Do you agree that people should pamper their girlfriends during their periods, & buy menstrual products, chocolate, & pain relief for them?

I used to view men's compensation for menstruation as paying for dates but apparently they don't want to do that anymore.

I still think women deserve compensation somehow. I think men (or women who are girlfriends with women) should generally pamper their girlfriends during their periods.

The ideal:

- Buy chocolate (or other snacks, whatever she likes) for her

- Purchase/offer pain relief & do what he can to help relieve pain, perhaps by giving massages.
This helps the 2 bond & come closer together.

- Buy menstrual hygiene products for her.

- Maybe - if you want to & if she wants to - have sex & focus on her (perhaps she can bathe herself first, then stick a tampon in, & you can give her oral). Orgasm helps relieve menstrual pain.

- Sometimes women prefer to be alone during menstruation, so if she prefers that, you should abide. Overall just ask what she wants; different women are different, these are just my suggestions.

EXTRA NOTE: The same should be true if a man gets sick!! The woman should pamper her man, too!! It's just in good taste to help your partner who isn't feeling well.

EXTRA EXTRA NOTE: Menstruation is still no excuse for being abusive.

  • yes, a person should do everything possible to help their menstruating girlfriend
    Vote A
  • kinda
    Vote B
  • it's optional
    Vote C
  • it's not necessary
    Vote D
  • he or she shouldn't do it
    Vote E
  • other
    Vote F
And you are? I'm a GirlI'm a Guy


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What Guys Said 26

  • I voted A, though "women deserve compensation" sounds really funny to me. I'm happy to do that stuff simply because I love her and hate to see her suffer, not because it's like a court order or something. My gal likes wine and for me to massage her where she's cramping. No problem!

    If you send him to the store, be sure he knows what to get. The feminine hygiene aisle is a pretty intimidating place when you have no clue! We know literally nothing about different styles of applicators or sizes.

  • I never did any of that and I never dated anyone so weak they would use period as an excuse to get "pampered".

  • No, I do not agree with it. Ideally the boyfriend does things for her, but it shouldn't be an expectation of hers.

  • Taking this directly from my opinion on your last question-

    Men owe women NOTHING
    Women owe men NOTHING

    What you're suggesting would be a nice gesture, but not an obligation.
    What do you do to warrant being spoiled like that?

  • Don't get me wrong, if my girlfriend was on her period I'd spoil the fuck out of her, out of love, but what do you mean by compensation?

    Compensation for what? 😂

  • Well, I'm not actually going to use her ability to menstruate so I am under no obligation to "compensate".

    However, I would comfort her as much as I could simply because she would be my partner. No period sex though.

  • I don't know about that oral part, id rather not have blood in my mouth, id probably puke.

    It really depends the girl, some girls have periods where it isn't noticeable and some have really bad ones that make them moody and have cramps. I wouldn't mind buying things for her in that case but I wouldn't want her to EXPECT me to buy them for her, I don't want her to demand those things. This isn't a compensation thing, it's a out of the kindness of my heart thing.

  • Lol Compensation? As if it's his fault? I'm with you on taking care of your partner when they don't feel well. It's not required nor should it be, it's just a decent thing to do. But calling it compensation is absurd. It's nature. We get the short end of the stick in some aspects, and so did you. No one owes anyone anything because of it.

    If you think of it as compensation, any guy who normally would feel empathetic or wish to help is going to be immediately put off. Prepare for frequent disappointment. Your guy is not responsible for biology. That's your problem to deal with and rather than expecting him to, you should be absolutely thrilled and feel special if he does. Just like he should feel if you take care of him. You'll find he is much more willing and much more likely to do it if you treat it that way.

  • I believe that this should be agreed upon by both parties when they become serious.

  • Psshh for what. Leave her alone see her in a week or two.

    She got a job she can buy her self something.

    She a girlfriend not a wife. Or finance

  • It's make more sense then paying for stranger on dates, but it's still not necessary, also at this point most girls are kinda used to it, so no need to make such a big deal out of it.

  • yes, i totally agree to that. a man should do everyhting to help their menstruating girlfriend/wife to make them feel better

  • It appears that intercourse seems to help with menstrual cramps. I can give her massages for relieving menstrual cramps as well. Im not going to feed my girlfriend all sorts of high calorie foods every month, she's gonna get fat!

  • D. I would do this anyway, but I don't think that everyone should do it, and especially not as "compensation". That's their choice to make.

  • Give her oral? Are you crazy?

