Dear Men,
Everyday there’s news/outrage about the latest female tragedy, the “war on women” the #SJW feminist women, the body-shaming women. Then there’s “rape culture” and “male privilege,” and “micro-aggression.” Seems to me, if you’re a man in this world, there’s nothing you can do right. If you tell a woman to smile, you’re a sexist. If you tell a woman she’s pretty, you’re reducing her to just her looks. If you tell a woman she’s smart, you’re a sexist for being surprised that she’s smart and more than just her body. If you vocalize that you think a hot woman is hot… oh geez. Bar and lock the doors, the feminists will stab you with their steely knives.
Well as a woman (yeah, it’s Courtney Kirchoff here, not Steven Crowder), here’s something you need to know: women love men. For being men.
Okay, several feminist keyboards have been reduced to dust. Chicas are hammering their keys like the old cavemen hammered their women before dragging them into the cave. Oh that right there? Joke. I know you feminists don’t think it’s funny. Nothing to you is funny. That’s why it’s funny.
Yes, I know you’re out there, SJW feminists. You’re going to call me a bitch. You’re going to call me a sell-out. You’re going to say I’m an ignorant this, that, and plenty of other four and five letter words because I dared to write “women love men,” despite the glaring proof women do love men. Proof? The perpetuation of the species. You know, men and women getting together, doing the deed, having and not aborting their babies. I can hear you all yelling, “PATRIARCHY” and “RAPE,” out there. Yell and scream and stomp all you want. I don’t care. Background noise.
This letter is for the men who go out and do. Who build, who create, who pursue excellence, who make the world a little better by being unapologetic MEN. I’m not talking to the jerks and the creeps. They get too much attention and they do NOT represent all men. Okay? Okay.
Sorry guys, I had to address those harpies first, because they’re shrill and annoying. Where was I? Right, women love men.
Millions of women, myself included, celebrate you guys for being dudes. We may joke about how you annoy us with your one-thing-at-a-time focus, but we love that too. Life is simpler and better with you in it. We love how you say what you mean. You’re uncomplicated, straightforward, and easy to talk to. And we usually don’t have to issue disclaimers before we do speak with you…so thanks for that.
We appreciate that you want to protect women. Despite what all the feminists say, millions of us know you care for women. We know you would pound a punk into the ground if he tried messing with us. We know you love children and want to protect them. We know you want to call your daughters “princesses,” and you’re not being patriarchal when you do.
We celebrate your ambition. One of my favorite qualities in a man is his drive to be his best. He likes to take risks because he likes to push his limits and test his strength. He likes to be challenged both in his career and in his personal pursuits. Every day he is working to better himself to be a greater man than he was before.
We love your competitive drive. Women might mock you for needing to “out do” the other guys, but *this* woman at least, enjoys it. What’s life without a little competition? Thanks for the sarcastic back and forth, for trying to one-up your buddy at the gym. Rock on. We’ll watch and cheer you on. But you better win…
We love your self-deprecating humor and how you want to make us laugh. This one should be self-evident, but sadly it’s not. Even when we don’t want to be cheered up, you still try. You’re a soldier who loves his woman. Even if your woman gives you “the look” I’d like to think that deep down she’s not plotting to smother you with a pillow when you snore; she’s appreciating your good humor. Okay, maybe she wishes you didn’t snore so much. Hey, she’s human, too.
Oh SJWs, give it a rest. Are all men like the ones I’m describing? No. But a lot of men are, and not everything is about you and your micro-aggressions and fat-shaming. Stop taking up all the attention, this shouldn’t be about you.
We love how you pursue us when you like us, and we like you. Three feminist’s brains just exploded right there. Yes, men, we LIKE IT when you call us. We like it when you show us how much you care for us by actively pursuing us, even when you have us (7 more feminist brains have exploded). We like it when you open the door and treat us like queens. We like it when you make the plans, when you have direction.
So guys, when you’re constantly bitch-slapped by the loud, modern feminists for “man-spreading,” or whatever other new term they’re going to pull out of their uptight butts, know that millions of women cherish you for exactly who you are: Men. The world is a better place with men in it. Yes. I WROTE THAT. Millions of us support you. We support your careers. We support your choices. We love you for being masculine, and we celebrate you for it.
Now go chop some wood and make us a fire.
~Written by Courtney Kirchoff
Wow! This explains the guys in my life! Pretty good group of dudes. I’m an independent, do it myself sort of girl, but I still like it when a guy rescues me from a broken down car or gets me a chair. I’ll add my name on the bottom of this letter, both to annoy the feminists & to give a thumbs up to the camo wearing, gun-toting guys in my life. (Watch out I may still out shoot you!?)
Not surprising, women have better bodies for shooting. The wider hips help to stabilize your shooting stance. To shoot well you really don’t need a lot of upper body strength, just good aim, breathing and trigger control. They typical male body on the other hand, is better suited for hand to hand and melee combat.
There’s nothing we can do about it.
Thank you, We love you too!
Please. Women can change a flat tire, jumpstart their car. I taught my sister how to do this. She wasn’t happy but oh-well.
Bravo!! I’ve wanted to say that for a long time!!!! Thanks Courtney!!
Courtney, thank you for your words and telling SJW’s to go F-off.
What’s a SJW??? I’m old but never heard of this.
Thank you very much
Have you heard of Google? Type those three letters in and it will pop right up. It’s way easier than looking back for a reply by a commenter with more patience.
It stands for “social justice warrior”
Social Justice Warrior..
Once a question has been answered, there’s no reason to repeat the same answer, dumbass.
SJW stands for Social Justice Warriors, a liberal group. They pick a miniscule subject frequently to protest about, usually something ridiculous, and turn it into My. Kilimanjaro by the time it hits the media. Basically, shut strikers in my opinion.
SJW= social justice warrior. It’s generally used as a perjoritave, as here, and mostly refers to someone who gets up into peoples business in a rude overly judgemental/shaming sorta way, or in showy public displays ( think code pink or those women who stuck crosses in their buttocks in Vatican square. But it can also be used to shame or marginalize someone who is pushing for actual justice by someone who is vested in the status-quo ( think about people who push for justice in the Stanford swimmer rape case or Stubenville rape case.
Thank you, now I know there are at least two of you out there, you and mine
I’ve got one of those “Real Men” in my life and I am thankful everyday to have him in my life.
Courtney, Very well written article, considering how much negativity the feminists throw out there about everything they hate about men, it’s nice to hear from real women how they feel. Thank you.
You do realize feminists don’t hate men, right?!
It’s a core tenet of the anti-feminist canon that feminists hate women. Good luck making any headway against that particular bit of nasty agitprop.
Hate men.
@Ellen – you’re so right. hahaha. Feminists do hate women. They suffer from self-hatred.
If you imply all the problems of the world as stemming from men, and all the victims of the world are women, what do you call that- if not hate?
Wimpy, whiney little beta males are not men. Modern feminists shriek in horror at the sight of a real man.
List to you and you’re misandristic bullshit! What gives you the right to be sexist towards guys?! They have every right to exist in the world as gals do!
Jennifer, I am replying to your statement of not all feminists hate men. Though true, when a male is constantly bombarded by a feminist when he displays chivalry as I have on various occasions the notion of continued chivalristic attitudes escape me. I was fortunate to find a lady yes that’s right a lady to whom will outwardly address a feminist trying to push their agenda by saying ” a strong woman doesn’t need a man in her life ” is unfortunately more common place than anyone wants to admit. Maybe this is why women call other women guys now a days.
Thank you so very much Courtney. This, for me, has come at a very good time and I want to thank you again for writing htis and putting it out there.

I’m certainly one of those men who’s way too ambitious and single focused and out there doing my damnedest to make a difference in the world and the amount of abuse I get from feminists is amazing!
Now, I know my wife supports me and loves what I do, but it’s nice to hear from another lady out there that is not all “All men should be put in a cage until they’re extincted”… It gets old, particularly when you’re out there trying to make a difference *Rolls eyes*.
So again, thank you
You’ve put a smile on my face and the knowledge that even though half the women I run into are anti-male, there are a lot more out there who are not and are supportive of the male side of our species
Keep it up!
I’m certainly one of those men who’s way too ambitious and single focused…
Do you talk like this all the time?
the amount of abuse I get from feminists is amazing!
Meaning one person said something to you that one time. How that must have stung.
Oh, shut up. Moron.
People will do whatever they can to bring others down.
Who the hell do you post that to, Stephen?!
Ellen, putting down a man. There’s a shocker!
Ellen, bet you couldn’t get laid by a drunk sailor on his first shore leave in 6 months.
Love, love, LOVE!!! Thank you! And Yes! You said it!
This is totally my husband and a lot of the men I know. They do make this world a better place. And I love how he is extremely protective of me and those he cares about. I love that he teases me and tries to make me laugh (Just like you said, even when I don’t want to). I love that he is this big, bad, burly dude but at the same time, he is one of the kind men I have ever met.
Thank you for writing this. I am totally sharing this!
