that want to end up at the losing side of life.

    That is our job here to tell the world…

    MGTOW is not a hate group. We are all about protecting ourselves.

    :::::: Living with a woman is like a dead GPS in the desert – and you have no map, clock, compass and no water on you ::::::


    How can a man hold any hope for a caring, affectionate relationship while thinking about the near universal dishonesty of whimyn?

    I guess you could go rescue a dog….

    Women already created the world that we now have. They have made themselves obsolete.

    But the STD threat comes on top. And so this here is why some MGTOW opt out of any connection with women alltogher.

    Not because we are virgins or lonesome losers!

    We just don’t play their fraudulent game anymore.

    :::::: Living with a woman is like a dead GPS in the desert – and you have no map, clock, compass and no water on you ::::::


    Good thing about been monk i don’t have to worry.chads woman and manginas problem .when the wife is fucking around on the manginas they will be blamed and probably another new law will pop up to blame the mangina for the woman fucking around and getting a disease.



    Feminism and gynocentrism has dismissed the single largest pandemic to infect our species, It’s amazing the amount of shit they hide in gynocentralized mass media!

    All the while the facts and stats and truth are screaming in their faces!

    If that isn’t the definition of possessed, obsessed, or egotistical narcissism than I don’t know what is???

    The situation is hopeless anywhere near the plantation, they’re desperate to retrieve their slaves, and the ones they have they work harder than ever!

    MGTOW ends the plantation…

    Older MGTOW are skilled veterans of the gender war. We're the gender war elite sniper units. We naturalize the enemy before you even see them. The things we know will save your your life.


    The Laughing Man

    I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?



    STDS, unwanted pregnancy, divorce rape, psychological warfare, domestic abuse, loss of my hobbies, waste of my time.

    Exactly it’s pretty bad when the options for safe sex are either do it yourself or get an escort.

    Life's a bitch but you don't have to marry one!


    Jeremiah Johnson

    STDs ‘will soon be resistant to antibiotics


    EXACTLY WHY I HAVE GONE GHOST MONK!!! NO PUSSY IN ALMOST 3 YEARS!!! And I don’t miss it one fucking IOTA!!!

    There is no need to use a battering ram, when a simple arrow will do...


    Big Boss

    They didn’t care, if they would ruin my health. It was only my “high level of selection” and built in rejection for gold-digging women that saved me from this pain.

    The high promiscuity of today’s women is just a health catastrophe waiting to happen.

    What is your view on this?

    Women are the primary major carrier and distributors of STD’s. The end.


    You Want What?

    Huh. All I have to do is read this post and the associated articles and….bingo….sex urges gone. Repeat daily as needed. I see bad news coming down the line with resistant strains on the rise.



    One of the more common and undetectable in men is the HPV virus. I have heard in many cases that woman are encourage not to tell that they have it. This actually debated all over the web and you can look it up yourself. There is a vaccine but if you are over 26 and sexually active you have and 80% chance of already being exposed.

    If you rescue a damsel in distress, all you will get is a distressed damsel.



    My ex passed HPV onto me. Men don’t show symptoms and it only causes a slight increase in cancer risk in men. Your body, as long as you’re healthy, fights off the infection on it’s own after a year or two. Nothing really to worry about as far as that one is concerned. This is one time I don’t buy into the numbers though. I am the only one of four friends that has ever caught anything, and we have probably collectively been with 80-100 women.

    While working at a restaurant 5-6 years ago, I think 3-4 different people were all rocking cold sores at the same time. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones.

    "Women, can't live with 'em, and they can't pee standing up." ~ Rube Baker



    Something tells me their is going to be a new and more aggressive hiv.

    A MGTOW is a man who is not a woman's bitch!



    Dating women in a romantic capacity offer nothing that cannot be counteracted by ingenuity and technology. They are a total and absolute liability.

    She offers – Counter

    Affection. – Dog
    Companionship – Friends & Family.
    Sex – Porn + Fleshlight + Pro
    Time Bandit. – Hobbies
    Debt. – Early Retirement.
    “House Work”. – Modern Appliances.
    Obligation. – Freedom (Travel etc)
    Sense of Family – Extended family + Internet
    STIs. – One less health worry.
    The Wall. – Sexual Variety (less than 30 can only ride)
    “Won’t Die Alone” (claim) – Tranquil Sweet Release.

    Enough said😄

    - Marriage is described as an institution. You would have to be crazy to be commited to it. -"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not people or things" Albert Einstein



    Brother @gargamel ! Excellent topic !

    How did I knew that my ex cheated on me ? We have a regular sex life and never used condoms, after 2 years together I got gonorrea.

    After that, my motto was that quote from X Files:

    Trust no one



    Dating women in a romantic capacity offer nothing that cannot be counteracted by ingenuity and technology. They are a total and absolute liability.

    She offers – Counter

    Affection. – Dog
    Companionship – Friends & Family.
    Sex – Porn + Fleshlight + Pro
    Time Bandit. – Hobbies
    Debt. – Early Retirement.
    “House Work”. – Modern Appliances.
    Obligation. – Freedom (Travel etc)
    Sense of Family – Extended family + Internet
    STIs. – One less health worry.
    The Wall. – Sexual Variety (less than 30 can only ride)
    “Won’t Die Alone” (claim) – Tranquil Sweet Release.

    hahaha brother @eyeswideopen, “house work” is too much do expect from someone who thinks that being an independent women is to not do any house work.

    Good list !! And this list can go on and on !


    Duke Togo

    Brother @gargamel ! Excellent topic !

    How did I knew that my ex cheated on me ? We have a regular sex life and never used condoms, after 2 years together I got <strong class=”d4pbbc-bold”>gonorrea.

    After that, my motto was that quote from X Files:

    <strong class=”d4pbbc-bold”>Trust no one

    Did that whore know she had an STI when you got infected?

    I would have taken the bitch to court. I also would have let her parents know how much of a cheating and dirty whore their daughter is.



    Did that whore know she had an STI when you got infected?

    I would have taken the bitch to court. I also would have let her parents know how much of a cheating and dirty whore their daughter is.

    I think that she didn’t know, in the night that we have a bellow average 15 minutes sex, her pussy looked like usual.

    Well, we barely talked 2 times after that night via messages, she was distant and just ignored almost everything that I said, it was before I know that I got a STD from her.
    Just after heard the news from the doctor I messaged her the famous “we need to talk”, she just vanished, blocked me, without a word, and I didn’t give a shit to go after her. That’s how a 3 year relationship ends, shows how cunts have absolutely no respect, loyalty, even to admit their mistakes, or even to give a shit about not contaminating others spreadings STDs.

    I’m glad that I didn’t got any serious disease, like HIV or hepatitis, but she still out there, she still riding the cock carousel, sooner another innocent men will be fucked by her mistakes. It sounds like a terror movie plot, but it is !

    Here it’s not a crime what she did, but it must be, I got so pissed off at her, and that resulted in the burnout effect that @gargamel described in his post, exactly like that.

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