News | 8 hours ago

An investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

Donald Trump has blamed “animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems (democrats)” for an incident involving arson and graffiti at the Orange County Republic headquarters in Hillsborough, North Carolina on Saturday night.

Flammable material was thrown through the front window of the building on Saturday night and ignited inside, burning furniture and some of the building’s interior in the process.

Graffiti, including a swastika and a message reading ‘Nazi Republicans leave town or else’ was also spray-painted in black at the side of another building.






Pics via Twitter/Pat McCrory

Hillsborough Police have said that an investigation into the incident is ongoing, but on Sunday, Donald Trump hit out on Twitter at “animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems (democrats)” for the incident.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, called the attack “horrific and unacceptable” and added she was grateful that no one had been harmed.

Read more about:

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

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