The USA does not “grow” Golda Meier’s or Margaret Thatcher’s! American women (and I am one) are not tough enough! They are too busy fighting among themselves and putting the male population down so much that we now have a new breed of men sans true masculinity…..they are now growing into a large number of “metro-sexuals”! Where are the “Real Men” you ask!?!? Ask Fiorina, the Whoopies of the world, the Degeneres’s! I wish the men of this country would take back their masculinity and that women would understand that biology is not bigotry!!!
I like women.
And I treat women like ladies.
If a lady doesn’t like me, oh well, I now there are others who will like me- for being me.
You just perfectly summarized what so many women are actually thinking (that gets constantly drowned out in the screaming of SJWs)
Thanks much
I’m not talking to the jerks and the creeps.
I’m a feminist and I am talking about the jerks and the creeps. Because they exist and they still have way too much power because certain elements our culture still aid and abet them. See: Donald Trump, and the fact he’s still at the top of the polls.
They get too much attention and they do NOT represent all men.
Well, that’s a relief.
Hi, Courtney! Ellen here and I have some things to tell you about myself. Aren’t you lucky!
Brace yourself.
First off, I’m married. Happily and monogamously and heterosexually, for 26 years. He’s my guy. We have two children. (No abortions! Not that there’s anything wrong with that!) I do the shopping and cooking, he does all the guy stuff, we all do the cleaning and laundry. Because we like it that way.
Second, I have an advanced degree, in a very male-dominated field, from a top-notch department in a very respectable institute of higher learning.
None of which meant squat the day that my boss decided that he had a thing for me, because I was young and pretty and nice and friendly and feminine with a good sense of humor. And oh so very naive. The fact that I was married with a very young child and completely uninterested (who has the time?) in having sex with my boss was irrelevant, apparently.
Two years later, after filing a harassment complaint against the rat bastard and after dealing with some very very nasty blowback and after talking to so many girlfriends and hearing story after story after infuriating story which they had been reluctant to talk about before then because of some misplaced sense of shame (hello, rape culture!) which I totally grokked…
*deep breath*
Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to say here, Courtney. The SJW’s sure can be annoying, can’t they!
But I personally have earned the right to sing the feminist blues and I am here to tell you that you are ignorant. I’m actually happy for you, that you are as yet unscathed. Bless your ignorance.
You are ignorant of the power and omnipresence of the male jerk and the myriad ways they excuse their jerkitude in their own heads. (Donald.Trump. And the people who think he’s a breath of fresh air.)
Jerks who, without feminism, would get away with being jerks just like they always have because they are male and are never forced to question their entitlement. Which is what the SJW’s are trying to get them to do. But since that’s pretty much a waste of everyone’s time, the SJW’s turn their efforts towards other people who might maybe be a bit more willing to think about things and be in a position to put some pressure on the jerks not to be quite so jerkful all the damn time.
Go talk to some real feminists, grow up a bit, and then get back to us with a description of feminism that actually looks like the feminism I know, and not some hackneyed and rather malicious straw-person caricature. Sorry, not in the mood to pull that punch, since you didn’t pull any of yours.
Thanks for listening!
I’d say she does a pretty good job of summing up how silly modern, third wave feminism sounds like. I get it that you had a bad personal experience with your manager, but guess what, many people do, and when we report them we get blowback too. Management tends to protect their own, and that’s not a uniquely mail trait.
Modern, men-are-always-wrong feminism has just become plain silly at this point. Only in a pampered society, where you have everything you can possibly dream of at your fingertips, would you be so bored as to bitch about stupid stuff like fat-shaming, etc. You bet there are jerks out there, and they are out there in both sexes (can I use that word without offending your delicate sensibilites?), it’s not a uniquely male trait. So until you’re ready to embrace REAL equality, and bitch about women the same way you bitch about men, kindly keep your whining out of our face, grow up a bit, and get back to us with a description of the world that actually resembles reality.
ITS? When I turn on Fox News and I only see women who look good in tight dresses sitting on those couches, while the men are in suits and ties, then I know pretty much right away the feminism still has a thing or two on its plate. And yes, I’ll bitch up a storm about it, because I have a daughter and I don’t want her absorbing that cr*p.
Oh lord, I’m about to be told that Hot Republican Chicks mean women are equal and we can all go home now.
How about I not hang around for that. Bye!
Don’t like tight dresses? Then propose for strict dress code for women, you know like men have. Feminists would trample you into the ground for something like that.
Why are you watching FOX News? Weird.
and bitch about women …
And yet here I am, bitching about you and Courtney.
Modern, men-are-always-wrong feminism has just become plain silly at this point.
I am unfamiliar with this thing?
Ah yes. The strawman version of third-wave feminism that exists only in your head. Sorry, didn’t recognize it.
Guess what hun, you are far from the only VICTIM in this country, let alone the whole world. The problem is, and it’s going to be worse for your daughter and other children raised by people like you, having something happen to you makes you a victim, but being a victim doesn’t make you a person. Too many people expect an award for showing up or an award because someone “hurt their feelings”. People are sick of it. Trump will get elected because people like you insist on shoving your warped and twisted badge of victimhood down everyone else’s throat. If being the victim of something DEFINES who you are as a person, that speaks volumes about YOU, not the POS that abused his power. You were able to level charges and I’m assuming have your day in court. You think life is so bad for women, why don’t you try reading a textbook from the 60s that tells women how to please their husband and put every need of his before their own, that’s sexism. Chasing the opposite sex away because you can’t work through what happened to you (there are therapists that will help you do just that) is sexism reversed. I don’t recognize this world where men are attacked, yet supposed to be so horrid to women and whites are attacked, even murdered by groups of blacks, but we’re still the racists… The scariest thing in all your comments is that you are a parent who will pass this victim mentality on to her children helping to produce the next generation of unemployable, unwilling to work adults…more helpless victims that can whine and complain and attack, but do squat to produce, therefore continuing to drain from the welfare tit of existence. The longer you allow the crime to define you, the longer you will suffer and the worse you will leave this world.
This is a huge, very mean generalization of a person that you’ve never met. You have no idea what she’s experienced in her life. She’s not a helpless victim- I see a lady willing to stick up for her rights as a person. You’re right- sexism was worse in the 60’s. Guess what? There’s still a long way to go for equality. I’m a feminist. I love certain men. I won’t say *all* men, because that’s a huge generalization. My point is, clearly you have beef with certain aspects of society. But this specific person did nothing to you, and you’re acting like the victim- not her. All she is saying is that a person who hasn’t experienced a level of sexism that other people have experienced, shouldn’t write an article about how mundane equal rights are. She should’ve just written an article about how she has had a pretty awesome life, without notable sexism & she loves certain qualities about men.
Robyn – I am not even going to respond to this shit. How dare you.
All she is saying is that a person who hasn’t experienced a level of sexism that other people have experienced, shouldn’t write an article about how mundane equal rights are.
Yes, that’s exactly it.
Thanks, Caroline.
Also, I am extremely tired of the slur that feminists are man-haters. It’s a tired old cliche and the fact that Courtney reached for it and started swinging wildly tells me this was more her beef with feminism in general and not just about its more modern incarnations.
Actually on further thought I am going to respond to this shit.
Court case? Lawsuit? Fat settlement? Ha ha no.
Boss got a slap on the wrist, I got moved further away. It was the best the company could do short of firing him, but they were struggling and he was essential personnel. Terminating him would have brought the whole place down.
I lasted three months, my spouse got a nice job offer 500 miles away and we grabbed it like drowning people grab onto a life raft. When we moved I was pregnant with my lovely daughter. To whom I’ve mentioned this ugly episode only once and she’s probably forgotten about it.
So, y’know, fuck you.
Oh and hon, I grew up in the 60’s. I remember the 60’s. I attended gender-segregated sectarian schools and I can tell you exactly how much we girls were short-changed.
Things were just beginning to change while I went through that school system. Thank goodness it’s different now. Somewhat.
Look so the subject here is supposed to be the awful awfulness of third-wave feminism. Or was it the horrid horridness of second-wave feminism. Or is it the gross deficiencies of first-wave (whatever) feminism.
Oh heck, whatever wave, people of your ilk were fighting it every step of the way. And once all the benefits of one wave are comfortably available to all and sundry and you’re happily enjoying the fruits of other people’s labors, we can all see you digging in your heels for the next round.
Feh. Parasites.
To Carolyn: ‘This is a huge, very mean generalization of a person that you’ve never met.’ What you just said is what feminism is and do, constantly. I’ll remember your nonsense next time I read article demanding that men need to be taught not to rape, their toxic masculinity needs to be ‘unlearned’ in early age, every time a feminist in news starts her argument with: “I feel that” etc.
If you think this is an accurate sum up of feminism you also should really speak to other feminists instead of judging all of them and listening only to anti feminists
I don’t need to listen to any antifeminist, all I need is to open newspapers and read what feminists did or what they proposed to be disgusted out of my mind.
Amen and well said.
It goes both ways, Ellen.
In my office a woman filed sexual harassment against every male within a 20 foot radius of her cube. Literally. Every. Single. Male. Eight guys total. Thankfully I sat 25′ away.
I knew those guys, and sat close enough to hear things and have a lot of confidence they weren’t doing what she said they were. Still, every one had to go through the EEO investigation process, wondering if their job and their families’ futures would be sacrificed to prove the company was “fair to women.”
