To Our Female Lurkers

Topic by ChauvinistPig

Home Forums MGTOW Central To Our Female Lurkers

This topic contains 26 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  Big Boss 7 minutes ago.

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  • #328476


    The first question I pose to you is: Why the fuck do you even come here?

    There really is nothing you can relate too or of value to you here.

    Do you enjoy being called out for being vapid sluts?
    Do you just love being fat shamed?
    Do the horrible stories of divorce rape give you ideas?
    Do you like being insulted?
    Do you like being mocked for being an SJW?

    Wenches, I can’t stand going to women oriented sites. It makes me want to spew so I avoid them. Oh, I forgot you all have a compulsive drive to invade male spaces.

    For any tuna infiltrators, once we gaff you, you’ll get the cunt punt.

    Leave us be. We leave you be. I know it’s a logic thing you just can’t understand.

    The rule of law is dead. Therefore, I am no longer bound to follow the law of man.



    Leave us be. We leave you be.

    Yes and its not asking very much, stay out of this peaceful man temple!

    "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers." - Ezekiel 25:17



    Do you enjoy being called out for being vapid sluts?
    Do you just love being fat shamed?
    Do the horrible stories of divorce rape give you ideas?
    Do you like being insulted?
    Do you like being mocked for being an SJW?

    They are the ones who get the hots over all of this they enjoy being treated like shit and it is clearly shown by their selection of men.

    These women simply are trying to solicit mgtow since most of us are assholes to some degree whether it be light assholes (those who do not buy women shit) or the outright scumbag assholes (those who are assholes and they are proud of it).

    Whether it be why do they show up i don’t know whether it is simply trying to understand us or they are trying to get victim status (aka they kicked a woman out for having a vagina or the asshole dumped me).

    I am just here to continue the process of swallowing the red pill, share my thoughts, insights, and comedy and to hang out even if just online with a group just for men.



    They must read this and on some level admit to themselves “fuck, these guys are good”

    They know that we know the truth and they want it contained.

    I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.



    They know that we know the truth and they want it contained.

    Just few weeks ago “toomuchtruth” was here. Took about few days for her to go into maniac mode and ranted here for 12 hours straight with caps lock and smileys and arguing and whole shebang.

    What a peaceful sunday.

    Stretched to the point of no turning back



    They must read this and on some level admit to themselves “fuck, these guys are good”

    It upsets them that not all guys are as dumb and narrow minded as society makes us out to be.

    I have discovered a truly remarkable list of reasons why women are not necessary for a happy life, but alas this margin is too small to contain it.


    Monk Mode

    The first question I pose to you is: Why the fuck do you even come here?

    There really is nothing you can relate too or of value to you here.

    Do you enjoy being called out for being vapid sluts?
    Do you just love being fat shamed?
    Do the horrible stories of divorce rape give you ideas?
    Do you like being insulted?
    Do you like being mocked for being an SJW?

    Wenches, I can’t stand going to women oriented sites. It makes me want to spew so I avoid them. Oh, I forgot you all have a compulsive drive to invade male spaces.

    For any tuna infiltrators, once we gaff you, you’ll get the cunt punt.

    Leave us be. We leave you be. I know it’s a logic thing you just can’t understand.

    Why would you make a topic for the female lurkers?
    who cares???

    The Most Dangerous word in the world is: NO!



    Fuck me dead dude you need to switch off the computer for a few days. Seriously you need to. Try it. Life is bigger and better than worrying about this shit you are writing about. The best thing you can always do is ignore anything like you mention. Why even bother to write a thread to some invisible and possibly imaginary woman!? Relax. Have a good (Non-digital) day.



    @Monk Mode: Check your PM.

    The rule of law is dead. Therefore, I am no longer bound to follow the law of man.



    Mr. C-pig probably has some kind of sixth sense.

    Good one!

    Females have no use of this site. If you are female, please exit to this Women’s Shelter that the mgtow crew have so sincerely made for you.

    Now I realize that I'm free and I realize that I'm me; And I found out that I'm not alone cause' there's plenty people like me; All outsiders like me; And all unashamed and all unafraid to live out what they supposed to be: Outsiders


    Monk Mode

    @-Cpig check your PM I answered

    and on a side note, I think when starting this topic you had this on your mind 😀 :

    The Most Dangerous word in the world is: NO!



    Dear Abby

    Freedom has a price



    This is cyberspace.

    The important thing is that in my home, my car, my travels you won’t find a trace!



    Why not make a thread like this? We know they come here and infest our waters with their tuna smell. I was married to a passive-aggressive bimbo that craved and dished out abuse all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that one of her friends was in here once. If they have nothing better to do that’s tragic for them. If the comments on this thread represent intolerance for the female species, then so what? I don’t read anything here that would scare me. A woman might see this thread and think, “I wonder what these guys have to say?” When they’re finished reading they’ll probably leave in a huff…pissed that no one wanted her number…cause she’s ‘different’. Whatever.

    "Don't follow in my footsteps...I stepped in something."



    I liked the part in the video where she stated how nasty she is, oh, so very true.

    Just the fact men naturally avoid female things by our very nature manginas being the exception. Women just like to stir up shit.

    They can’t cook, clean, raise children properly, or launder clothes very well either. They are hideously incompetent at all things manipulation and pouting are two notable exceptions.

    At work, they use their pussy to get out of doing things. Have one let the blue pill boss fuck her in his office, and she is queen of the workplace. Anything a woman touches turns to shit just like government. It’s probably why they like government so much. Birds of a feather do flock together.

    The rule of law is dead. Therefore, I am no longer bound to follow the law of man.



    I don’t mind all the cunt bashing.

    He Is The One "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.(John 14:6)



    Do the horrible stories of divorce rape give you ideas?

    Why else would they come here?

    A MGTOW is a man who is not a woman's bitch!


    Nathan R. Jessep

    They must read this and on some level admit to themselves “fuck, these guys are good”

    They know that we know the truth and they want it contained.

    Back at

    “They’re on to us, Heather!”


    Old Sage

    Women invadeing Mens spaces is the crux of all of our wows.Govt., work place, hell our fucking bathrooms, Mens locker rooms at a football game.I personaly find it infuriateing.(yes youve all noticed!haha) When they covertly infultrate my brain I am..not haaapy!hah.

    I can smell them, I can sense them.And there mangina pussy guys that write for them!

    "Your lack of empathy has rubbed off on me" Some one on here



    To find people who have posted things that they can report to the UK thought police probably. You know in Nottingham a wolf whistle is now a hate crime. That’s what the women lurkers are doing. That is why I have read this forum for awhile but ummed and arred about joining or posting.

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