Basically this 10/10 girl I know was acting up with me, I aggressively, but respectfully, put her in her place in public.
(Now we all know that it's the most attractive chicks that suffer from most from the biggest cases of Bitchitis due to having blue-pill guys fawning over them left and right.) So the hordes of white knights immediately descend upon me, storming in left and right and take her side. I calmly hold my ground. This chick goes into an emotional 5-year-old fit while the white knights applaud and enable her, egging her on! I treat her like anyone should react to a spoiled, self-entitled, childish cunt - by absolutely ignoring her. Brushed off everything she threw at me, every insult, without reacting/flinching. I ignored her so well I sparsely remember what the hell she said through her foaming mouth. I came back the next the with the most jovial and gregarious face on. Recognized everyone, but acted as if she didn't exist despite her attempts to get my attention.
Fast forward one week later and this chick is now showering me with attention, following me around, complimenting even the most trivial things. The white knights are confused as fuck! They don't know what to think. This chick went from snotty stuck-up toxic bitch to my biggest puppy dog cheerleader in one week.
In conclusion, a lot of women know when they are wrong they just never have someone put them in their place. They go through life acting out and getting off Scott-free. They never had a male role model (lots come from fatherless single-parent don't-need-no-man-households), don't respect men, and are told today that men are rapists, murders, cheaters, and just general assholes. So this sense of inner chaos is bred within them, which is then reflected throughout their relationships, which then perpetuates chaos and the cycle of single-mothers resumes....
When they come across someone who acts like a man, something primal inside them clicks. They feel safe, in awe. As if order has come into their lives. Something they've never felt because the men today have been so warped by the state via mainstream education, and through private sectors through the media men don't know what is up and what is down. Thus in this case the white knight men were dumbfounded by her reaction, however in her mind this chick knew she was out of place from the very start. What did I do that was different? Behave like an conscious, mature, thinking, rational adult. Be a man.