上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]Xalteox 4771ポイント4772ポイント  (147子コメント)

How did you get selected to be in the debate audience?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5908ポイント5909ポイント  (135子コメント)

Gallup does a random sampling of undecided voters in the area in which the debate is held. This time it was my home town and I was lucky enough to answer when they called.

[–]HelloImLee 4310ポイント4311ポイント  (219子コメント)

How do you feel about becoming famous overnight? Also, have any companies approached you to endorse their products?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6632ポイント6633ポイント  (216子コメント)

Several companies have approached me for endorsements. I have 2 rules for working with them.

1)It's a responsible company that I believe in and that I vet to the best of my ability. I will do my best not to associate with any companies that hurt the environment or their workers.

2) 10% of all money I receive must go to my local preferred homeless charity the Saint Patrick Center in Saint Louis, MO.

Same rules for paid appearances.

[–]i_teach 3689ポイント3690ポイント  (30子コメント)

That is incredibly kind of you to share your good fortune with those in need. Thank you.

[–]OracleofLife 3257ポイント3258ポイント  (47子コメント)

I love how you're using this moment for good. What does the St.Patrick center do for the homeless and why is this issue out of many the most important to you?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5108ポイント5109ポイント  (39子コメント)

St. Patrick center provides temporary housing, job training, drug counseling, and help with mental health issues.

There is a severe homelessness problem in this country. Most of us are one or two paychecks away from being homeless as well. We need to start seeing and intervening on their behalf.

[–]TheRavenMocker 5363ポイント5364ポイント  (122子コメント)

How do you feel about the memes made about you?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6296ポイント6297ポイント  (109子コメント)

As long as it's all in good fun I'm happy to laugh along with all of it.

[–]Bertulf 4994ポイント4995ポイント  (383子コメント)

What will you be going as for Halloween? I hear the sexy Ken Bone will be popular

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6946ポイント6947ポイント x2 (372子コメント)

I'm already the sexy Ken Bone so I'm thinking bust out the old Jedi robe / lightsaber combo and be Obi Wan Kenboni

[–][deleted] 3711ポイント3712ポイント  (74子コメント)

Are you looking forward to your impersonation on SNL?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5740ポイント5741ポイント  (47子コメント)

Between that and what South Park might turn me into I'm pumped.

I know Bobby Moynihan would crush the bit, but maybe go Leslie Jones for shock value or something? I don't know. I'll get with my writers.

[–]Khalizabeth 973ポイント974ポイント  (20子コメント)

I am dying for Bobby Moynihan to get a shot. He needs a new recurring character (not that I don't love what he is doing already).

[–]High_Praise 3861ポイント3862ポイント  (242子コメント)

What did Bill Clinton say to you after the debate?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5964ポイント5965ポイント  (199子コメント)

He talked to me about the peak of the coal industry in the 20s and how it has evolved with the nation's infrastructure over the years.

Then his security team reminded him that it was time to go yet again. I think his wife was waiting on him.

[–]zeutheir 3940ポイント3941ポイント  (148子コメント)

I like to think Bill went around to each questioner and gave the answer he imagined himself giving if he were in the debate. Excellent that he had something like that teed up to talk to you about. Did Trump or anyone from his team talk to you after?

[–]Almostatimelord 4347ポイント4348ポイント  (129子コメント)

What's the weirdest reaction from friends and family that you've had so far?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6210ポイント6211ポイント  (127子コメント)

My uncle called me today and seemed genuinely star struck as if we hadn't been drinking beer together the week before.

[–]cahaseler 5828ポイント5829ポイント  (140子コメント)


If you were president, what steps would your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?

[–]hitherekate 1869ポイント1870ポイント  (9子コメント)

Obviously reducing energy usage in the winter by providing everyone with stylish red cable knit sweaters, duh.

[–]AvuncularPederast 4409ポイント4410ポイント  (349子コメント)

Hey Ken, who are some of your favorite musicians?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6458ポイント6459ポイント x4 (342子コメント)

Radiohead is my all time favorite, nobody blends genres like Thom Yorke and the boys.

[–]THE_GREAT_SHAZBOT 2051ポイント2052ポイント  (126子コメント)

What has been the strangest thing someone tweeted at you in the wake of the debate?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3954ポイント3955ポイント  (125子コメント)

Too many weird, wild things to count. The most surreal was hearing back from @midnight which I love.

