I'm as happy as anyone else that Donald is getting the beatdown. I check the 538 polls pretty frequently and am happy to see the trend. When I see the "How the forecast has changed" section though, I'm reminded of where we've been. At the start of August we were neck and neck, then just two short weeks later the odds looked strikingly similar to the way they do now. But then two more weeks later, near the end of september the race had become much tighter again. I fully expect that in the two weeks running up to the election for the polls to once again get tighter. I don't expect Trump to ever take over at this point, but just because things look good now doesn't mean we can call this a done deal. According to the polls-plus forcast on 538, trump has a 17.8% chance of winning right now. That means if we ran this election 5 times, he'd probly win once. That is too great of a risk, too high of a number.
So remember, when it comes time to vote, VOTE! Take your friends, take anyone you think might not care enough to vote or who might just be lazy or forgetful. We have to follow through. Even a 1/5 Trump victory is unacceptable. Never give up, never surrender.
[–]Jugulator_Zero 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]DANIcandii 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)