全 3 件のコメント

[–]fossilfern 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I dont mind him but sometimes I feel he is up his own arse. And half that time I think he comes off as condescending.

[–]le_benis 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

He pissed me off with one specific comment about The Order 1886, but I think he's probably a pretty decent dude, seems honest and not too edgy really.

You just have to be careful using the word "objectively" because some people legitimately like things that might seem outright bad to you. Like black licorice. To me, it tastes like eating a bar of soap. But to other people, I dunno... but it tastes really good I guess.

It's the same with art. There are certain things that work better for certain people regardless of said thing not being objectively bigger and clearer or more defined or whatever.

The devs of 1886 said that they made a certain artistic choice, and just because it had a smaller number attached to it, Totale Biscolero declared it PR bullshit. And it most definitely was not. I don't even like the game, but I share the same preference and totally understand the devs' reasoning.

Just my perspective.

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