Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump sits with Juanita Broaddrick, in a hotel conference room in St. Louis shortly before the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis on Oct. 9. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

Donald Trump is hell-bent on proving that he's not the only male politician who has stood accused of groping and violating women.

First it was Bill Clinton that he pointed to. Now it's Vice President Biden.

But whether Trump realizes it or not (and signs are, he doesn't), this strategy is a dud.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows people don't even think Bill Clinton's well-documented history of indiscretions and other allegations made against him are relevant to this campaign. And this is despite Trump's repeated efforts to raise them in recent weeks.

The Post-ABC poll asked whether people thought "Bill Clinton's treatment of women" is a legitimate issue. Just 31 percent of likely voters said it is, while two-thirds (67 percent) said it isn't. Even Republicans said by a 50-46 margin that it isn't a legitimate issue.

The numbers are similar when you loop Hillary Clinton into the attack. (Republicans, after all, have argued not just that Bill Clinton's problems are relevant, but that his wife enabled him by attacking his accusers.)

The Post-ABC poll shows just 35 percent of likely voters say Hillary Clinton "unfairly criticizing women who accused her husband of sexual assault" is a legitimate issue. Fully 62 percent disagree. And again, even Republicans are split — 49-49.

The latter numbers are even more striking, because Hillary Clinton did rather harshly criticize the women who accused her husband. The Trump campaign has sought to contrast this with her statements during the 2016 campaign that women alleging sexual assault should be believed.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that if he continues to be criticized over lewd comments made in a 2005 taping with Access Hollywood, or if more comments are released, he will continue to attack former president Bill Clinton about his past sex scandals, on Oct. 10 at a rally in Ambridge, Pa. (The Washington Post)

And yet, despite Trump's best efforts — including inviting Bill Clinton's accusers to last week's debate and holding an event with them beforehand — voters aren't buying into it. The fact that even GOP partisans are split pretty much says it all when it comes to how poorly conceived this whole thing was.

Even worse for Trump, these numbers contrast with his own when it comes to whether people think his alleged misdeeds with women are legitimate issues. A majority — 55 percent — say Trump's "treatment of women" is a legitimate issue. Forty-three percent say it's not.

Digging deeper, while 36 percent say Trump's treatment of women is "extremely" or "very" important, just 13 percent say the same of Bill Clinton, and 14 percent say Hillary Clinton's criticisms of Bill's accusers are that important. And among political independents, just 1 in 8 say the latter two issues are "extremely" or "very" important to the campaign.

One in 8.

As with pretty much everything Trump is doing right now, he's stuck in primary-season mode — doing and saying things that fire up the crowd at his rallies but do basically nothing for him (and likely hurt him) when it comes to actually expanding his appeal and winning the race.

As I wrote Sunday, most of the things Trump has done in response to the controversy that surrounds him have met with majority disapproval. This might be the biggest failure among them, though, and it was supposed to be his big counterpunch.

Perhaps he's finally found his silver bullet though: Attacking a well-liked outgoing vice president. Yep, that'll do it.