Forgive the formatting, posting via mobile.
But yeah [this thread]( on /changemyview was removed 'cause OP wasn't engaging in good faith, was rather soapboxing - which is against the rules.
All butthurt he ran off to his buddies on /the_dickhead, posted the link in their top post of the moment - without even bothering to use the np domain - and yep, there are people crossing that bridge.
I spotted two before coming over to post, and what with being on mobile and all if I went back to see how many more I could count... Anybody else up for a game of spot the brigaders?
Though I should note; this post is not some kind of call for a "counter-brigade" - observation only, please.
Also the comment scores are hidden for some hours yet to come, so can't tell how intemperate /T_Dumbos users are being with their vote brigading atm.
As for the OP himself and his cognitive biases, well, they're facepalm worthy in their own right...