@deray oh man, the moment when he realizes he sounds like an idiot is priceless.
@deray Wait, so we have to apply these things equally to both sides? Shit, there goes the entire Republican argument.#NeverTrump -
@deray@carlquintanilla .uh,hum n na hum n na hum n na ..... -
@deray@carlquintanilla fuck Trump there's NO Defense for him -
@deray I can't believe you're actually talking about applying things equally -
@deray I yelled out loud at that. It was so good. -
@deray@carlquintanilla Play the whole clip. Stop this Bullshit you "objective" MSM. -
@CSDURR@deray@carlquintanilla we just watched the man get slaughtered. You want us to watch the corpse flail about too?
@deray he's a racist, backward twit -
Rudy's head I saw sparks coming out of his ears
@deray@Hectorisfunnypic.twitter.com/cDfzr9lfKq -
@deray@supership79 Gotta love watching the cognitive dissonance hit them head-on like a runaway train. -
@deray haha! Joker -
@deray Giuliani is a fucking clown -
@deray that stumble at the end is a thing of beauty. -
@deray when doesn't this idiot get got?? -
@deray@carlquintanilla Selling influence while Sec. of State is as crooked as it gets, even treasonous. Talking dirty in private means zero -
@deray They use actual logic and this mans brain short circuits. 2016 everyone. -
@deray That moment made my day, already.