[–]ChrisHardwick 5188ポイント5189ポイント  (89子コメント)

WE LOVE YOU TOO, KENNETH. It actually delighted me to hear you read my tweet. Thank you for doing the show, encouraging people to vote and being an all-around good dude!

PS - Team Mystic

[–]dub1808 5618ポイント5619ポイント  (237子コメント)

Pizza rolls or pizza bagels?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 7523ポイント7524ポイント x3 (221子コメント)

Porque no los dos?

You don't fill out a sweater like this by doing pizza anything half way.

[–]ccvssd 3782ポイント3783ポイント  (26子コメント)

When a meme references another meme, the world shakes

[–]iheartpostcards 407ポイント408ポイント  (3子コメント)

We support this indecision like your sweater supports you.

[–]Goldenface15 5036ポイント5037ポイント  (153子コメント)

Hi Ken, big fan and just ordered your shirt.

How does it feel to be the leading presidential candidate around my apartment?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6131ポイント6132ポイント  (150子コメント)

I know I look old cause I'm fat and bald and dress like it's 1954, but I'm only 34 and ineligible to run!

There are over 2000, yes 2000 legally registered candidates. One of them must have something to offer. Get your voice out there for one of them.

[–]hosea0220 4757ポイント4758ポイント  (319子コメント)

How soon after the debate did you realize you were a meme? How did you find out?

[–]BloodChildKoga 5200ポイント5201ポイント  (236子コメント)

He sort of? answered this on his Jimmy Kimmel appearance I think, basically said he turned on his cell phone as soon as he was allowed and had a thousand+ messages lol

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5881ポイント5882ポイント  (94子コメント)

This guy gets it.

[–]2totwo 2601ポイント2602ポイント  (69子コメント)

Do you feel, Your Boneness, that since your notoriety, you've remained just about the same Bone as ever/

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3912ポイント3913ポイント  (62子コメント)

I think so, just a little rushed. It'll set in when life slows back to normal, but I'm trying my best to stay the same old me. I like me.

[–]milomidnight 1688ポイント1689ポイント  (25子コメント)

You're a nice guy, your reddit history shows you to be a nice guy.

If any of the other kids bully you irl; just come here and tell us, we'll sort em out.

[–]dicklemytick 2955ポイント2956ポイント  (135子コメント)

I could not imagine having so much attention drawn to me in only a few days

[–]ashkpa 1799ポイント1800ポイント  (98子コメント)

As a coal worker, how do you think environmental protection and energy production should be balanced?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3717ポイント3718ポイント  (89子コメント)

We need more clean plants like mine to be approved for construction. Older plants can't retrofit to be best in class environmentally because it would drive them out of business. That means we need newer ones manned by the displaced workers from those being retired.

[–]thats_BS_32 1179ポイント1180ポイント  (24子コメント)

Is the best part of this whole ordeal the karma from this post?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3365ポイント3366ポイント  (23子コメント)

Fake internet points are the best compensation. Except money. I likes money.

[–]LearningLifeAsIGo 4496ポイント4497ポイント  (296子コメント)

Would you say that you are leaning to vote one way or the other?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6188ポイント6189ポイント  (294子コメント)

Yes, definitely. Being undecided is not the same as being indecisive. We just have a lot to consider this election.

[–]themeatbridge 5687ポイント5688ポイント  (230子コメント)

This is a man who understands that no matter who he supports, the internet will turn on him.

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5904ポイント5905ポイント  (205子コメント)

It's a good thing I'm not running for office. I'm just trying to get you all to vote, you don't need to have another fat guy trying to convince you who to vote for.

[–]Morazan1823 2688ポイント2689ポイント  (132子コメント)

Ken, both your Twitter & Reddit handles end in the number 18...

Does the number 18 hold any personal significance to you?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 4585ポイント4586ポイント  (118子コメント)

On soft ball and hockey rec teams I wore 18 for the great 60s era Saint Louis Cardinal Mike Shannon. He's been the voice of the Cardinals basically my whole life.

Stan Gibson is for Stan Musial and Bob Gibson.

