@peta I love and support your work and I implore you to please take this down and apologize for it. This joke is highly insensitive.
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@peta Your work is too important for this. You need to cut association with that phrase and its true meaning as quickly as possible. - その他の返信を表示
@peta I say this with compassion for animals above all else, because the longer this stays up the more you'll have to answer for. - その他の返信を表示
@gayonabudget PETA takes both issues seriously but the sensationalism of this election has rendered many other important issues invisible. - その他の返信を表示
@gayonabudget As an animal rights org, we have an obligation to draw attention to the fact that cats are dying on the street & in shelters. -
@gayonabudget We took something hideous and made it into something good. Outrage is not enough, action is everything. - その他の返信を表示
@gayonabudget We hope this word twist will lead ppl to open their minds to the crisis facing animals & open their homes to cats in shelters. -
@peta And instead you've triggered victims of sexual assault and deterred even more people from listening to what you have to say. - その他の返信を表示
- さらに表示
@petait!!! Turn something negative into something positive!!! I have grabbed a lot of pussy's - 10 to be exact!!pic.twitter.com/UvbkqZk18c
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@breebrie73 YES! Thank you for choosing adoption!
@angieagri Thanks!
@peta Women have been sexually assaulted. Do you really want to hijack attention away from that, even to promote cat adoption? - その他の返信を表示
@MikeSchnier We took something hideous and made it into something good. Outrage is not enough, action is everything.
@peta brilliant ad...absolutely brilliantpic.twitter.com/zbKaNn5t2Y -
@kristeneroche Thank you!
@peta huh thought you guys were against pet ownership -
@sonicmeerkat Most of us at PETA have several cats & dogs. We encourage anyone with the love, means & time to adopt!http://www.peta.org/issues/companion-animal-issues/companion-animals-factsheets/whats-best-companion-animals/ …