Fortunately, the pattern was so blatant that EEO exonerated them. The company transferred her (not fired, though what she did was at least as much sexual harassment as what she said the guys did).
Later I heard she sued the company for not ruling in her favor.
I’ve seen other examples as well. A lot more than I’ve witnessed going from male-to-female. Though I have certainly seen men who dismiss the capabilities of very talented women, and that is just as wrong.
In my experience, the feminist “man-hater” isn’t just a stereotype cooked up by male sexist pigs. It’s a reality that I’ve seen in the workplace repeatedly.
Well, she sounds like someone who was gaming the system and that the EEO responded appropriately. Can I assume she lost her lawsuit, too? Great. The system works.
Also, I would not assume that just because you do not personally witness male-on-female harassment, that it’s not happening. It’s not like men do this stuff in front of witnesses or that women talk about it in mixed groups around the water cooler.
You say get to know some real feminists. Unfortunately the feminists you want her to talk to died out years ago when the feminist movement was a much needed thing. Much like unions, feminism started out a good thing but was quickly twisted into something less than its original noble origins. I am a married man with two kids. You said in one of your posts that there’s nothing wrong with abortion!?!?!? I cannot fathom how a proclaimed feminist fighting for EQUAL RIGHTS just said out loud (or in your head as you typed) that it’s ok to kill another human being. What if that baby you killed was a female? Not very feminist of you was it. My oldest child had many medical problems and has almost died more than once. My wife has to be nearly glued to this child’s side because of the many things she needs everyday in order to survive. Not only did we not once think of aborting, my wife was nervous about telling me she wanted to work part time to take care of her. When I told her that I wished she could quit all together and that I supported her, you know being a *gasp* stay at home mom. She didn’t call me sexist or tell me I was trying to keep her down or dependant on me or anything. Feminists today want equality? I don’t think so, they say they want equal pay but the problem is they don’t do equal work. They aren’t carrying 200lbs across a job site. They aren’t putting on rubber boots and wading through sludge and muck to clean out the bottom of a septic truck. Granted that isn’t all women but most of them. And yes i have had to do both of those things in my line of work. But guess what, the female i work with makes the same as me. Equal pay should be for equal work. All these feminists who scream equality seem to forget one important thing. We were created differently on purpose! Its a good thing and it’s worked for more than 2000 years. Ellen, your boss sounds like a real jerk I will give you that. BUT he certainly does not speak for all men. He is one in literally a sea of billions. I have rambled and ranted enough and most feminists probably stopped reading after I condemned abortion. But if you’ve made it this far your either in agreement with me or your taking notes to write a vile reply. Either way, God bless and good day.
Dan shut the fuck up about abortion please it’s nobody’s business to decide for anyone else
uhm. nikita….. isn’t that what people do anyways ? if one side choses for the other.. then that’s that. but the other side choses for the other one… the life in the woman’s belly and choses for the man if he’s going to be the father or not! what you say can never happen!
not trying to sound like i’m arguing something up here.. just wanted to point that out! either way.. to sum it up. if the woman choses..then that means she decided for him. if the man choses.. then that means the man chose for her!
this was so important to say that i said it twice! telling him to shut up does not help anything other then to help you or someone else to forget this is the case!
Nikita, go fix a sandwich and shut up.
Dan I agree..
In a nutshell, feminists have been cherry picking for years especially when it comes to jobs… I am an engineer and I work with several fine female engineers, but guess what, they don’t want to be seen as good female engineers, they want to be seen only as good engineers. …
Thank you for actually bringing some VERY MUCH NEEDED intelligence to this conversation
Thank you Ellen!!
You’re welcome!
Interesting Ellen. You know all about donald trump without ever habing met the man. I think you may in act be a sjw with a political bent. Tell me, why didn’t your man go down and deal with the “all poweeful male” who harrassed you? My wife got similar treatment many years ago. Her boss and I had a “Come to Jesus” talk and suddenly, he saw the error of his ways. No violence, because it didn’t prove necessary, but for the many years she worked there afterwards he was nothing but a gentleman. Why didn’t your man go deal with him? At any rate, maybe we have different ideas of what being a man is all about. My girl usually fights her own battles, but i will occasionally make sure it’s a level battlefield for her. But see, she’s also taken on fights for me that i can’t win, usually involving other women. Works out really well for us.
Chivalry is an amazing thing! It says, “I’ll take care of you.” Yes, I WANT to be taken care of! Yes, I CAN do it myself, but I don’t WANT to because that’s what guys who love women do. Why should I climb a chair to change a light bulb when you guys can amaze me by just reaching up and doing it like “Oh, I was planning on touching this light fixture anyway.” Two seconds for you, 10 minute project and risking life and limb for me. No brainer and I get to hug you afterward! I have all boys here, and I have enjoyed every moment of being a secret observer of bro code in action. I have loved every off-the-wall unspoken competition and just-because-we-can bodily function contest (that’s appropriately timed, of course). I watch in awe as they beat the tar out of each other, sometimes for fun, and then go on a spontaneous fishing fest within an hour or two. I figure anyone who doesn’t truly love what the Y chromosome brings to their life wants to be with a male (not a man) who acts like a girl. Let them have those embarrassing males; I want a dude. Men, be yourselves! Open doors, reach the top shelf, loosen the lid, shoot things, man spread (because YEAH, BABY!), call me Darling, Honey, and Love. Just do your thing the way you do it bc I’m another one who loves you for it and I don’t want it any other way.
Yup…Yeah. That sounds about right. I agree. Men are great. Its unnatural for men and women to be at odds. Anyone who wants to be a loser and blame someone else for it is sad and pathetic and not worth anyone’s time. So I agree Courtney. Yay Men! Men you keeping being the great (and funny) people you are. I for one have no complaint about that.
I agree with a few things feminists refer to such as body shaming and rape culture existing, however I strongly disagree that men are soley at fault. Simply because men have issues with body shaming just like women do and it’s called rape culture for a reason. Men aren’t the only people that make up our culture. I personally appriciate men, without them who would I have to watch football with lol. Actually, I get along better with males than females, less drama. Personally, my favorite thing about men is the ability to have a partner that compliments me no I’m not talking about telling me I’m pretty ladies. I’m talking about his strengths supplementing my weaknesses. I can cook I can bake can’t grill without turning everything to charcoal, but he can. I can fix a car, but don’t have a clue how to mow the lawn. I can’t sew but he can. I have no clue how to set up electronics like TV DVD player, he does it while I deal with finances. I’m glad men are different because without them I personally would be lost.
As a feminist, I really laughed reading this. The writer doesn’t really get feminism at all. I was pursued by my boyfriend AND I LOVED IT, he calls me “princess” and he has a strong masculine role in our relationship that I lean on and depend on. None of that is feminism! Feminism means that we’re equals, not that I’m better than him! It means that he encourages me to discover and pursue everything I love instead of insisting that I wait around at home for him to take me out. It means he wants me to get fair wages for my work instead of a lower cut. It means he wants me to be listened to as a journalist, because that’s my passion and I’m a great researcher. It means that he wants other guys to look at me as a human being instead of a pair of nice legs walking around. It means that I’m allowed to have opinions and express ideas that are valued!
If I were to stop respecting him or joke as though he’s “beneath me”, he would break up with me and rightly so! Just as I would do the same if he did that to me!
I’m a feminist, and I don’t blame men, I cook for my boyfriend, and I let him open doors and pay for meals. I let him woo me.
The point of feminism isn’t to undermine men to feel power (as commonly understood), it’s about every individual being respected for their weaknesses as well as their strengths, as being innately valuable and deserving equality.
Heather, you don’t have to be a feminist to have from men all that you just described, it comes naturally. That’s what men want to do anyway do anyway, without you having to get all up in arms about it. We WANT you to be respected for what you do, get paid the same, and we look at you as a human with ideas and opinions to be listened to (but I’ll admit that we can still appreciate a pair of nice legs). We like opening doors, fixing stuff, and pulling chairs for you at the table. It’s not feminism that your experiencing, it’s just the benefits of being an adult woman and not acting like a child. No special ‘movement’ is needed.
A feminist who believes in gender roles? You are doing it wrong.
I’ve just got to say that the masculinity you seem to articulate is imperfect in many forms. All the traits you love about men are also the flaws that you as a feminist despise. Two sides of the same coin. If we go out of our way as a society to teach young boys to be unaggressive, then we will wind up with a generation of weak men. I personally love my girlfriend very much, I consider her to be a very intelligent and worthwhile human being. She is absolutely in every way my equal. But when she flips out and attacks me, I’d really love to be able to just sit on her without going to jail.
Modern feminist ideology emphasizes the woman as the victim of the man, they go so far as to spell the word woman as “womyn” because they despise even the word “man”
These are truly “not all” feminists. I agree, but they are the most vocal and visible aspect of the movement in this day and age.
