Ok, so there have been rumors from the early '90 he has used diet pills, prescribed by a questionable doctor. Until proof it does not matter. But during the debates rumors of cocaine use and other things started due to his sniffing and constant water sipping. And now he is fueling that fire by demanding that they both submit to drug testing before the final debate, the usual projection from his side.
Here is the thing; Donald is not using cocaine. He is not snorting anything. He is using legal amphetamines, and I think that in his own mind he doesn’t think of the diet pills as drugs. He still believes he has never done drugs like he usually proclaims, only that a doctor is prescribing him amphetamines (to take orally, pills).
There is a threshold when you use amphetamines, some people experience constant sniffing (not from snorting it, normal oral intake) exactly like he did during the debates. If you dose more than usual this may happen. I know that I annoy the shit out of myself when this has happened to me, but it is just impossible to stop sniffing. He seems to not realize that he just passed that threshold and entered into the realm of many side-effects amphetamines have by erratic dosing, hence "my mic is broken". Other side effect is "airplane ear" when deviating from an established dose, it is quite uncomfortable and makes hearing seem weird almost like you are underwater and certain frequencies are clear while other not. And of course, cotton mouth. These are things that happen if you play loose with amphetamines and your current established dosage.
I don't for a second believe that Donald Trump snorts cocaine or Adderall because cocaine is just not a stable drug, you won’t get through 90 minutes without crashing and burning. I don't think Donald snorts Adderall or some other diet pill, because that is "criminal behavior" and he is not into that unless a doctor told him to snort it. No amphetamine user in their right mind will snort prescription pills because there is just too much filler in those pills for it to be worthwhile (shove it up the ass).
There are articles and rumors online about the current diet pills he uses and what he used to have. But until certain proof it is just rumors. I don't agree with the celebrities and their tweets that he is snorting illegal substances. To me it is very obvious that he is using some amphetamine, it is clear as day. And if the Clinton campaign were any smart they would take him up on his offer to have them both drug tested before the debate. Trump is only projecting as usual and Clinton should call his bluff, both should submit to an extensive drug analysis (unless she too has something to hide) the whole nine yards.
Like so many in today’s society that uses heavy drugs like Adderall, OxyContin, Xanax or whatever fail to realize, just because a doctor prescribed it, it is still drugs as powerful and addictive as the drugs the “thugs” on the street sells . It seems Trump don’t understand that his diet pills are scary drugs, thuggish amphetamine.
FYI, I think it is totally ok if he or any else uses amphetamines for whatever purpose, but it is just the projection of late that pisses me of about this, just be honest about it don’t blame someone else.