全 3 件のコメント

[–]JeajaoshJi Sung Park 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm from Aldershot (who's matches I did got to when I lived there, when they were down in the 5th/6th tier) but there was no big team particularly near me, so after watching matches on TV I just started supporting United as they were the most entertaining to watch when i was 7/8 years old. After moving to Norwich at around 11 it was too late to start supporting Norwich and it's hard to be a fan of a lower league team when you live 200 miles away, so all of my support went in to the team I could still watch on TV, Man Utd.

[–]TMilloMartial 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The main thing is that we live in a modern age. Identifying with a club (ie one was for the poor, one for the wealthy in the old days) doesn't happen anymore.

Like Spurs, they were considered the club that Jewish immigrants supported in the 1900-1970's. It's now just another club, sure they're still calling them self Yids but the majority of their fans come from every walk of life.

I grew up in London but support United because of my dad. He grew up 5 mins from Old Trafford. I don't associate more or less with United because I didn't grow up around the club and neither should you.

You're only a glory hunter if you change team when times get hard

TL;DR Associating with clubs roots is in the past.

[–]b_nickPogba 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My Dad was a United fan. The first football games I can remember watching were with my cousin who was also a United fan. I don't care what anyone says to be honest. No one's comments are ever going to change my opinion on the team I've supported most of my life, and life is too short to care.