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Topic by Varun

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    Its not an actual website; rather its a term invented to describe men who like to control women. You know, the old-school thinking ‘you need to control your women/family’.

    I watched a documentary on the 2004 murder in Anne Arundel County, Maryland where the wife murdered her husband because he was controlling her and her children and made the daughter pregnant.

    This got me thinking.

    The roots of misandry might be largely because of incidents like this. Its the mentality that victimizes women.

    Just because of a few sick men, the feminists get their food for lashing out on the entirety.

    I do not know what creates this mentality. Poverty maybe? Or maybe some of us get so fed up with women that we decide violence and intimidation is the only solution instead of silently walking away and not caring?

    What are your thoughts on this? Is there an effective way to combat this problem? I know it will be difficult to think about this.. but I think we really need some insights on this because its an important issue.

    Now I realize that I'm free and I realize that I'm me; And I found out that I'm not alone cause' there's plenty people like me; All outsiders like me; And all unashamed and all unafraid to live out what they supposed to be: Outsiders



    I do not know what creates this mentality. Poverty maybe? Or maybe some of us get so fed up with women that we decide violence and intimidation is the only solution instead of silently walking away and not caring?

    What are your thoughts on this? Is there an effective way to combat this problem? I know it will be difficult to think about this.. but I think we really need some insights on this because its an important issue

    When you think of misogyny, do you think about men hating women? As a sane, average, normal man I can’t comprehend what hating a woman looks like. I simply can’t. I can hate the ways she manipulates or lies or her duplicity, but I can’t hate a woman.

    No man can. The female characteristics are unpleasant – they are promoted to be such. But the need to mate, partner is designed over millions of years.

    When you hear about misogyny, it is mostly projection of women’s hate for one another. Again based on evolutionary principles of securing a man with resources having competition from another women trying to do same.

    The examples of violence toward women are seen and intentionally not explained in depth. Because men (immature, unable to control emotions) lash out violently to inner conflicts that women they are with antagonize them with. I don’t condone it. Far better to walk away and not associate with a person who brings out that negativity in you or someone (man or woman) who passive-aggressively breeds insecurity in you.

    Regarding misandry – feminists don’t need facts or evidence. If so domestic violence is a greater problem for men than it is for women. You won’t hear them speak about things. Some may call it cherry-picking but there is no equality or balance between the sexes.

    At best there is some harmony where deficits of one are supplanted by the other.

    Our societies (especially western ones) are far removed from dialogue. Emotional appeasement wins and victimhood in women (who for most part get there by mere poor choices and decisions) is a crutch for aging females.

    You control yourself. Idiots try to control others – man or woman.

    Freedom has a price



    Hey Varun, good to see you again.

    My thoughts are in tandem with this man:

    “Women are like elephants. I like to look at ’em, but I wouldn’t want to own one.” – W. C. Fields

    Is there an effective way to combat this problem?

    We don’t need to combat this – I’m gone brother.

    I could solve the the worlds problems.....*sips beer*.....if I cared.



    Your thoughts on

    Don’t have any. Why would any idiot want to be with a woman who does’ even WANT to be there? Tie her to the stove? Confine her to the kitchen? What the fuck FOR???? It would actually make her MORE of a nuissance than she is already!

    Occasionally we get a few of these morons who have come here to try and demonize MGTOW as the kind of men who “want women back in the kitchen” , but we educate them and throw them out — every fucking time. Plenty of examples in the LitterBox Forum.

    And how do they justify it?
    • “Women like to be told what to do”
    • “Women secretly want to be dominated”.
    • “Women like being controlled”.

    I don’t fucking care what women like / prefer / get off on. Until she bakes you a goddam lasagna, what idiot would? I have had women tell me to slap them because they get off on that shit and can’t have an orgasm unless he does, and I got the fuck out of there. Not giving her a SINGLE CHANCE to play “victim” in my presence.

    I KNOW women get off on all of it.
    And I would recommend every man denies her the satisfaction.

    So when these retards who “give women whatever they want” start shooting their yaps off, thats’ where we send them…. controlling-women-dot-com. They can start their own forums there, and knock themselves out.

    They don’t even understand women!!

    If you want a woman to stick around, you show her the door and tell her to GET OUT. She will refuse to leave. You want her to leave? Just tell her how beautiful she is and you can’t live without her. She’ll be planning her departure by the end of the week.

    Men who think women should be “controlled” don’t understand a fucking thing about it.

    If you try to push a man around enough.... eventually, *around* becomes *away*.
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