[–]Mattybindahizzy 257ポイント258ポイント  (15子コメント)

Ken, you seem like a happy person who has their life together. Any life advice for a young adult?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 761ポイント762ポイント  (14子コメント)

Be who you are. If people don't like who you are, they're not the right people to have in your life.

[–]keiferj0415 3145ポイント3146ポイント  (42子コメント)

Hey Ken! Huge fan :) Would you consider wearing a cardigan for your next public outing?

[–]RyanMcCourt 6210ポイント6211ポイント  (259子コメント)

Have you ever said "We ken bone" when your wife asks what you wanna do tonight?

[–]Timekpr 5857ポイント5858ポイント  (373子コメント)

Hi Ken, are you going take Snoop Dogg up on his generous offer to hotbox the bone zone?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6603ポイント6604ポイント  (367子コメント)

My power plant supports a robust drug testing policy, sorry Dogg. My dad on the other hand is all in.

[–]Carpentoid 722ポイント723ポイント  (12子コメント)

What was the process in order to actually ask the candidates your question? Did you sign a form, request using email yada yada yada.

[–]StanGibson18[S] 1100ポイント1101ポイント  (11子コメント)

Everyone on the stage wrote their own questions. We shared them with the moderators, then the mods got to as many as possible while maintaining the flow of the debate.

[–]theArnoldFans1 2060ポイント2061ポイント  (68子コメント)

Hi Mr. Bone, What sweater would win in a fight? There have been many famous sweaters worn by you, Cosby, Martha Stewart, Mr. Rogers (from the neighborhood). Who’s sweater would win in a fight? Also, “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” are very popular…might we see an awesome Mr. Bone exclusive Ugly Christmas sweater this year?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5854ポイント5855ポイント x2 (64子コメント)

Cosby Sweater drops roofies into Stewarts drink, Stewart Sweater shivs Cosby Sweater with a sharpened tooth brush as it slips into unconsciousness.

Fred Rogers OG sweater game wins by staying positive and not getting involved in the fight. Just like Ken Bone.

[–]zuken932 3896ポイント3897ポイント  (272子コメント)

Is a Hot Dog a sandwich?

[–]prg_error_202 1527ポイント1528ポイント  (104子コメント)

What does it feel like to all of a suddenly become an internet sensation. What does it tell you about today's society and our means of communication?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 4131ポイント4132ポイント  (98子コメント)

It's been unreal, both the good and the bad. Everybody has responded to the positive message with the exception of a few nuts.

Some of the stuff makes it tough to stay positive, but I try to spin it for the good.

For instance, I've had almost a quarter million new Twitter followers, and only 3 death threats. Great ratio!

Seriously though, thanks to my home town PD for making me feel safe when the creeps come out to play.

[–]hosea0220 5200ポイント5201ポイント  (539子コメント)

Who told you it was a good idea to use your real reddit username?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6341ポイント6342ポイント  (151子コメント)

It was a bad call. I need to fire my agent, except I can't because I'm my agent.

[–]DanLeBastard 4260ポイント4261ポイント  (68子コメント)

Not hiding behind throwaways to comment on porn subreddits, you are an inspiration to us all.

[–]Ewic13 1632ポイント1633ポイント  (12子コメント)

I never knew who the people who commented on porn subreddits were. Now I know, it's the undecided voters.

[–]HammahHead 5059ポイント5060ポイント  (32子コメント)

Posted in Mensfashionadvice

"In general I'd say go with a knit sweater over a solid color buttoned shirt paired with khakis. It's a classic fall/winter look that rarely goes completely out of style."

Mother Fucker walks what he talks. Legend!

Edit: Thanks to Mr. Bone i receive my first gold! Thank you stranger!

[–]cahaseler 2884ポイント2885ポイント  (229子コメント)

Even his porn comments are vanilla as hell.

[–]scottphris 4190ポイント4191ポイント  (166子コメント)

Beautiful human submarines.

Edit: Ken Bone I love you, I don't mean any harm with this comment :( I appreciate your sense of humor <3

[–]willflameboy 1305ポイント1306ポイント  (47子コメント)

Dude does Taekwondo and low-level counterfeiting. This guy's a G.

[–]wyratt14 2149ポイント2150ポイント  (25子コメント)

This is legitimately the best AMA I've ever seen. Who the fuck ever heard of a celebrity who watches preggo porn and counterfeits insurance documents in MS Paint. I fucking love this guy.