Oh and I have to say that “teach men not to rape” is terribly silly, only because we already do it. It’s used when ideas are proposed to prevent rape that have even a little bit to do with a woman taking responsibility for her own safety (a thing men do all the time without comment). And it’s actually really really dangerous for women. They even flipped shit because some college students invented a nail polish that detected date rape drugs. Said it “promoted rape culture”, they ” don’t want to live in a world where a woman had to use it ” and, laughably “just teach men not to rape”.
it’s the head and the hands, not the stick — it’s how you know how to use your hands, not how you use the stick. I think that you might be more of a “prick chick” than a “real” woman, which of course is fine — there is always a place for the chick who likes the stick prick — but finally, its the head and the hands — you need to join 4-H maybe! check it out!!!
Best comment ever!!!!!
I don’t know a single feminist who hates men. The majority of feminists I know are in happy, healthy relationships with men who agree with them that women are people too. For me, feminism has nothing to do with lowering the status of the men around me. It has everything to do with giving a voice to those who don’t have one (women in countries where their voices are silenced! single moms! women/men/children in poverty!). It has to do with seeing the need for women in leadership, in politics, in university classrooms, in science labs, in operating rooms. And while all of those positions are much more achievable now than a hundred years ago, the inequalities worldwide are still staggering. I love men. I respect them. I have male friends who I couldn’t imagine living without. My position as a feminist is to empower women, not tear down men.
Thank a feminist.
Because I sure do like being able to vote, go to college, have access to birth control, equal pay for equal work, fair trials that aren’t about a woman’s hemline or previous boyfriends…
EXACTLY!!! Thanks for saying this- my thoughts exactly! Thank a feminist that you’re able to get this piece heard. An article that slaps every woman in the face, who has fought for your rights to be the person you are today.
Crushed it, Caroline.
Very funny, Caroline. Courtney’s article slaps everyone women in the face who has fought for my rights? Right…..sigh.
I’m amazed at how my people don’t know the definition of feminism is merely working for EQUALITY for both women AND men, and nothing more. These SJW whatever they are talking about aren’t the same. It’s like saying Christianity and the Westboro Baptist church are the same. That hunters and poachers are the same. That Led Zeppelin and Nickelback are the same lol. It’s just not correct, and there are fundimental differences. Thanks for standing up!!
Hahahahaha, equality for women and men? Is that why every time there is a shared parenting bill, National Organization for Women strongly lobbies to pull it down? Every single time. You are full of shit, at least don’t lie to yourself.
So basically, you’re a passive little breeder bitch for some guy.
Cool life.
Amen! The femiNazis and metrosexual “men” ALWAYS hide behind real men when danger approaches! The real men have made this country SO safe that our weaker humans (femiNazis and metromales) are safe to spew their BS and work on breaking down the safety. Once freedom and safety are lost – the weak die first, screaming, and in huddled masses.
This is satire, right?
Wow you’re really pathetic lol
Loved it… ‘You right well, lady’. It was good to hear something not-feministic.
Thanks for the boost 😀
After reading all this I am hesitant to leave a post, but I feel I must. I am a 50s something white male who married his high school soul mate. She was my best friend for 7 years before we started our life together and she still is. There is nothing I would not do for her, She is part of me. And yet when I have spoken such words to some women they have laughed. This hurts beyond what I can express with words.
I grew up in a time that taught me to hold a door open for a women out of respect, to acknowledge her. No doing so was rude and unthinkable. I have attempted to do so in the current culture and have had women turn and walk away from the door rather than accept a simple gesture. Again, this hurts. They are stomping on a part of me that just IS.
My purpose for writing this is simple. To convey that the actions of some feminist’s hurt just as strongly and just as effectively as what some women-hating men have done. And that is exactly what a man is when he abuses a women. He is showing his hate.
That appears to be the common denominator in this topic. Some have learned to hate the other sex. What a shame. Because such hate is typically a learned trait. I ask everyone who reads this to be less likely to assume the worst in others. Assume the best and you may be wonderfully surprised at what you get.
That said, if some idiot is a hater and abusive – find the means to pound them to dust. I guess it’s not a perfect world.
Jesus Hammond I’m sorry but feminism goes a lot farther than just “women being hurt.” For you to sit there and act like patriarchy and matriarchy are anywhere near equal open your eyes please. I can’t with males who victimize themselves and whine about everything then complain that feminists won’t have sex with them
I hold doors open for all, men, women, transgenders, children, elderly . . . it doesn’t matter what sex you are. Out of courtesy, I will open a door, if I am at it, for you. Don’t beat me about the head and neck because YOU think I have some vile motive for doing so.
I got lectured by a feminist earlier today for being “creepy” because I dared to send her a congenial message online, introducing myself and calling her cute. The horror! FYI, I suffer from intense social anxiety and Asperger’s, so reaching out to women online is a method for me to establish an initial connection, in the hope that we might hit it off and perhaps meet. My point is that feminism is so hellbent on purportedly propping up women’s rights that it winds up demeaning a whole lot of other people, including men with disabilities.
was this a dating website? if not, then yes, it’s inappropriate. I recommend a dating website, if you’re more comfortable expressing yourself online. If it *was* a dating website, then i don’t know what to tell you…except keep trying, the right girl is out there!
I understand what you’re trying to say, but you’re labeling feminists with a pretty harsh label. There a *some* feminists who hate men, but the majority of them just want equality. I love a chivalrous man, but I’m still a feminist. I certainly don’t hate men, haha. I love it when they call me first & pursue me (my brain *didn’t* just explode, FYI). I don’t love being cat-called 3 times a day. Telling feminists to “screw off” is pretty harsh. The only reason you’re able to voice your opinions are because of the feminists who came before you & fought for the rights that you have today. I’m totally into encouraging men to be courteous & thoughtful (and to chop wood), but I don’t think this author has enough experience to judge an entire movement, just because she hasn’t personally experienced a high level of sexism. It exists. Mocking important issues isn’t the proper way to show appreciation towards the other gender. You can love men, without belittling important issues. I know I do.
PS- “Man-spreading” isn’t a made-up modern term by uptight women. It’s just plain rude & takes up an extra seat on the subway. If you’re sitting alone in your house in Washington State, yes, it’s appropriate. BUT not on a subway in NYC when other people need to sit & they’re just taking up extra room. There’s a time & place. Please don’t make generalizations that encourage rude behavior.
Caroline, the “feminists” we’re telling to “screw off” are the SJW third wave feminists who find men at fault for everything, not the old-school Susan B Anthony style feminists.
That’s not what you’re saying. Rape culture was placed in quotation marks. That’s offensive because it certainly does exist. It’s so easy to say you’re not judging the “old-school” types of feminists, because the rights they fought for seem like common sense now. But how do you think they were viewed in their days of reformation? Probably as uptight bitches. There’s something positive to be said for feminism these days. It’s very possible to show appreciation towards men, without putting down important causes. I doubt I’ll change anyone’s mind with a simple post. But as someone who faces male dominance on many levels on a daily basis, I can also say I love a chivalrous man. I like to stick up for my rights as a person, and can appreciate traits that a man has to offer. I think the generalizations in the article were mean towards women who have faced actual sexism. I also think the article is irrelevant, because I’ve never known a man that needs permission to spread their legs and be a man.
Caroline, So you said, “I love a chivalrous man, but I’m still a feminist.” What does this even mean? Just in case you didn’t realize, those 2 terms contradicts in the modern world we live in… You’ll see less and less “Chivalry” ! In my understanding, Thats the main message trying to explain in this article. Why would Men be Chivalrous when most women (inspired by feminist rhetoric) are keen on disrespecting men ? Its a 2 way road. Just ask your self, what have you done for your man ( if you have one) or Men in this world today… ? And since you are caught up in history, how Feminists have fought the battle, bla bla.. would you also acknowledge and THANK Men who have died in wars and given us a free country, so women could walk in a rally to fight for women’s rights 100 some yrs ago? And do you really believe in your RIGHT mind that “Feminists” did it all by them selves …without the help of good Men ?? And what if I tell you that most women who fought those days arent really so called “feminists” … they are simply WOMEN who honored dignity, liberty & justice ! And what if I tell you that most women who paved the way for ‘feminists” today, would totally disagree with the feminist movement’s direction today ? Largely, They had values, mainly faith-based, and family-oriented women who used common sense… and fought the fight, struggled the struggle with good Men… They didnt have the face of “Men-hating” agenda… They didnt give in to “everything a women does is right” agenda ! Those brave women, would simply laugh at Feminist movement today, for fighting and complaining over most ridiculous things you can imagine .. and making all women look pretty bad… ruining the dignified image of Real Women ! Basically today’s feminists is an insult to Real Women who fought for civil-rights long time ago ! So just want to switch gear for a min… 😉 … for the sake of argument, lets just say, “ALL” women who fought for women’s rights were “Feminists” … so does that give modern day feminists to screwup things for today’s women…? If you know history, you would know how much good even Nazis did for their country in the beginning to make it one of best in Europe … but did that give them the right to do all the brutal acts in the end ? Just think for a minute…
Wow. Wasn’t that a bundle of generalizations wrapped into one judgemental response. You know nothing about me (except for what I’ve written) and now you think you know how I treat men and what I think about war. Interesting. And false. I support our troops. I support the men who fought years ago. Both my grandfathers fought. I support the men & women who fight today. I appreciate all people that fight for the rights & freedoms that everyone deserves.
