
a guest Oct 10th, 2016 39 Never
  1. TerrificTom Hahaha
  3. [–]from TerrificTom sent 21 hours ago
  4. I love how you didn't respond cause you knew you were wrong. Even got on your other accourns to downvote me. How sad
  6. [–]to TerrificTom sent 20 hours ago
  7. Who are you and why should I care?
  9. [–]from TerrificTom sent 19 hours ago
  10. You tries to tell me the Pats traded Jones cause he smoked weed, but I smoked you in knowledge of the situation. Just wanted to reaffirm that for you.
  12. [–]to TerrificTom sent 18 hours ago
  13. Hahaha, oh shit, you're that guy who had no evidence of anything you said and then had a tantrum when I quoted something from Bob Kraft that directly contradicted you. It clearly burnt you so badly you're back two or three days later. That's hilarious.
  14. Perhaps you should try a topical application of an anaesthetic? A suppository would work.
  16. [–]from TerrificTom sent 17 hours ago
  17. Wow you are completely retarded. Not only was it yesterday, but you're comprehension skills are so fucked that you don't even know that what you posted directly contradicts what you said. You're a shitty Pats fan, and even worse sack of shit
  19. [–]to TerrificTom sent 17 hours ago
  20. You're sooooooooo fucking mad. I guess Bob Kraft is a bad fan too, since he clearly thinks you're full of shit :^)
  22. [–]from TerrificTom sent 17 hours ago
  23. Just admit you don't know shit. Been a lifelong Boston sports fan and you're so clearly an out of towner and a bandwagoner.
  25. [–]to TerrificTom sent 16 hours ago
  26. Your most persuasive source of expertise is "I'm from Boston"? Fucking lol.
  27. Bill Belichick isn't from Boston. I guess he knows less about the Patriots than you, too. :^)
  29. [–]from TerrificTom sent 16 hours ago
  30. And where are you from tough guy? Yeah Bill isn't from Boston but he is now. I live here and know more than some internet dweller like you.
  32. [–]to TerrificTom sent 16 hours ago
  33. Hahahaha. I can only assume that when you say you've lived in Boston "all your life", you mean 14 years. There's no way that you're a functional adult. I love how you think you're entitled to respect simply on the basis that your mother drunkenly shat you out within the general vicinity of Foxboro.
  35. [–]from TerrificTom sent 15 hours ago
  36. First off, you're a pussy. Won't tell me where you're at. Second, I was born in Dorchester in the 70s to immigrant parents, so go fuck yourself. We're living the American dream while you're on a track to be the dumbest fuck in the country.
  38. [–]to TerrificTom sent 15 hours ago
  39. I don't give a flying fuck about your life story. You might be the son of JFK and the Boston whore who gave him herpes for all I know. You could literally have been born on the field right when the Patriots were playing, but it doesn't the nonsense you type out with your fat flailing dick-fingers any more correct.
  40. "Living the American dream"? What's that, working 8-hour shifts at a Ford factory while your obese wife pops pills and neglects your 1.5 retarded children in a white-picket fenced house owned more by the bank than by you, while you get drunk and yell at the TV about how things were better I'm the 1950s? :^)
  42. [–]from TerrificTom sent 14 hours ago
  43. Haha you're so misinformed. So stop avoiding the question, where is your great ass from?
  45. [–]to TerrificTom sent 14 hours ago
  46. where is your great ass from?
  47. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  48. I don't owe you any explanation at all. You messaged me, buttercup. I realise you're still chronically plagued with a sore rectum from whichever burn so inflamed you three days ago, but that's entirely your prerogative. The fact remains that if your only authority comes as a function of where you were born, you're probably a moron.
  50. [–]from TerrificTom sent 13 hours ago
  51. You owe other people an explanation when you go talking out your ass about the Patriots. There's a lot of fans like me who know what's going on and you make the rest of us, the organization and New England look bad.
  53. [–]to TerrificTom sent 13 hours ago
  54. Hahaha. "Other people" being the only mouth-breathing mongoloid who is crying three days later because Bob Kraft's quote was completely inconsistent with their unsourced, unsupported and completely illogical nonsense?
  55. "Plenty of fans" think your way, but you were voted into the negatives by /r/NFL? Cry me a river, dick-fingers.
  56. You're less accurate than a drunk Rohan Davey. I'd assume that you're Phil Simms but he's funnier and more articulate. If you were any more bitter I'd think you were Ron Borges, but you'd probably lose the punch-up with the crippled 70-year-old man.
  58. [–]from TerrificTom sent 13 hours ago
  59. Once again, it was one day ago. r/NFL did not downvote me. Enjoy being a bandwagoner. If I ever make my way out to Cali I'm sure we'll have a good time hanging out
  61. [–]to TerrificTom sent 13 hours ago
  62. Hahaha. No, you were magically downvoted by pixies. No wonder you're spazzing out about Kraft's quote proving you wrong, you're clearly completely divorced from reality. Facts clearly terrify you.
  63. I like how you randomly assume I'm from California. I'm not. But you know who is from California? Tom Brady. Go fuck yourself.
  65. [–]from TerrificTom sent 12 hours ago
  66. oh no he's retarded :)
  68. [–]to TerrificTom sent 12 hours ago
  69. That doesn't even make sense. Did you just call Brady retarded? I'll assume you've run out of functional synapses and assume you've seen the error of your ways.
  70. Good chat.
  72. [–]from TerrificTom sent 3 hours ago
  73. You try to act so smart but you're really just a fat, dumb loser. Reported and blocked. Sorry you lost bub.
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