
Trump Ally Roger Stone Claims to Be Colluding With Wikileaks to Torpedo Clinton’s Campaign

wikileaks_logo_4.28.11Trump ally Roger Stone confirmed that he was in communication with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange about the controlled release of hacked Clinton documents.

Speaking on Tuesday to the Southwest Broward Republican Organization, Stone was asked, “With regard to the October surprise, what would be your forecast on that given what Julian Assange has intimated he’s going to do?”

Stone replied, “Well, it could be any number of things. I actually have communicated with Assange. I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

The so-called “October surprise” refers to the potential release of leaked documents that could injure Clinton’s campaign, timed to inflict maximum damage going into the general election.

Assange has said he is opposed to a Clinton presidency, and claimed that Wikileaks had material on Clinton it was preparing to leak.

Shortly before the Democratic National Convention, Wikileaks released thousands of internal emails from DNC leadership.

[h/t Media Matters]

Sam Reisman (@thericeman) is a staff editor at Mediaite.

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