
Donald Trump ripped People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff as “dishonest” for alleging he forcibly groped and kissed her in 2005. | AP Photo

Trump crowd calls for jailing People magazine writer

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Several Donald Trump supporters at a campaign rally here Friday called for the jailing of a woman who accused Donald Trump of sexual assault.

As Trump ripped People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff as “dishonest” for alleging he forcibly groped and kissed her in 2005, shouts of “lock her up” went up from several members of the crowd at the White Oak Amphitheater.

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The scattered calls echo the campaign’s mantra on Trump’s rival Hillary Clinton. The calls to lock Clinton up began as crowd chants, were picked up and stoked by Trump surrogates and eventually became official campaign policy, with the candidate explicitly calling for Clinton to be jailed several times this week.

Trump called Stoynoff “dishonest” for writing on Wednesday that he sexually assaulted her at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida while she reported on a story about his marriage.

"She is a liar. Check out her Facebook page, you'll understand," Trump said.

Trump also wondered aloud, as he did on Thursday, why Stoynoff had taken several years to come forward with her allegation, given that breaking the news of his sexual assault would have been a big story that could have helped her career, according to Trump.