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Guy SCAMMING owners of lost pets in Vancouver area

by 1h

This guy messaged me with no info then left me hanging until the next day. I had a sleepless night.

I found out his name from his voicemail. he wouldn't pick up the phone. Said he had no minutes.

Conveniently he couldnt send pictures or make out the tattoo on the cats ear.

I offered him several options for helping me verify whether this was my cat including asking him for the vet's info so that he brought the cat to. Taking pictures with his webcam since his phone doesn't have a camera (YA RIGHT). He dodged everything. I have NO CLUE what his endgame was. How did he expect to get money without the cat? I posted this because grieving your lost pet is a vulnerable time. You grasp at hope wherever you can. I want people to see this so it doesn't happen to them, and if it does they will know right away that this man does not have their pet.

Not sure if its related at all but found my lost cat posters ripped down all around my neighbourhood Not sure if its related at all but found my lost cat posters ripped down all around my neighbourhood

Not sure if its related at all but found my lost cat posters ripped down all around my neighbourhood

Dexter Dexter




This is the kind of dude he is.

This is the kind of dude he is.


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