
Maher: If Trump Loses, He’ll Still Have an Army and Be ‘The Che Guevara of Deplorables’


maherAs nice as it would be for some to imagine Donald Trump going away if he loses the election, Bill Maher doubts it will be that simple.

Maher sat down for a lengthy interview today with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who asked Maher what he thinks Trump will do if he loses. Maher said, “Not good things, I worry about that… He’s got his knuckle-draggers all riled up about the fact that this is a rigged election.”

He warned about how dangerous this kind of rhetoric is and made this prediction:

“He’s got an army. Whats he gonna do with that army?… I think he’s gonna be the Che Guevara of deplorables. I think he’s gonna be a revolutionary out there. He’s gonna be a martyr to this loss… and I don’t know what they’re prepared to do. They’re already talking about things like Second Amendment solutions.”

He also told Zakaria he thinks Trump “always was a racist because he adores his father and that’s baked into the cake.”

Maher also called out the media for engaging in a false equivalency on the issue of Trump’s honesty versus Hillary Clinton‘s.

Watch above, via CNN.

[image via screengrab]

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