全 11 件のコメント

[–]DwightWolftail 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Redpill is knowledge .

MGTOW have the knowledge .

Hence MGTOW are redpill .

They just don't follow the same path we do . Most of them just bitch and bitch . We live with what we can achieve . I've gone MOW for some time . MGTOW may differ greatly from each other . Most are losers , but there are winners too . It's just that they don't compromise with what they can have from women . I would suggest that you had some good lays , got to know the game , and then decide . Don't let your fears or your emotional barriers decide for you .

[–]ClintonKush 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sure, you can understand sexual strategy and forgo it. It's not even unreasonable because sexual dynamics are at play regardless of romantic context.

[–]nice_and_friendly 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

i used to think this too. but when you spend some time there and try to participate in any discussion, you will realize that they are nothing like us at all. they have all totally given up, and they just want to bitch about it to make themselves feel better. they have no interest in self improvement, just hamstering circle jerks. they are literally petrified of women, its actually pathetic. 99% of the posts there are blind women hate circle jerks, or coming up with irrational reasons to excuse themselves for being wildly ineffective males. i would be willing to bet that atleast 80% of them are fat and disgusting, unemployed, physically disabled, legally retarded, or otherwise literally incapable of seducing and enjoying women. thats why they are 'mgtow'.. because its a way to excuse themselves for being a failure instead of taking responsibility for it and working to improve.

mgtow is a support group for losers. nothing more, nothing less. they have nothing in common with anything that we strive for here. spend some time there, participate in some discussions, and see for yourself.

[–]Ganaria_Gente 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

im inclined to agree with you....most men are in the end, very sexual (compared to women). so MGTOWers seem to deny reality and tell themselves "we dont need women" and try to console each other on this self repressive decision.

i feel bad for them.

[–]221522 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

most men are in the end, very sexual (compared to women)

Looks like you've denied reality yourself.

[–]mdcrubengonza 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation - Thoreau

[–]squidracer 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's getting that way.. After the incels invaded it went from being mostly political and anti marriage to guys terrified of even talking to a woman

[–]chooseaburner 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most people who would fall into that category- MGTOWs- wouldn't actually call themselves the term.

[–]Mike377774774 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea, but what about the other 20% ? Do you think they can be redpill? A few of the posts there are about guys there have had (or so they say) a string of relationships and consider themselves good with women, even if they have quit by now.

[–]ryeFL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Red pill is just a perspective - you accept sexual politics, some aspects of evo psych, gynocentrism, male disposability, etc etc.

Some men accept this then decide the game is too rigged to bother with. Other men acknowledge it and use it to enhance their interaction with women, hopefully always being cognizant of the inherent risks.

tldr mgtow and red pill go together. mgtow aren't blue pill, for example

[–]plasticslug 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I like the blend... but hell thats just me. I like doing my own thing, not having any pressures to for dating or women in general. But I love seeing the truths every day as well.

I come from the (probably non popular school of thought ) if you are not naturally whoo-ing woman naturally with looks/instantly, its going to be a long and hard game for you to play.

I love talking to a girl, having her open up, react to my jokes, smile when I talk to her... but I love it even more when chad walks up behind me, and her eyes dilate, legs spread, she touches his chest as she is still sitting down, giving him every inclination that she wants his cock in her mouth at any moment.

Thing is I am ok with that, it does not hurt, and I am not going to go crying about it, its the fundamental nature of the game, trp is about building your self, working out, being better at your life, which I 110% believe in, but at the same time its those first 3 seconds before a woman has even seen you (reacted to all that you have ever built) , that she has decided if she wants you in her or not. For some, even at their zenith, will still be blown off by women who are not getting the tingles.