Hitler speeches published with Donald Trump as cover illustration

Presidential candidate chosen to adorn reissue of the Nazi dictator’s oratory in response to report that Trump keeps a copy by his bed

The front page of the Philadelphia News on 10 December 2015, which used the headline ‘The New Furor’ to refer to the presidential candidate’s “latest hair-raising idea ... to keep out all Muslims” from the US.
The front page of the Philadelphia News on 10 December 2015, which had been printed on the back of a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches. Photograph: Philadelphia News

An image of Donald Trump with his arm raised in a salute has been included on the cover of a collection of Adolf Hitler’s speeches.

Publisher Ishi Press International has illustrated the back cover of Hitler’s collected speeches My New Order: volume one and the front cover of volume two with photographs of the presidential candidate. It declares in the book’s blurb that: “There are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler”, citing everything from repetition to name calling and a lack of logical justification for views held.

Back cover of volume one of My New Order by Adolf Hitler, which has the 10 December front page of the Philadelphia News printed on the back.
Back cover of volume one of My New Order by Adolf Hitler, which has the 10 December front page of the Philadelphia News printed on the back. Illustration: Ishi Press

“They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back,” Ishi Press writes on both volumes. “To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or no education at all can understand.”

The jackets of both volumes read: “My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for president of the United States, because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.” The publisher is referring to a 1990 Vanity Fair article by Marie Brenner. Brenner interviewed Trump, who said it was a gift from “my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew” and denied having read the book: “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.’”

Davis later told Brenner: “I did give him a book about Hitler, but it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”

Brenner points out in her Vanity Fair piece that “Trump is no reader or history buff”, adding that “perhaps his possession of Hitler’s speeches merely indicates an interest in Hitler’s genius at propaganda”.

Sam Sloan, head of Ishi Press International’s US arm, told the Huffington Post that when My New Order was published in 1941, there was “nothing on the back cover … so I decided to use that empty space for an advertisement for the book”. The Huffington Post identifies the photograph used by Ishi as from the 10 December front page of the Philadelphia News, which used the headline “The New Furor” to refer to the presidential candidate’s “latest hair-raising idea … to keep out all Muslims” from the US.