I don't like Christianity, but if there is one thing that I think it has over Buddhism, is that Christians are willing to see Islam as the enemy. An evil enemy that must be deus vulted. Crusaded against.
I'll go as far as to say thank God for the Crusades!
But Buddhists, especially the cucks on R/Buddhism, and the young guys at my temple, refuse to share that view. They refuse to see that Islam is an evil religion, even with the Quran and the Hadiths available to read, and with the fact that Islam is the reason why Buddhism died in Central Asia and in India.
They are more willing to see that Christianity is the bigger bad guy, especially for supposedly being more close-minded so to speak.
I kind of don't think they've actually read the Quran, and I need to review and go over the book again, so I can catch people on their bullshit if they claim to have read it the next thing this comes up again.
But at least Christianity had a Reformation, which goes beyond just a simple Protestant and Catholic split, which some are willing to complacently stay at in terms of knowledge level. Islam has not.
Save for say in Ireland, Protestants and Catholics and others are willing to be civil if not friendly with each other, while in Islam people kill each other for sectarian differences, with the Shia-Sunni dispute being an example.
And in the Quran, Muslims are commanded to either convert kaffirs to Islam or kill them, with Jews and Christians being given a third option of paying an extortion fee every once in a while, called a jizya tax, in humiliation.
The worst that Christians in this day and age have ever done is merely polemics in varying degrees of hostility to other religions. Muslims will try to get non-Muslim holidays and religious events shut down, have halal options to the point of it being the only option on school menus, go on Sharia patrols to harass anyone not conforming to their Islamic ideals of society whether they're Muslim or not, complain like little bitches when stuff like drawings of Muhammad happen, forcibly convert people, have laws changed, etc.
When Christians are willing to see Islam as the threat, not necessarily for reasons that I agree with exactly, while Buddhists are much more reticent to do so, to the point of refusing to see a problem, it makes me wonder whether I should convert back honestly, because of the DEVS VVLT.
Buddhism may be a religion beyond good and evil, but good and evil still exist within the human realm. There has got to be set standards of right and wrong even. Relativism can only go so far.
I kind of worry about the fellow Buddhists, so to speak, on Reddit, and especially my immediate peers at my temple.
DEVS VVLT > "Compassion" & "Understanding"