@pattymo lmao
- その他の返信を表示
@ChrisCaesar these people rule -
@pattymo journalists meeting sources......what's next.....dogs marrying cats??????? -
@ChrisCaesar the correct way to cover stories is to stay at home and post a ton of insane shit without seeking comment or doing research -
@pattymo and you CERTAINLY don't get a "beer" or "coffee" with another "person"
@ToneLocNV lmao you call that "advising the campaign" okay@pattymo - その他の返信を表示
@ChrisCaesar@pattymo he pretends to be a neutral journalist, it matters. He could disclose that he has beers and is friendly, but doesn't -
@ToneLocNV guess what bud: journalists always get coffee or beers with sources. it doesn't mean anything@pattymo - その他の返信を表示
@ChrisCaesar@ToneLocNV I have never consumed coffee or beer with anyone that is not a close personal friend
@pattymo i am pised -
@pattymo Is there no end to their corruption? Coffee...Columbia...cocaine...#threadtheneedle#tcot -
@pattymo you mock now but im pretty sure this is against the geneva convention, JUST SAYING -
@pattymo There goes my worldview. FUCK EVERYTHING. -
@pattymo This is fucked. We have to overthrow the government and start over. But I also don't want to logoff. Damnit -
@pattymo in order to consume mind-altering substances TELL THE WHOLE STORY LIBTARD