Now….back to the point of my original post & in response to yours.
Yes!!! I’m a feminist & don’t hate men. I love it when my date opens doors, helps me with my coat & tells me I’m pretty. What I don’t love is being cat-called every time I walk to the grocery store. I’m not exaggerating. Every area of living is different, but I’ll tell ya, in NYC, some guys say what they know they can get away with….bc they’re never going to see you again. I also don’t like when clients ask to speak to the “man in charge” at work. Bc I’m the one in charge & I’m a woman. The only reason I’m bringing up these scenarios is bc you asked me to explain. I love when my date is chivalrous & I treat him with respect & admiration, as well. But I’m still a feminist bc I see fundamental problems that need change- equal wages, the respondes to rape, etc. The extreme feminist that get so much attention are NOT how the majority think. They definitely blow things out of proportion, but in this article, all feminists got lumped together in one big generalization. That was my original point in my original post….and then you just NEEDED to know my stance on war…hmmmm
Like a good “feminist” you are just going on … wages , etc etc without seeing the bigger picture! Why aren’t you out there teaching women, to stop blaming others, and learn to rise above issues by your self not sit around blogging & crying about it ! The world will always be an unfair place… No matter who’s Incharge … Men , women or aliens-from-Pluto
! Do you think if women are running the top positions in companies, will eliminate wage issue for women ?? Here’s a small survey task for you, why don’t you ask around 20 women randomly and ask them whom they would rather have as a boss … Man or a woman. You can keep the results fyi 😉 And Do you have a clue how many Men gets discrimination in work places, men gets verbally abused (yelled ,even at times hit) by others at workplaces a lot more than women, and so many cases of wrongly accused for sexual misconducts, and gets pushed to the side on raises /promotions just because the corporate quotas need to be fulfilled to let a woman or minority takes, men gets low priority on jobs they are qualified for but company decides to give it to a woman just for a PR stunt … Etc etc ! But do you see men sit around complaining about it ?? If let go of a job, they create jobs by inventing & starting new jobs … So tell me, what’s holding women from inventions and starting up new businesses and recreating them selves ? Why the numbers are still so low …?? Is it men’s fault again ?? Feminists might makeup another ridiculous story for it why women aren’t a thriving in startups or inventions… and link it to men! I saw a recent article about how tech companies are have non to low amounts of exec level positions … Well Dah !! Groups of men starts most tech companies … And they work hard at it… That’s their decision & freedom & a lot of times makes sense for the to hire other men to see things in same wave lengths for betterment of the company. Feminists just like to crash in and force men to give them a piece ! What the feminists are asking is,we’ll watch you make the cake first and after its well done, you better give the best piece to us ! How unfair is that ?? Anyway, don’t get me wrong, I’m not denying your concerns… It has merits but Let me tell you the main problem with feminists nowadays, is leaving out the details biasely and picking& choosing what needs to be said & voiced ! An example is, you said your grandfathers fought in wars … But where’s your (and other feminists) voice about staggering suicide rates among veteran men ?? Do the feminists care ?? Do you feel anything needed to be done about it that men who gave their sweat and comfort to our nation are being pushed to the side ? Do feminists realize Suicide means “death” … Unlike low-wages you’re most concerned about, suicide means end of life ! And feminists would skip men dying in military issues and go straight to talk about same pay in miLitary jobs for women. And … Tell me pls, why would anyone in their right mind pay a woman same as man who is able to do a job faster, & better ? Example; would u be able to carry another wounded man to a safe zone while shots being fired at you ? Would you be able to pass the same physical test as most men? But Now thanks to feminists agenda in politics, Marine corps have lowered their standards to be “fair” for women who wants to join. Go figure ! What would your grandfathers think about it ? The Bottom line is, This whole feminist movement is a big business nowadays … A money cow (just like there’s race-mongers who plays the innocent minority community with their race-card to eventually only to benefit their pockets) ! As long as they keep women like you believing that the main issue is caused by men, the feminist women on top will continue to make money in media, books, speeches, etc etc.. It’s just like a Hollywood sequel… Never ending … Producers just keep making a killing as long as the buzz is outthere. Today’s nagging feminists are a disgrace to those graceful women who fought true battles in our society to bring women’s position this far … But thanks to self-centered feminists today, all those good efforts are going to waste … The image of women are in decline… If it wasn’t for feminists, more men & women both would have trusted women more and we could have seen an American president sometime
Back ! We are waaay behind in comparison to the rest of world … (Even in male dominant countries) … For that, thank the Feminist agenda for loosing it’s their way !
Hahaha. In going to choose to pretend that you have no clue how incredibly sexist this post was. I’ve never cried about this. Except when I was raped & told by authorities not to pursue it. I cried then. The only reason I brought up my grandfathers fighting in war is bc the lady I was responding to asked me….I find it irrelevant, which was my point. I’ll admit, I stopped reading your post after that bc I think you’re probably an idiot.
Courtney, Thanks for the TRUTH, Guess I am a bad influence,, I pick up the check, For Breakfast, lunch or dinner.. I split the chores 50 / 50 or even 70 / 30 if she is overwhelmed at work or elsewhere.. I open doors, pul and push chairs in, help with a coat on or off and many other things.. If you dont show someone you love them, they usaully move on.. A smile, random act of kindness, a hug and I love you or Im sorry does wonders..
Well composed article… Deeper message for all of us in the lightest way possible. Surely, Its about time, Women realizes that modern day feminism really exists for no good reason, and constantly craves for attention… and indirectly it hurts Women far more! Its reality that There’s good men & bad… and Thanks to good men, we have a safer world today, giving their lives to us almost everyday in various high risk jobs that noone even care to know about. These feminists are just nothing but bunch of HYPOCRITES that raves & rants everyday… does nothing good for this world ! They sit on a chair a man has made, types on a computer that a man has made, gets in a car that a man made, and drives off safely on a road that men built, and rests their head peacefully in a house that a man built… And should I say more, who broke their backs to get those vegetables & fruits (farming) for these feminists to sit around & gossip in their fancy meetings all day long! Yet they have the nerve to insult & disrespect good Men in every opportunity they get… good Men who have labored & made us a better place live in! This reminds me a wuote From John Adams, when questioned by the French of his interests in War, he answered “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain”. And guess what, because he made those sacrifices for a better future for our nation, good “sons” ( men) made sacrifices inspired by people like him… Therefore today, we all ( sons & Daughters both) have the freedoms to enjoy ! This Feminist selfish insanity is just out of control ! you know when there’s plenty of causes to help women &children around the world but they’re busy fighting to show nipples !! Yes lets just Free the Nipple !! Great cause idiots!… like we need to show more skin, when its all around us… billboards, tv, online, etc… Their agenda is pushing decent women to the curb, whom respects their bodies and wants men to do the same. There’s plenty of decent who would prefer to keep the beauty of Women’s body – beautiful & Exclusive ! Feminism lead pornographic culture is ruining all of us ! Really its frightening to raise kids nowadays… girls want to loose their cloths, when boys wants to just get in their pants ! So… what do we get out of it… increase of teen pregnancies ! And feminism is NOT helping at all by creeping into the minds of our young girls, and telling them “you can do whatever you like or be whoever you wanna be” … yes THANK YOU feminism… my “daughter” is a world-class prostitute, who likes to sell her body online for few bucks because you said she can do whatever she likes with her body and letting go of cloths would empower a woman! Thank you Feminism for ruining a generations of young women! There was a time in history that Men would go above and beyond for women… you didnt see Women being slapped, beaten and killed in media… (that was actually prohibited to show). And If a women gets arrested, that was the talk of the town… because it was not normal. But after the feminist Movement, Look at the world today ! Count the numbers of female prisoners… Count the amounts of women suffering with alcoholism, drugs, STDs… just chaos… really unbelievable damage Feminists have caused ! Look at the amounts of Women being harassed & abused by other Women (mostly in workplaces), and nowadays Men usually dont want to get involved, Thanks to Feminists bullying Men, accusing them in every move they make and constantly pounding them with the message that women don’t need Men to fix their problems! Yes, we need men to fix our problems… and so does Men need us ! Its a Mutual relationship … they have their roles, we have ours for this world… so simple to understand ! There was a time, men would do anything for Women… to protect their Women & Children was their priority ! Today… its not so ! Look at our Marine corps now, have lowered their standards, just to cater to Women soldiers… just ridiculous… other countries must be laughing at our utter stupidity ! Anyways, Before I go any further… should calm down 😉 … just simply wants to say THANK YOU for this inspiring article Courtney… mainly speaking to those good men that we want to have by our side, for the sake of unity, family unit, our society’ success… and simply for Humanity’s sake ! Modern day feminists failed to understand, We are all in this together ( Men & Women)… maximizing & acknowledging our different roles in this world, just struggling together ( through good & bad) making a better place in the best way possible for our future. Some People just have a hard time understanding this simple Truth !
