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3. The larger trend of corporate immorality and the increasing commodification and marketing of things that should not be commodified or marketed (such as social justice movements like the Starbucks 'race together' or Gay Pride).
4. Mocking the general hypocrisy and irrationality of Late Capitalism as it accelerates the process of digging its own grave.
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[–]worldnews_is_shit 3 points4 points5 points  (25 children)
This is why the streets in Havana are so soothing to the eye: not a single ad anywhere.
Soothing for you as a tourist, but for every Cuban it is just sad that even in the capital of the country the vast majority of the buildings are falling apart.
Take this for example:
This is just a few streets away from the "Habana Libre" hotel. The deteriorated post-war look that plagues the entire island is due to a systemic corrupt and bureaucratic monopoly of construction materials sold by the government at exorbitant prices.
not a single ad anywhere.
False, almost every corner is littered with "Communist" propaganda with faces of Fidel and his brother; the government spends thousands of dollars every year to put them even in the children classrooms and textbooks.
The following pictures are from a book used to teach Kindergarten children:
"Cuba yes, Americans no"
"Long Live Fidel!"
I fear this is going to change however, when the country starts to open up more.
Nothing is going to change, all the "new" incoming money goes straight to the pockets of the Castro family like always.
[–]MarxistOfQueensberry 12 points13 points14 points  (17 children)
Western imperialist propaganda? In my r/LateStageCapitalism?
[–]worldnews_is_shit comment score below threshold-10 points-9 points-8 points  (16 children)
Exactly, I know it is hard to swallow, but may I also recommend:
[–]MarxistOfQueensberry 1 point2 points3 points  (15 children)
Human Rights Watch? More like Business Rights Watch, am I right?
GTFO, liberal.
[–]MarxistOfQueensberry 2 points3 points4 points  (13 children)
I see you're using the "Appeal to fallacy" fallacy. Must have ran out of cogent arguments.
EDIT: I get it now, you're saying you're not a liberal but an outright authoritarian fascist.
[–]Julien_fucke_bouzzin 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
Youre the one who havent made a single argument.
[–]MarxistOfQueensberry -2 points-1 points0 points  (3 children)
Indeed, which is why it's so silly that they would accuse me of using a logical fallacy. I don't care to debate with trolls who refuse to learn.
[–]FapperzDelight 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
Well it looks like you've wasted everyone's time then.
[–]RamboManfist 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
that doesn't apply if your entire argument is a fallacy.
[–]MarxistOfQueensberry -5 points-4 points-3 points  (5 children)
They made the fallacious assumption that I care about what they think. I'm not going to engage in an debate class style argument with a troll who's going to move the goalpost whenever I give a reasonable counter example.
[–]RamboManfist 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
this entire reply is you moving the goalposts.
[–]worldnews_is_shit -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
Must have ran out of cogent arguments.
Not at all, I can keep linking to reputable "liberal western imperialist anti-communist anti-stalin" propaganda if you want.
[–]Queermmunist[M] 3 points4 points5 points  (6 children)
Stop spreading misinformation about Cuba. I happen to have visited, you know. Your claims are absolutely false, and you are spreading anti-communist propaganda on a Marxist sub.
[–]worldnews_is_shit -3 points-2 points-1 points  (5 children)
If they are all false it should be really easy to debunk them in a single comment.
This is the third and no the last time I get a mod warning/ban for spreading "anti-communist" propaganda in a "Marxist" sub, without any rebuttal whatsoever. I'm sure it is not a coincidence.
[–]Aethelric 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
It's not a coincidence, you're right! No one cares to refute your bland "a country that's been under embargo for half a century is poor" argument.
[–]worldnews_is_shit -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
The embargo does not justify the hundreds of human right abuses carried out by the Cuban government.
Does the Cuban embargo justifies the thousands of homosexuals and "counter revolutionaries" that were tortured and abused by Castro's officials in labor camps? Nope.
Racism, sexism, and homophobia mingle with poverty and scarcity in Cuban society — to say nothing of the authoritarian state apparatus that governs in the name of the revolution. No one can seriously place all blame for Cuban society’s difficulties on the US blockade, but a turn to capitalism hardly presents a solution.
One leftist historian and intellectual explained his fears: “When the day comes that there is a US-funded business at every corner, when the day comes that consumerism surrounds us, I will not be able to recognize our revolution. And that day is coming.”
Others expressed similar trepidation. A prominent LGBT rights and anticapitalist organizer told me:
These changes are going to bring us towards the Trump brand of capitalism. Cuba has never been a worker’s state — it is a state-capitalist system, not a socialist one. The party is forcing us to swallow their vision of the future by leading the people to believe there are only three options: their way, US capitalism, or civil war. But we fear that their way and US capitalism will appear too similar.
[–]ComradeRedditor 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
The prison camps for homosexuals don't exist anymore. The Cuban government apologies for their actions, and those camps only existed for less than a decade.
And counter-revolutionaries were a very real problem. Have you never heard of the Bay of Pigs?
Here's my question to you: would you have preferred for Batista to have stayed in power instead of the Cuban Revolution taking place?
Things aren't great in Cuba, that's for sure. But things aren't great anywheres. And the embargo definitely didn't make it any easier for the Cuban people. Most countries collapse under an American embargo, but Cuba didn't. I think that should say something.
I think Fidel made a very good point when he said (something along the lines of): "They talk about the failures of socialism in Cuba, but where are the successes of capitalism in Bolivia, Ecuador, or Guatemala?"
[–]Aethelric 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Oh god I gave you the impression I care about Cuba. My mistake!
[–]worldnews_is_shit 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
My mistake!
Definitely, you should never use anecdotal evidence to refute anyone's arguments.

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