  • should hell no one is forced and what is this compensation thing is it some deal for u than compensate men too

    • 5h

      please hhhh no girl in this says will care, for her sick so hit the road man she has no use for u women are not trust worthy

  • shouldn't you always pamper your SO regardless of whatever?

  • "men's compensation for menstruation as paying for dates" Oh, so we have to pay for you because of biology. I don't mind helping, but I shouldn't be required to do so.

  • I would just take care of her, buy cranberry juice, help her get into and out of the shower, dial the phone for her, extra blankets, w/e she needs

    • 3h

      oh and if she gets blood on my sheets that's gonna be a spanking

  • I might get her a box of tampons if she's in a bad spot, but otherwise it's a good time for a fishing trip.

  • absolutely not.

    • 3h

      Why not?

    • Show All
    • 51min

      Because she's not feeling well? A decent girlfriend would do the same for you if you're not feeling well.

    • 36min

      sorry. im not kissing your ass because of a period.. if you have a flu or something, then i can see it.. but women play up their periods so much to try to gain attention

  • I'd say it's optional, but I definetly would

  • no, eww get a way. Historically this is a woman's unclean time; so I don't want to get dirty

  • Honestly... I think I should get the reward for having to put up with her being moody once a month every month.

    • 4h

      That reward could be not having to bleed every month. Excuse us if we're a bit pissy, we're literally bleeding uncontrollable and having our insides ripped to shreds

  • I pampered a girl during a relationship, but I guess I was too nice because she broke up for "not feeling the chemistry."

    I can't say I've been super nice towards a woman I'm interested in ever since. Being nice and pampering a woman only makes her take advantage of me. It happens every time.

    • 5h

      Most women don't know what they want. They say they want a good man but leave him if he's being too nice while there's other women who is have alway dreamed of having a good man but are unsuccessful when it comes to dating. I hope you have the woman whi truly loves you and appreciates you.

    • Show All
    • 5h

      I appreciate the well wishes.

    • 5h

      You're welcome :)

  • Should women have to compensate guys for having higher libidos? Being sensitive in the balls?

    • 6h

      Higher libidos can be pleasurable. It means more orgasms for men (thru masturbation)

    • Show All
    • 4h

      Blue anon, I don't know who you are but you deserve a standing ovation for these remarkable words: "You're convinced that all males owe you something. News flash: no one owes you anything. If you're on your period, that's a biological issue. Ask God/science to compensate for you".

    • 4h

      @astrOnaut01 haha thanks :)

What Girls Said 11

  • Lmfao, if women deserved compensation for their periods, men deserve compensation for morning wood and random boners.

    You can't help biology and you shouldn't be compensated for that fact alone. How aboot we all just do nice things for our SO's because we like them, instead of coming up with silly, biological justifications?

  • Do you agree that people should pamper their girlfriends during their periods, & buy menstrual products, chocolate, & pain relief for them?
    C. it's optional

    If a guy wants to 'pamper' his girlfriend then let him do him. If a guy doesn't want to 'pamper' his girlfriend then let him do him.

  • I honestly don't think it's necessary. If he/she wants to do it than great, if not then that's fine too. But I do believe that they should be there for each other when the other is sick. Menstration is bound to happen and a woman should be able to talk care of herself.

  • my period is barely existent lol its only 3 days and its super light. The only problems are i get a little depressed and break out. So i voted it's not necessary.

  • My man stands far away and throws chocolates at me to calm me down when im having a bad one.

  • Well, as long as she has no such a painful cramps as me.. that I almost loose consciousness.. then it's unnecessary, or rather it depends on the guy's will. We can easily go to the shop on our period but off when it's not too bad.. then it would be nice for a guy to help us.

  • Sometimes mensturation gives me pain and if I'm in pain I might be a bit rude. Just let it slide and all is good.

  • Hell yeah 😒

  • i think they should be more understanding and sweet
    my ex used to buy me things to make me feel better

  • Men are not obligated to pamper their girlfriends when she's on her period but he could if he chooses to do so. Most women are just using their periods for a excuse to get men to shower then with gifts. If I have a boyfriend, I wouldn't care if he pampered me or not because I did fine without him and I could do fine with him. You can't always depend on a guy, you have to be independent.

    • 5h

      I would understand if the girl didn't have money to do all of these or if she's too weak.

    • 1h

      lmao i have never heard of a woman using their period as an excuse to shower them with gifts. ever.

  • If she wants that help. Some girls don't like to talk about their periods.