You are so incredibly clueless it’s so sad
Thanks Krissy,
I read a response comment on another article writen by a young naive feminist about the friendzone. Purporting such people discussing that are “misogynist crybabies that can’t take a rejection”. Anyway, woman made a comment telling her that she thought her article was load of rubbish. She went on to say that it’s attitudes like that lead to rape and murder. And concluded with feminism harms women too. I was into looking into evidence of such. After two years I found the answer (in the way of your comment). I’m grateful for that. I’ll use it against feminists and more so to their male enablers (to show them how they’ve been lied to and used),
Rape culture exists.
After being sexually assulted bt. My. Father. I tried to tell someone and they asked me what I was wearing. It wasn’t even a police officer it was my foster parents.they acted as if I had deliberately dressed or acred in a way to cause him to rape me. The police were never told.
Rape exists. No one would argue that. Rape culture is a myth in the west, and the places in the world where it DOES exist, feminists are too afraid to talk about.
Courtney. When you’re still young and surging with female hormones (that is, socially desirable, approved of, and acceptable), there’s a bit of a biological imperative to ignore the toxic and dangerous power dynamics all about you. It makes it much easier to procreate. Feminists seem terribly bitter to you, because you’re winning. I hope you can enjoy this narrow slice of social privilege without it utterly destroying you for what comes next.
By the way – I married one of the guys you describe, and could not be happier in my marriage. Being an adult, however, I have the capacity for complexity. I don’t allow myself to be deluded into thinking that the existence of my husband and his sweet friends, and other men like him, cancels out all the sexual harrassment, rape, workplace discrimination, passive aggressive and outright hostile actions and attitudes that unfortunately make the world a very dangerous place for women. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.
But not in the US. Rape and violence are at a 40 year low here, so if feminists want to decry violence against women they would do well to remember in some cultures it is actually celebrated.
Thank you Feminist Who Loves Men for the most succinct, realistic, and intelligent comment on this thread. The author is, indeed, very young and doesn’t yet have her training pants off.
To the other Lillian, you and the fictional Lillian James of Gamer Ghazi (Why call the recolor to Vivian Lillian? Why not Jillian?) are a disgrace to other Lillians who actually think for themselves and don’t use “No true Scotsman” arguments.”
This Lillian does not label herself. She thinks for herself and is not tied into any group.
When you label yourself you are tied to that group. And you take on whatever that group does. Good or Bad.
And the feminist SJW group, their spokespeople are highly detestable. Why anyone would want to associate themselves with a movement that advocates and supports immorality?
Yes, you heard me, immorality.
I’m not getting into this topic as it’s already been said in numerous excellent posts by other posters.
Using insults to the other users and the article writer herself only makes your argument look weak and desperate to make yourself feel better. When deep down, you know what is right and what is wrong.
I’ll say this in response to your no true Scotsman argument.
How come I see so many people who call themselves “feminists” and believe the opposite of feminists like Susan B. Anthony feminists believe?
How come the loud mouth, arrogant, disrespectful, idiotic, feminists I see and hear about are the ones society is listening to and praising?
Why is it the majority of blogs and website (Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, College Humor, the Telegraph, Daily Mail UK,etc. Etc.) Are the ones harping on about unimportant issues and focus on such trivial ones?
You answer me that.
The only Feminist I like and respect is Christina Hoff Summers. A feminist who was booed and hissed at a college/university because she doesn’t believe the drivel of what mainstream feminism in the media wants all women to believe.
I love men. And I love myself. Everything Courtney pointed out in her article of why she loves men I adore men for the same reason.
I love when men are themselves. I love them hairy and with facial hair. The way a man SHOULD look.
Sure I like doing masculine things like doing work men do. I’ve never had a man tell me I couldn’t do what he does.
But I still love being feminine. The thought of a handsome devil rescuing me one like Cary Elwes plays in Princess Bride, has always been titillating to me.
I’ve had men interested in me and I’ve never looked down on them for it even though they weren’t my type. I see it as a compliment really.
I dress modestly so I’ve never been catcalled by men.
I don’t get women getting mad at men for ogling because the woman was revealing her boobs or butt or something.
Good men are hard to find now a days because feminism has emasculated the men. And a lot of men are sick of feminism and some men are just sick of us females PERIOD.
Want proof? Just type in these five letters: M.G.T.O.W.
This is all coming from a millennial Latina, mind you. A child of the snake and a minority.
My wife is super independent and was an 3 sport athlete and she is my absolute best friend in the world. She likes being taken care of sometimes and I like taking care of her. I don’t understand these freaking feminists
I needed to read this.
I am a man who lives (mostly) by conservative principles… living dead center in liberal headquarters, USA (San Fransico, CA).
I feel like I can’t even *try* to say hello to an attractive woman because I get scowls and treated as if I’m only there for a one-night stand (even if it’s 7 AM at a train station).
I have been so suppressed by the overwhelming sense of “F*** off you MAN.” that I’ve been ready to burst.
I just wish more women would stand up like you and prove me, and the pressure I’ve felt, as wrong.
WOW! You sound weak. Gueesing you have been homogenized amd heat pasteurized. Wimpy males are the worst.
Hmm…I consider myself a feminist. I LOVE manly men, in fact, I regularly bitch at, and about, guys who spend more time in the bathroom on their hair than I do (which is quite a while…no I don’t have a crew cut), guys who gossip (GROSS) and guys who whine and moan like a four year old (of any gender. Doesn’t matter here). But I also believe there IS a war on women (these belief systems are not mutually exclusive-you can believe both at the same time) with abortion rights being threatened, birth control being questioned and with women still being treated as second-class citizens at home and abroad. I also think there’s a war on other demographics. For example, adolescent young men are told that if a woman leers at him, he should just like it. When the tables are turned, if a young woman is flattered, she’s a slut. Many people have twisted what a Feminist is, I can tell you what it ISN’T for me. I’m not a bull-dyke, man-hating rage-filled desk monkey banging out why men drool and chicks rule. I’m married to a wonderful man who attracted me because of his masculinity. If I wanted to do something he didn’t, we’d talk, and I’d be open to changing my plans, I don’t bulldoze over him. Feminist does not automatically equal stereotype (although it certainly does sometimes, that’s why there’s a stereotype)! The loudest 20% don’t represent all of us, so the only keyboard burning up in this interaction was yours, sister.
Radicals of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Usually the loudest minority of a group are the leaders. So they do represent everyone who follows them.
It is those twenty percent that push for legislative changes. It is you who doesn’t matter.
I knew that. Thank You Woman for speaking the truth to women who don’t like men or the truth.
Nice one dude. Have a look at my website. It may be interesting to you
Thank you for being a lady. *hat tip* I’d hold the door for you any day, sweetheart.
Testimony on a spell caster who brought my gay partner back to me. I’m happily in a gay relationship .A very big problem occurred in my life five months ago,between me and my partner .so terrible that he broke our romantic and the sexiest relationship i have ever had all my life, he said that he never wanted to stay with me anymore that he didn’t love me anymore. he packed out of my house and made me passed through several pains. I tried all my possible best to get him back, after much begging, and he confirmed it that he has made his decision never to see me again. one evening,i met a friend who asked of my partner . i explained every thing to him, he told me the only way i can get my partner back is to visit a spell caster because it has really worked for him too. i never believed in spell but i had no option than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he [email protected] } the next morning i sent a mail to the address and the spell caster assured me that i will get my partner back in three days.What an amazing statement!! I never believed, he spoke with me and told me all i need to do which i did. on the second morning, surprisingly my partner who didn’t call me for the past five months gave me a call to inform me he is coming back that was how he came back same day with lots of love and joy and she apologized for his mistakes pains he caused me . Then from that day our relationship is now stronger than ever before,by the help of a spell caster.i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website [email protected] },if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back or getting promotion in your office,talk and obey or having any kind of sickness such as cancer, HIV AIDS, or any kind of disease Contact him today on this Email: [email protected]
An important thing to understand is that there is a substantial gap between what feminism claims to be and what it really is.