Edit: also this post got 1000 comments and 5000 up votes in 15 minutes. This is insane.

[–]therealwalrus99 2210ポイント2211ポイント  (251子コメント)

Hey Ken! Have you decided how you are casting your vote yet?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5058ポイント5059ポイント  (157子コメント)

I'm close, but I will not be announcing my decision. I want you to all make up your own minds. Don't rely on my opinion, just the positive message.

[–]NattyB 2622ポイント2623ポイント  (83子コメント)

Mr. Bone, we're big fans of yours over at /r/SWGalaxyofHeroes after seeing your tweet about the game. Two questions:

(1) Better mustache, Biggs Darklighter or Lando Calrissian?

(2) Which heroes do you use in the squad arena?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3293ポイント3294ポイント  (43子コメント)

1) Biggs for pure awesomeness, Lando for longevity. Get it, I'm undecided.

2) Phasma lead, Rey, 5s, Chewie, Lumi. Swapping Lumi out for Barriss after I can farm her, but it might be a while. I'm a little busy.

[–]HoldenMacaque 1489ポイント1490ポイント  (46子コメント)

Mr. Bone, do you feel both Hillary and/or trump answered your question adequately or were you dissatisfied in regards to energy? Thank you for doing this.

[–]StanGibson18[S] 3233ポイント3234ポイント  (45子コメント)

I wanted to hear more about environmental protection from Mr. Trump, and more about jobs from Secretary Clinton.

They both did alright, but all answers from politicians are pretty much canned and rehearsed. Kinda like the ones I do on the radio.

[–]o13Dennison13o 3894ポイント3895ポイント  (101子コメント)

Ken, I go to school roughly 20 minutes from where you live. I have a birthday coming up near the end of October. Will you come party and hang with us for my birthday?

Edit: October 27th, probably the following weekend at SIUE. Plz let me ride Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.

[–]StanGibson18[S] 5072ポイント5073ポイント  (43子コメント)

I'm gonna be swamped with election stuff but PM me something and I'll get you a birthday greeting.

Here's hoping I don't forget and look like an asshole.

[–]Lspins89 2708ポイント2709ポイント  (19子コメント)

The day anybody thinks Ken Bone is an asshole is the day we really are in trouble

[–]PaladinDeadpool 892ポイント893ポイント  (9子コメント)

Only if you advertise your party as the "Bone Zone Bonanza"

[–]darabfox 364ポイント365ポイント  (35子コメント)

What do you think of Obama?

[–]burgeoning_philosoph 1239ポイント1240ポイント  (34子コメント)

I am a pretty conservative guy (in fiscal policy anyway, do what you want with your own body), but I like Obama. You don't have to agree politically work someone to acknowledge that they seem like a good dude, right? [Cue hate from ultra right wing friends and family]


[–]ayyy__1mao 1164ポイント1165ポイント  (20子コメント)

I feel like this comment perfectly sums up why we needed Ken Bone. Everyone is so exhausted from all the hostility, hyperbole, and factionalism this election has unleashed. We thought we were getting a meme and ended up getting a refreshing reminder that there are still chill people in this country.

[–]Throwaway_6959 1484ポイント1485ポイント  (17子コメント)

Ken, You got me unmatched on tinder today. Did Bill try to make you wingman for him after the debate?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 987ポイント988ポイント  (7子コメント)

Sorry bro. Wish I could help with the ladies but I already got mine. Good luck getting yours.

[–]TheJoeJonas 6076ポイント6077ポイント  (365子コメント)

Hi Ken. Long time fan here. Do you have plans to run as an Independent in the next Presidential election?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 6375ポイント6376ポイント  (299子コメント)

I don't even go to HOA meetings, but if I really thought I could effect positive change I'd consider it.

[–]bka600 4594ポイント4595ポイント  (89子コメント)

Goddamn, he even used "effect" as a verb correctly.

Edit: For those of you who are confused, here's a quick summary. 95% of the time affect is a verb and effect is a noun, but they can both be used as either part of speech in rarer cases. Let's say that I say something mean to you. It will affect (verb - change) your feelings, but it will effect (verb - cause) a change in your mood. The effect (noun - result) will be that you have a negative affect (noun - feeling) for the rest of the day.

