The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: Tenant Intimidation

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The Many Scandals of Donald Trump : tennant intimidationThe Many Scandals of Donald Trump: Tenant Intimidation   Where and when: New York City, 1982-1986The scoop: In 1981, Trump scooped up a building on Central Park South, reasoning that the existing structure was a dump, but the land it was on would be a great place for luxury condos. Trump’s problem was that the existing tenants were—understandably and predictably—unwilling to let go of their rent-controlled apartments on Central Park. Trump used every trick in the book to get them out. He tried to reverse exceptions the previous landlord had given to knock down walls, threatening eviction. Tenants said he cut off heat and hot water. Building management refused to make repairs; two tenants swore in court that mushrooms grew on their carpet from a leak. Perhaps Trump’s most outlandish move was to place newspaper ads offering to house homeless New Yorkers in empty units—since, as Trump wrote in The Art of the Deal, he didn’t intend to fill units with permanent residents anyway. City officials turned him down, saying the idea did not seem appropriate. Typically,

Trump also sued tenants for $150 million when they complained.The upshot: Trump gave in. He settled with tenants and agreed to monitoring. The building still stands today, and his son Eric owns a unit on the top floor.Read more: Trump himself, CNN Money, The Washington Post

Source: The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet – The Atlantic

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