I am happy to report that my Ex and I are now happily back together. I have to say it was effortlessly done! I thank you Dr Obodo for all of your great via Info: [email protected] and +(234)815-5425481
Gurl. I love you. ROFLMBO!!!! This is SO TRUE and the cry of every REAL woman on the planet. Awesome.
what are u waiting for why not take that leap of Faith and contact dr atidi today he did it for me and can also do it for you…its took him just 1 day to resolve my divorce case after i cheated on my wife she was so angry and she moved out of the house with my 3 kids at that point i knew i had failed and was on the verge of destroying all i had built with my own hands i apologized and promise not to do that again but all to no avail i even went to her place of work numerous times with gift… on one occasion i even bought her a brand new car she refused it also… 3 days to my divorce case hearing a friend gave me dr atidi contact after i contacted him and told him my problem. told him all the truth and how badly i will loose my wife …. kids and even properties if the divorces goes through and he said i should not worry i should just give him 24hrs after 24 hrs hours my wife called and said she was coming back home and she already called her lawyer to stop the divorce i was so happy..As i speak right not we are on Vacation i and my family are enjoying our life again but i look back and smile cus i almost destroyed 16yrs of marriage. thanks to dr atidi for helping me make things right again…Here are his contact in case any body need any sort of help : E-mail : [email protected] , Tel +2348063930531
Bright Philip From Illinois USA –
Good day to everyone, I am James Stood from New York, United States, I am really excited about the work of Dr atidi, if not for him, I won’t have commit a suicide by now, or join my ancestors now, my wife left me with my our two kids without having any misunderstanding, I tried to console her to come back to me, nothing was working out, I tried my best to have her back, I begged her, kneed before her and begged her in tears, her no was still NO, she said she is not interested in the relationship anymore, I cried all through running up and down the streets, family relatives all to have her back because I missed her a lot mostly my children, I was not even seeing their faces at all. After a week, she brought a divorce letter to me for me to sign, I looked up and down, tears rolled down and I was frustrated, I told her, I will have to think about it. To God be all the Glory, I was directed by a friend of mine to a specialist world best known Love Spell Caster called Dr. atidi, I speak to him on phone, emailed each other all the time and he told me not worry about anything at all, I should relax my mind and calm down that my wife is going to come back before the week runs out, he also said he don’t charge for any of spell works, all I have to do is to provide the money needed for her to buy the materials to cast the love spell on her, I send to her and after two days she mailed and said she is done with the work, that my wife is going to come back in three days time with our children and she will kneel before me and begged in tears and promise not to leave me with any heart break again and she will cancelled the divorcement letter. I hacking into the words of Dr atidi and believed in her, all to my greatest surprise the words of Dr atidi came to pass and my wife now love me and we are now living together as one. I don’t have anything to say thank you to Dr atidi so I have to tell the world about him and you also can find a favor in him by contacting him on his email address [email protected]
I never knew people still have powers and make things happened this way. My name is Debby Patrick am from U S A. my Husband Williams John left me for another woman for three months’ ever since then my life have been filled with pains sorrow and heart break because he was my first love who dis virgin me when i was 21 years old. about two years ago, A friend of mine Kate Pillps told me he saw some testimonies of this great Dr ogududu that he can bring back lover within some few days, i laugh it out and said i am not interested but because of the love my friend had for me, she consulted the great priest on my behalf and to my greatest surprise after three days my boyfriend is going to call me for the very first time after three months that he is missing me and that he is so sorry for every thing he made me went through. i still can’t believe it, because it highly unbelievable it just too real to be real. Thank you Dr ogududu for bringing back my lover and also to my lovely friend who interceded on my behalf, for any one who might need the help of this great priest here is the email address [email protected] OR you can call the great man on {+2348101197342}
Thank God for you using UDO VOODOO to bring back my husband who left as a result of unable to give him a baby for marriage of 15years and now he is back saying that
children come from God that he will be patient with me and all this happen since i contacted the powerful spell caster and he is very nice and also genuine in his work
contact him on [email protected] for your own help..
Thank you for this open letter to men. Feminists have never spoken for me. I completely agree with everything you pointed out.
I also like real men. I like being treated like a queen…and having decisions made. I like being complimented and appreciated.
I don’t like the men bashing. Thank you again for encouraging the real men.
No woman should be treated like a “Queen”! That means men should be treated as “Kings”! Not in today’s world. Any man I meet thinking he’s king will have a very real awakening. And no woman should wish to be treated like a weak, defenseless “Princess”. We should all be treated equally. Men cook, clean, laundry. Women have the career, mow the lawn, meet up with coworkers afterwards for drinks. That is equality.
I feel the same about gals doing that for me. I’d like it, too. I disagree with pigeon-holing genders (stereotypes). THEY R….(any demographic). I’m not them, only judge me.
I’ve like and lived happily with myself for 52 years – Stan Laurel joke. I’d like to meet a gal with same character – (ain’t ever – TIGGER, “I’m the only one” of est 105B = 7 X World / 7B)
“We know you want to call your daughters “princesses,” and you’re not being patriarchal when you do.”
If he is her father, that pretty much is the very definition of patriarchy. Just saying.
Oh, and this “Ellen” commentor is a real f’n c***.
Ah yes, the common trend of Anti-Feminist women who think they’re defending men and masculinity.
What about the men who don’t conform to modern Gender norms and have to deal with “conservative” publicly saying real men shouldn’t cry every time a male celebrity publicly cries. Even though that is a very modern gender stereotype, the Men of the Bible cry in Public a lot.
What if I told you far more men then you realize don’t like being pressured to fit this cultural definition of a “real man” but they keep trying only because society has pressured them into it.
That many of us would be relived at dividing the responsibilities of running a family truly evenly rather then down stereotypical gender lines.
And no the men I’m taking abut aren’t limited to LGBT men of Meterosexuals, they includes plenty of guys who just like normal guys, who play videos games, are ready and willing to fight or died for what they believe in and for people they care about. And includes men whoa re pretty conservative on some political issues.
Thanks ladies for voicing your opinions to the feminists out there but to be quite honest, real men couldn’t care less about the feminists and their opinions… We feel the same way you do. Let the have their stupid party, we just laugh at it! Glad to have the real women standing up for us! We LOVE when you need us to open a jar and lift stuff for you! 😉
Amen. I love men, not the metrosexual pansies that feminists turn men into. Well said.
Too little, too late:
I appreciate the effort you put into writing this insightful article, but it is too little, too late :
I agree 100%, Karen.
Thank you very much for posting this. Your address to the men reminded me very much of how my girlfriend/fiancée treats me. Your address to the feminists of today was very satisfying. Keep up the good work :3
I agree with most – but the part about “pound(ing) a punk into the ground if he tried messing with us” is just about as evil as what feminist warriors AGAINST social justice do when men start flirting with them. Encouraging men to commit violent crimes against other men is just as bad as encouraging men to rape or beat women. And if the “punk” really is crossing the line and not just showing interest, the police are a better remedy.
The rest of your letter is good, but stop encouraging violence, by anybody against anybody.
I agree with most – but the part about “pound(ing) a punk into the ground if he tried messing with us” is just about as evil as what feminist warriors AGAINST social justice do when men start flirting with them. Encouraging men to commit violent crimes against other men is just as bad as encouraging men to rape or beat women. And if the “punk” really is crossing the line and not just showing interest, the police are a better remedy.
The rest of your letter is good, but stop encouraging violence, by anybody against anbody.
Sorry about the duplication – server problems, I think.
To the person who wrote this; If you want to express your opinion about feminism, as you certainly should do, you would have a much more powerful presentation if you simply state how you feel and what you believe, instead of trying to predict and describe how you think those who might disagree with you are responding. All of your descriptions of how you think feminists are responding weaken your arguments. Since you’re not one of them, you’re just guessing. Feminists are women and men who believe that women and girls are human beings and deserve to be treated respectfully and be safe wherever they are. And don’t use abbreviations without identifying what the abbreviation stands for.
For someone so passionate about marketing their BS as even mildly convincing, why not proofread your work a little more thoroughly? “Micro-agressions” has two g’s. “Feminist’s” is proof that we’re dealing with someone who doesn’t know how to use an apostrophe. I don’t know where you learned to write, but I’m guessing it’s from the same place you got these half-baked, astonishingly ignorant ideas of there being “real women” and “fake women” just because of differing viewpoints. And some life advice, if you want to be taken seriously, don’t pick a passive-aggressive declaration of hatred for your title, especially when you’re choosing to call out others for their diatribes on men. This whole article sounds like it was written by someone about fifteen years old. This is just sad. Get better soon, sweetie.
I think it would be good if we just remember that the ‘not all men’ are monsters point, which is totally accurate, also applies to feminists. ‘Not all feminists’ are men haters. Maybe some extreme feminists are inclined this way, as some men are inclined to hideous acts of rape and abuse, but NOT ALL. Please bear in mind that there are some feminists who just want to be equal, and I can safely say this is a majority…
My name is Ruth Moore from uk. I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is DR.OYINBO he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is [email protected]
Guy here,
Only when I was a raging manipulative asshole, did I get dates. I didn’t like being an asshole, but it worked even with feminists. Occasionally, I have seen a woman who rose above what they are attracted to. Occasionally, I have seen women who dated nice guys without trying to use them for money. However, I am going to disregard feminism until I see women dating nice guys. I believe they are sometimes called, “whiney beta men.” The fact is that Trump is married, and most betas are not.
I’ll start a fire but my shirt really needs to be ironed babe. 😮
Good to see there’s someone willing to dispute the feminazis out there and call them on their BS.
REAL women know what’s up. that although we have our faults men aren’t complete idiots even though sometimes we give the ladies plenty of evidence to support that theory.
These 2nd and third wave feminists do little more than disgrace the original idea of Feminism which as Eve was created from Adam’s rib (thus to be at his side and neither above or below him) So we have gotten away from the original idea (whether it’s the small minded men thinking they’re better than women and that they have no contribution to society other than cooking and cleaning or bearing children or the Feminazis with their pathetic claims) that it’s supposed to be a partnership between the sexes and they are to work together.
So even though I’m girly wearing short dresses, miniskirts and heels opening doors, pulling out seats, giving a jacket to keep her warm. Paying cab fare for a woman so she is safe even standing up to a douche boyfriend who I normally fear and getting hurt some how makes me more butch than the other guys. Thanks Courtney for most of my life the guys had a bros before hoes since I was not considered a bro that meant they never had my back. Then it is hard to hid under a miniskirt though at least my legs aren’t hairy. If you and your friends find prince charming better than a douche bag boy friend honking your breast jokes on them mine are small hahahaha.
