Trump Supporters Want To Take Away Women's Right To Vote

Given the way he's spoken about women throughout his campaign and his entire career, it's no surprise the female demographic is generally not in favor of Donald Trump.

On Tuesday, data scientist Nate Silver tweeted a map of what the election would look like if only women voted and what it would look like if only men voted.
As you can see, the Trump camp is overwhelmingly male — which gave them an idea. What if women aren't allowed to vote?

Someone replied to Silver with the hashtag #RepealThe19th, referring to the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, The Los Angeles Times reports.
What followed was an absurd string of sexist tweets.
This doesn't seem to be a joke. Trump supporters were using the hashtag long before Silver's maps were even shared to argue that women are unfit voters.
Just when we thought the Trump camp had reached peaked misogyny, they've managed to surprise us again.

On the bright side, Trump opponents have hijacked the hashtag to voice their disapproval and even got a few good jokes out of it.

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