[–]barbieslittlesister 522ポイント523ポイント  (42子コメント)

Hey Ken,

Can't wait to be you for Halloween.

You're obviously really passionate about serving the homeless community. Is there any background as to why that is your charity of choice?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 2581ポイント2582ポイント  (41子コメント)

I saw a man with no teeth and no shoes standing on a corner in my new hometown when I moved there 3 years ago as I'm driving the moving van. Here I am bringing all my stuff to a bigger, better house, thinking what hot shit I am for affording the place.

Then I see him and realize that he has literally nothing but the sign in his hand. People driving by him giving him no more mind than a street sign or a shrub. I drove on by, reasoning that I was too busy to stop and help him out, it was moving day. Somebody else will give him a couple bucks. I never saw him again.

Is he OK? Did he move on out of town? Turn his life around? Die in a gutter OD'd on heroin? I'll never know cause I didn't give him the time of day. I was too busy pretending I had arrived.

These are people who deserve love and happiness as much as me or anyone. But that day to me he was a shrub. Never again.

[–]Krispy1337 1319ポイント1320ポイント  (21子コメント)

Have you ever though about making a gofundme or kickstarter to replace your olive suit?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 2613ポイント2614ポイント  (17子コメント)

Somebody set one up on my behalf, but Jimmy Kimmel is buying me a new one since I did his show. I guess if go fund me sends me that money it'll go to the charity.

You'll see me wearing it on his show next week.

[–]caeasw 349ポイント350ポイント  (17子コメント)

Would you be disappointed if I wrote your name in on the ballot come Election Day?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 932ポイント933ポイント  (16子コメント)

It's flattering, but please don't. I cannot serve since I'm not old enough.

[–]rutterkin 5987ポイント5988ポイント  (101子コメント)

Is it true that you start every meal by saying "Bone Appetit?"

[–]Future_Mrs_Nic_Cage 2514ポイント2515ポイント  (28子コメント)

Ken Bone, I painted you. Also, what's your favorite Halloween candy? Ken Bone Painting

[–]StanGibson18[S] 1609ポイント1610ポイント  (15子コメント)

I love it. It's not fair to have a painting be so much more attractive than the real me!

[–]ElectricEnigma 308ポイント309ポイント  (3子コメント)

What are your feelings on this thread?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 430ポイント431ポイント  (2子コメント)

So glorious I cannot look away even as the beauty pains my eyes.

[–]theKaufMan 278ポイント279ポイント  (19子コメント)

What's the weirdest thing that has happened to you this week?

[–]StanGibson18[S] 1301ポイント1302ポイント  (9子コメント)

I had this weird hallucination where all the sudden everyone gave a shit what I had to say. Bizarre.

[–]Here_Comes_The_King 7491ポイント7492ポイント x4 (883子コメント)

KBone !! When you coming thru tha doggy den 4 a little chit chat ?? I got something special at tha crib for u !

[–]StanGibson18[S] 7073ポイント7074ポイント  (514子コメント)

I'm in LA late next week, maybe we can hook up. Big fan here. My dad wants to roll wit da Dogg big time, you me and him could do some tight stuff.

That didn't sound cool at all, did it?

[–]enigk 5423ポイント5424ポイント x2 (51子コメント)

We need a tv show Give A Dogg A Bone where you and snoop are detectives. His old partner (one day from retirement) is gunned down and you're his new partner. It's like a photonegative Miami vice.

[–]tylerjehills 5138ポイント5139ポイント  (115子コメント)

This interaction is everything I never knew I wanted out of life

[–]omarciddo 5226ポイント5227ポイント  (80子コメント)

Wait, is that really Snoop?

EDIT: Holy balls my life is complete.

EDIT 2: My first gold! A bit surprised that it was this comment but thank you!

[–]svenhoek86 6065ポイント6066ポイント  (79子コメント)

People say this election has been a disaster, but Snoop Dogg just replied in a Ken Bone AMA to ask him to come smoke at his house. All because of this election.

How is that not an unqualified success?

[–]TheGonadWarrior 2215ポイント2216ポイント  (96子コメント)

I'm witnessing history

[–]aeisenst 1149ポイント1150ポイント  (63子コメント)

It's weird seeing a post where you immediately know it's going to the best of reddit.