Well I don’t need any “MAN” to think he’s better, smarter, wealthier than me. I can even change my own flat tire thank you. I’m a sales executive and earn more then the average male. Men are so insecure when th meet a successful woman, good income, descent to solid good looks. They are little boys in man’s clothing.
Women can have better experiences with novelties. Men can’t get it up/keep it up. They only last what..10 minutes then leave women frustrated! Toys last longer and stay firmer longer.
Funny thing about those SJWs, they HATE gender roles that men expect them to do, but yet, want men who fit the male gender role. The SJWs are some of the most hypocritical people in the world. “It’s WRONG For males to do this, but it’s totally okay for us to because of feminism.” My mother, absolutely hates the idea of feminism as a whole. Granted, she’s old fashioned, but real feminism isn’t about hating men, or making it where men can’t say or do anything without being called sexist. It’s about advocating for women to be equal to men, which they should be. When it comes to pay, I don’t think a woman with no experience at a certain job should get the same pay as a man who does the same job and has for 20+ years just because she’s a woman, nor do I think a man who is new should make the same as a woman who’s done the job for 20+ years. Equality isn’t about making the same amount of money or whatever, it’s about having equal opportunities, and equal respect. Sure, some men don’t respect women, and they’re idiots. But the majority of us do.
Also, to Bella who said something about there are no “fake women” and “real women.” How many times have you said you’re not a real man? Same applies, it’s a two way street darlin. Oh, is it sexist to call you darlin? If it is, I don’t give a crap. I’m not going to turn into a pansy man for the sake of “feminists.” Note the quote, that means the SJWs, not real feminists. The SJWs want to be better than men, when they say that men aren’t better than they are. We’re all human, we should all be equal, no one above or below. The world has been a man’s world for 99% of it’s existence. Also women,you wouldn’t have been born if it wasn’t for a man, so stop the hate on men, we both need to be equal, to be able to keep the world going. If all women hated men and vice verse, we’d die out cause men would stop donating sperm, and there would be no more babies and humans would die out. Thank God that not all women are annoying SJWs who’s life work is to hate on men.
Good day,,,,
My name is Henderson Elizabeth am from USA, am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for a good Samaritan who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can’t afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and take care of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don’t know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this email ([email protected]) that I should tell her all my problem that she can help that was how i contacted her and I do as instructed. After 3days and I have done what she ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle she also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted her am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you are any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email ([email protected]) or call him +2348167494683
Thank you, Courtney for those nice words. I, for myself, always believed that showing respect would gain respect, but sadly this is a myth when it comes to feminists. I had a lot of bad experiences and actually gave up hope to find a partner for life, a woman who loves me as I love her. But your letter gave me hope and proved me, that not all women are so bitter and cold-hearted.
For this, thabk you from the bottom of my heart.
Bring back the real good old fashioned women which were the BEST compared to today
Feminism has definitely Destroyed many of us Good men Unfortunately and will continue to do so.
Wait—feminists have brains to explode??
I agree with every word and I’m a woman. I love my husband for the man he is and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m happy to see there are many women who don’t buy into the feminist narrative that men are evil or otherwise deficient, but Courtney and others, I hope you realize that if you want a man to treat you like a queen, you must give him a good reason to do so beyond you simply being a woman. If you really want to be treated like a queen, be prepared to treat him like a king. Reciprocity is the foundation of a healthy relationship, being the core of both respect and true equality.
It really makes me satisfied to see that we are not alone, as a woman myself I get tired of hearing the same “White supremacist Patriarchy” when really We are in a society that does not treat women unfairly.
Rape Culture is bullshit, How else am I going to say this… Want a true example of your so called “rape Culture” go to the middle east, You want to see What real misogny is? Go see what happens to Arab Women, go see that Yazadi Community that had thier women enslaved by ISIS and Forced into sex slavery.
You bitch and whine about your so called Patriarchy, claiming to stand for Women’s rights, when you so much as turn a Blind eye to the Oppression going on in The Middle East and other Parts of the world.
You aren’t for Equality…
You aren’t Fighting for real change
You’re not even Feminists.
All that you are is a movement that is the blind, following the blind, led by the blind. Undermining anyone who doesn’t agree with you.
When you don’t treat people equally or let them be thier natural selves, people tend to get pissed off, they don’t like it when their Feelings get stepped on.
If you really are in support of equality, I suggest you Actually make a difference in places where women REALLY are oppressed.
Thank you for writing this. I will totally build you a fire.
A lot of Loser women on this Topic.
I find it interesting that after reading comments for a half hour, I found a consistent pattern:
Feminist: We are not man haters, that is a straw man argument and you are ignorant.
Random post praising article/making plea: Good article, various anecdote about male perspective, mention aborion, etc.
Feminist: Responds with either hateful/derogatory commeNT or curse words, or both.
This happens consistently, which tells me that a) I cannot take a feminist at face value, as they bait and switch, and b) feminists as a group are more likely to be vile and hateful, especially when there is more than one present.
Be careful now, lest you prove my point.
I find most ‘feminists’ to not be for equality, and just use ‘feminism’ as a platform for misandry. It’s pretty pathetic to be honest.
My name is Tricia Ann.I am really pleased with this service. I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr.ogala. When I nearly lost David in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read so many testimony about Dr. Ogala love spell,how he help to bring back ex lover back.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! David my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr.ogala email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help [email protected]
My love broke up 6 months ago and left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Manifest Spell, my relationship was restored instantly, I was happy that the outcome was fantastic, only 3 days after [[email protected] . com] started it all. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My man reconcile with me and he started acting completely different, we make love everyday (last weekend, we did it 8 times in total!). Now I can say that Manifest’s spells work! I can now say I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my lover back again, Thanks to Dr. Manifest.
I want to use this medium to tell the world about Dr EHIMARE, who helped me in getting my lover back with his powerful spell, my ex and i where having misunderstanding which led to our breakup in 2002 though i went to beg him several times to please forgive and accept me back because i knew i offend him but each time i went i always feel more deeply in pain and agony because he always walk out on me and would not want to listen to what i have to tell him but on one faithful day as i was browsing i came arcoss a testimony of a woman whose problem was worse than mine and yet Dr ehimare, helped her with his spell so i was happy and also contacted Dr ehimare, for help via email ([email protected] or whastapp +2348062387084) and then told him my story but the only thing he said was that i will wipe your tear out with my spell so luckily for me everything want well just as he promised and right now i have got my fiance back and we are both living happily. there is nothing Dr Ehimare, can not do with his spell and just as promise myself i will keep testifying on the internet of how Dr Ehimare who helped me.Are your problems greater than mine or less i give you 100% guarantee that Dr ehimare, will put an end to it with his powerful spell, contact Dr ehimare, today to help you email: [email protected]” or whatsapp; +2348062387084
You may have already tried the power of spells and prayers to get what you want. it is not true everybody have the ability to cast spells and perform magic, spell casting is like a muscle.Not Everyone has this ‘muscle’ but the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more things you are able to do with it. If you are not an experienced spell caster, your spell may not be as strong, and the results not as quick as you may desire.GET YOUR PROBLEMS SOLVE WITH DR EHIMARE
Note:DR EHIMARE Spell casting do not have any effect on any one, But just to get your problem solve ok.
Get your problem solve in master…You can get the bellow problems solve in his temple.
1. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long
2. Remove bad spells from homes, business
& customer attraction etc.
3. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
4. Remove the black pot that keeps on taking your money away
5. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
6. Eliminate in family fights
7. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
8. Stop your marriage or relationship from
breaking apart
9. he destroy and can send back the Nikolaos if requested
10. We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
11. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
12. Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
13. Ensure success in work and business
14. Mental illness & bewitched
15. Can”t sleep at night or walking at night
16. Recover stolen property and
whereabouts of people that hurt you.
17. Bring supernatural luck into your home
18. Extreme protection for those doing dangerous jobs like security guards, Bank manager, cash transporters, etc dr ehimare have over 40 years of spell casting experience, and i am a living WITNESS of his magical power and i am full of happiness today he can help you too,you Read through my words and CONTACT HIM VIA:[email protected] or whatsapp; +2348062387084 AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.
It took a while to get my man back, but Dr Obodo did it, I was gutted when he left me, but with his hard work and never giving up attitude he got him back for me, thank you so much.Email Dr @ [email protected]
i Saw DOC’s ad in a Internet and phoned he, within a few minutes I just knew that he would help me, he’s so helpful, and really understands what you are going through. I have recommended he to my girlfriends who are having troubles also you can mail he via [email protected] . M. Cardiff
I laughed so hard when you said “Now go chop some wood and make us a fire.”
I can’t imagine many men that would not find that funny. But most women seem to get so mad if you make the same kind of joke towards women.
But I am from a town where there is no difference between a woman and a man, they all do the same stuff and work the same kind of jobs. Women can be hard strong manual workers too. I found that they are much more pleasant to spend time with.
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