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MEGATHREAD:WikiLeaks Podesta Emails--Part 6HIGH ENERGY (
dgiordano518 が /r/The_Donald に 投稿
Russ Feingold says Hillary might issue executive order on guns♥2nd AMENDMENT♥ (
NimbleCanuck が /r/The_Donald に 投稿
Woman makes vague/dubious claim Trump groped her 30 years ago 1 month before election: DOMINATES the news. ......HRC faces 100s of factual documents showing perjurious, fraudulent, and criminal acts that are beyond doubt. MINIMAL TO NO MEDIA COVERAGE. (self.The_Donald)
a_superior_man が /r/The_Donald に 投稿
Rasmussen poll on Drudge: Trump retakes the leadNSFCucks (
mivvan が /r/The_Donald に 投稿