@FrankLuntz #Trump will win in a landslide. What the MSM is missing is that it isn't about him. It's about the anti globalist movement!
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@FrankLuntz This being a trick-question also falsely implied that we have a current president. -
@FrankLuntz Technically Obama will be President 5 weeks from now. As for who will be elected to replace him...well THAT is the question. -
@FrankLuntz you suggest the popular answer is the wrong answer Frank. Run a poll on that. -
@wtalley@FrankLuntz nobody wants what HRC, media & political elites are peddling! in his vulgarity he is more honest
@FrankLuntz meaning I know you're a great pollster Frank, but come on, even YOU aren't skilled enough to predict 5 weeks from now. -
@FrankLuntz TRUMP!! Because we don't care what he said privately 11 years ago -we DO CARE what CROOKED HILLARY HAS DONE RECENTLY! -
@Oasis00000@FrankLuntz then you cant bring up the bill Clinton rapestuff cuz that was 20 years ago
@FrankLuntz I am a woman. I vote Trump!! Look at HRC record while in office. Not to mention BClinton roaming the Whitehouse again. -
@FrankLuntz Great now let's get past this and go to the real problems we have -
@FrankLuntz So run it again Frank. Still waiting for the Clinton Wiki Speech poll though -
@FrankLuntz that just proves that there are a lot of dumb people on Twitter. -
@FrankLuntz what is the point of your twitter polls? Your qualitative focus groups are insightful but junk instant polls? Why??? - さらに表示
@FrankLuntz Because it doesn't fit your left-wing liberal agenda? Sorry- People Power rules in this election!#TrumpPence2016 -
@denisavu@FrankLuntz No, because whoever wins on Nov. 8 won't be president until January. Obama will still be president in five weeks.
@FrankLuntz He's gonna win. Regardless of what the media shills out to stop him. Stay hating lmfao#FullSpeedAhead#NoBrakes#TrumpTrainpic.twitter.com/xq2IqIp9OC - さらに表示