It's gonna get ugly tonight. @BenjySarlin
@BenjySarlin trump is going to look so bad tonight-only a racist could love him -
@BenjySarlin it's over. Only question remaining is how it affects downballot -
@BenjySarlin@mmurraypolitics More Clintonbots spewing for HRC . Follow the money folks they are on full parade . HRC has NOTHING to run on -
@rebmobcabbage We aren't Clntonbots. We are cognitive people who have seen Trump for what he has always been. -
@cristal_deaton But are blind to the Clinton machine. Spare us from the corruption and lies you cognitive bots preach. - その他の返信を表示
@rebmobcabbage Sweetie, Trump is and has always been a conman. A hustler. He sees the American voter as a mark. Why can't you see that?
@BenjySarlin@emilyrs Trump is gonna bring up every single right wing fantasy at debate tonight. -
@BenjySarlin This shouldn't stopped anyone from GOTV. Never assume that the race is over. Until it is over and the last ballot counted. -
@BenjySarlin@jonfavs We should always say: it ain't over till the fat lady sings (but I leave the word fat to Trump) positivepollsfeelgood! -
@BenjySarlin@Timodc so you Are saying there's a chance?! /sarcasm -
@BenjySarlin There's no snap polling about how many likely voters have seen the@KFILE material on Donald Trump correct? -
@BenjySarlin@nealrogers they'd nevertell you otherwise. -
@BenjySarlin@jonfavs should really consider putting the kool-aid way, way, up on the shelf